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Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: lincolne lincoln
This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Cicelie Lyncone or Lincolne, widow of Hingham, Norfolk. The will was written on 17 February 1592/3 and proved at the Archdeaconry of Norfolk Court sitting at Wymondham on 21 March 1594/5. [1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
The obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good, and the handwriting also very clear and legible. The will had a change of copy clerk halfway through, and the writing style was obviously different after the change. This is marked in the text below.
The name Lincolne / Lincon / Lyncon / Lincone / Lyncone was used interchangeably.
Persons mentioned:
- George Lyncon my sonne co-executor and co-residuary legatee
- Hughe Lincon my sonne co-executor and co-residuary legatee
- John Lyncone my sonne
- Robert Lyncon the sonne of John Lyncon
- Cicelie Lyncone the daughter of the said John Lyncone my sonne
- Robert Lyncon the sonne of William Lyncon my sonne
- Richard Lyncone the sonne of William Lyncon my sonne
- William Lyncone the sonne of Richard Lincone my sonne
- Tho: (Thomas) Lyncone the sonne of Richard Lincone my sonne
- Richard Lyncone the sonne of Richard Lincone my sonne
- Rose Lincolne the Daughter of Richard Lincolne my sonne
- Henrie Lincolne the sonne of Richard Lincolne my sonne
- John Lincone, the sonne of John Lincone my sonne
- Thom[a]s Lincone, the sonne of John Lincone my sonne
- Richard Lincone, the sonne of John Lincone my sonne
- Anne Lincone, the daughter of John Lincone my sonne
- Elizabeth Lincone, the daughter of John Lincone my sonne
- Cicely Lincone the daughter of Thom[a]s Lincone my sonne
- Anne Linconethe daughter of Thom[a]s Lincone my sonne
- Hugh Bome my Grandchild
- George Bome my Grandchilde
- Robert Lincone the sonne of Hugh Lincone my sonne
- Thomas Lincone my sonne supervisor of the will
- Will[ia]m Lincone witness
- Rob[e]rte Kay witness
- Stephen Taylor witness
In the name of God
the Seaventene daie of Februarie in the
yeare of our Lorde god one thousande Five
hundred Ninetie and second And in the
Five and thirtie yeare of the Reigne
of our Sovereigne Ladie Elizabethe
by the grace of god quene of England
Fraunce and Irelande defender of the
Faithe &c I Cicelie Lyncone of Hingham
in the countie of Norffs and w[i]th the dioces
of Norwiche widdowe beinge of good
and p[er]fecte remembraunce thanks be to god
therfore doe make this my presente testament
conteyninge hearin my Last will in fourme
Followinge Revokeinge and utterlie Disanullinge
all other Wills and testaments hertofore by
me made First I bequeath my soule
into thands of Almightie god my Creator
and maker and to Jesus Christ my
Saviour and Redeemer by whose
merritts deathe and passion I trust
to be saved and to the holie Ghost my
[page 2]
Comferter and consolator and my bodie
to be buried in the Church yarde of
Hingham afforesaid
Item I geve and
bequeathe to George Lyncon my sonne
my Pighell [2] called Cushions Pightell
conteyninge by estimac[i]on two akers be it
more or lesse lieinge and beinge in Hingham
afforesaid w[i]th all and singular thappurten[a]nc[e]s
to have and to houlde the same Pightell
w[i]th all and singular thappurten[a]nc[e]s to the
saied George the same George his heires or
Assignes shall paie or cause to be paied to
John Lyncon to his heires executours or assignes
Fortie shillings of good and Lawfull Englishe
money w[i]thin two yeares next after my deceasse
Item I geve and bequeathe to Hughe Lincon
my sonne my akre of Lande lieinge and beinge
in Hingham afforesaide in a feilde their called
Rookewood feild w[i]th all and singuler thappurten[a]nc[e]s
To have and to houlde the same acre of Lande
w[i]th all and singuler thappurten[a]nc[e]s to the said
Hughe my sonne to his heires & assignes for
ever uppon uppon this Condic[i]on Followeinge
namelie that he the same Hughe his heires or
Assignes shall paie or Cause to be paied to John
Lyncone my sonne to his heries executours or
Assignes Fortie Shillings of good and
Lawfull Englishe money w[i]thin two yeares
next after my deceasse
Item I geve and
bequeathe to Robert Lyncon the sonne of
[page 3]
John Lyncon five shillings of good Lawfull Englishe
money to be paied to him imediatelie after my
Item I geve and bequeathe to Cicelie
Lyncone the daughter of the said John Lyncone
my sonne likewise Five shillings of good and
Lawfull Englishe money to be paied to her
imediatelie after my deceasse
Item I bequeathe
to Robert Lyncon and to Richard Lyncone the
sonnes of William Lyncon my sonne to each of
them one ewe to be delivered to them imediatlie
after my decesse
Item I geve and bequeathe
to William Lyncone Tho: Lyncone and Richard
Lyncone the sonnes of Richard Lincone my sonne[3]
to ev[er]ie one of them twenty pence of Lawfull
English money to be paide to them w[i]thin one whole
yeare nexte after my Decease,
Ite[m] I give &
Bequeath to Rose Lincolne the Daughter of the
said Richard Lincolne my sonne one lambe &
one pewter Dish to be deliv[er]ed to hir Imediatly
after my Decease.
Ite[m] I give & bequeath to Henrie
Lincolne the sonne of the saide Richard Lincolne
my sonne twenty shillings of good & lawfull
English moneye to be paide to him w[i]thin twoe
whole yeares next after my Decease
Ite[m] I
give and bequethe to John Lincone, Thom[a]s
Lincone, Richard Lincone, Anne Lincone, & to
Elizabeth Lincone, the sonnes & Daughters of
John Lincone my sonne to ev[er]ie on the[m] twoe
shillings of Lawfull English money to be paide
to the[m] w[i]thin one whole yeare nexte after my
[page 4]
Decease. Ite[m] I give and bequeath to
Cicely Lincone & Anne Lincone the daughters
of the said Thom[a]s Lincone my sonne to
ev[er]ie one of the[m] one lambe & one pewter
Dish to be delivered to the[m] ymmediatly after
my decease,
Ite[m] I give and bequeth to
Hugh Bome my Grandchild twenty shillings
of good & lawfull English money to be
paide to him so soone as he shall accompish
the age of sixtene yeres;
Ite[m] I give
and bequesth to George Bome my
Grandchilde twenty shillings of good
& lawfull Inglish money to be paide
to him so sone as he shall accomplishe
the age of sixtene yeres;
Ite[m] I give
and bequethe to Robert Lincone the sonne
of the said Hugh Lincone my sonne
one lambe to be Deliv[er]ed to him ymediatly
after my Decease,
The residue of my
goods & chattell not before in this my p[re]sent
testament given nor bequethed I give
and bequeath to the said Hugh & George my
sonnes, equally to be Devided amonge the[m]
And I ordaine & make the same Hugh &
George my sonnes the Executors of
this my last will & testamente, they to
receive my debts & to pay my debts and
legacies & to see my bodye rev[er]ently laid
in grave, as my trust is in the[m]
Also I
ordaine & make Thomas Lincone my sonne
[page 5]
The sup[er]visor of this my last will & testamente
And I give unto him for his paines that he
shall take aboute the same twelve pence of
lawfull English money, In Wittnesse
whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale
the day & yeare abovesaid These beinge
wittnesses Will[ia]m Lincone Rob[e]rte Kay &
Stephen Taylor
Probate [abstracted from the Latin] granted at Wymondham xxi day March AD 1594
- ↑ Will of Cicelie Lyncone of Hingham, 1594 Archdeaconry Court of Norfolk, ANF will register Liber 31 (Hardey) folio 741 Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, Norfolk, England -Images on Family Search Film 167088 viewable at a Family History Centre. Transcribed February 2022
- ↑ letter t omitted from the word here, a pightell or pightle is a small piece of enclosed land, often by a hedge. Some authorities also indicate that a pightle tends to be associated with a house or messuage.
- ↑ At this point in the register, there is a change of handwriting and copying style
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