Location: [unknown]
This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Cicelie Shelton, widow of Bromehall (Broome Hall), Norfolk.
Cicelie started to draw up her will on 10 April 1610 and it was signed and published on 20 September 1610. Cicelie was buried at Broome on 13 March 1611/2 and her will was proved at the Consistory Court of Norwich on 28 March 1612. [1]
Transcription conventions used in this text:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
The image quality was acceptable, and the handwriting legible.
People mentioned in the will:
- Cicelie Shelton of Bromehall in the Cowntye of Norff weddowe Testatrix, widow of Ralph Shelton, her third husband.
- John Pickerell gent my sonne Testatrix's son from her second marriage to John Pickarell
- Mres Anne Pickerelll my daughter in Lawe wife of John Pickerell
- Pickerell grandchildren £10 each
- Barbara Pickerell a silver pot and £10
- John Pickerell
- Edwarde Pickerell
- Henrie Pickerell
- Thomas Pickerell
- Robert Pickerell
- Marye Cooke my daughter the wief of William Cooke gent.
- William Cooke gent.
- Cooke Grandchildren £10 each
- William
- Richard
- Christofer
- Marye
- Anne
- Awdrie
- Katherine
- my goddaughter Cicelie Shelton
- Sir Edward Blenerhassett knighte husband of Testatrix' daughter Suzanne Pickarell
- Blenerhassett grandchildren £10 each
- Ralphe
- John
- Edwarde
- Frannces
- Suzanna Blenerhassett £10, a silver pot and Testatrix' wedding ring from her first marriage to E Wood
- my brother Mr William Steward and his wife money for rings
- my neece Mres Anne Buxton ring
- Mris Mawde Calthorpe the wief of Christofer Calthorpe Esqr gilte pepper boxe
- Mris Elizabeth Hanshott the wief of [blank] Hanshott esqr drinking bowl
- Elizabeth Micklefeilde my sister a salt and a ring
- my neece mris Elizabeth Robinson money for a ring
- my neece Dorathie Micklefeild £10
- my neece mris Elizabeth Robinson money for ring
- my neece Dorathie Micklefeild £10 and bedding
- Mris Thomasine Croftes my daughter money for a ring
- Thomas Sare of Broome and to Elizabeth his wief money for rings
- William Robinson witness to will
- John Thorowgood witness to will
[folio 11 recto]
In the name of God Amen The
Tenth daie of the monethe of Aprill in the yeare of
the Raigne of our Sov[er]eigne Lorde Kinge James
of England France & Ireland the Eight and of
Scotland the three and fortithe And in the yeare of
our Lorde God one Thowsand sixe hundreth & Tenne,
I Cicelie Shelton of Bromehall in the Cowntye of
Norff weddowe, beinge of whole mynde and in good and
p[er]fectt remembrance (Lawded be God) Doe make, pub=
=lishe and declare this my Last will and Testament in
mann[er] and forme followinge First I bequeathe and
Commend my Sowle into the handes of Allmightie God
my maker & Jesus Christe my redemer & saviour,
and the holie Ghoste my Comforter and my bodye to the
earthe to be buryed in the p[ar]rishe Churche of Brome
aforesaide / or in suche other p[ar]ishe, wheare it
shall please Allmightie God to take me owt of the
[folio 11 verso]
present world Im[primis] I give and bequeathe to the poore
people of Broome twentie shillinges of Lawfull monye
of England to be destributed amongest them by the
appointment of my Executor /
It[e]m I give & bequeathe
unto John Pickerell gent my sonne sixe Cushions of
Tappestryeworke, twoo greate Cushions of Tappestry
worke with pomergranates, a Cupbard Clothe of
turkye worke, a longe Carpett of Tappestrie worke,
a square Carpett of greene clothe fower fether bedds
with the boulsters twoo payer of wollen blanckets
a paier of fustian blancketts a fustian bedd of
Downe sixe pliiowes, a Cov[er]lett of Tappesterye my
twoo bigger brasse potts, a greate Cowldron, a
paier of highe andrions w[i]th the fier pann & tongs,
a greate brasse pann, my heighe standinge Cuppe of
silver, all gilte w[i]th the Cover, twoo highe guilte potts,
and a dozen of spoones, with woodmen at thendes guilte,
It[e]m I give unto my saide sonne John Pickerell a playen
hoope ringe of golde / It[e]m I give and bequeathe unto
Marye Cooke my daughter the wief of Will[ia]m Cooke
gent., one gylte salte w[i]t[h] a cover , a guilt pott w[i]t[h] a
cover , sixe silver spoones with shorne endes, a litle
trencher salte guilte, a fether bedd a bolster, a paier
of woollen blancketts twoo pillowes, a Coverlett of
Tappestrie worke shee to take her choyse of the
twoo tappesterie Cov[er]letts of the seconde sorte, a
[folio 12 recto]
twille, too longe stooles covered with needle worke,
a longe Cushion of purple Damaske with golde
brannches twoo litle Cushions of needle worke,
a square Carpett of greene clothe, and a Cupbard
Clothe of the same greene, twoo brasse potts, shee
to take her Choyse of the three of the lesser sorte,
a brasse ketle, a skillett of pott brasse, one other
skillett and a Chaser.
It[e]m I give to the said Marye
Cooke my daughter one golde ringe w[i]t[h] a dyamonde
sett therin
It[e]m I give and bequeathe unto Mres
Anne Pickerelll my daughter in Lawe the wief of
my saide sonne John Pickerell gent, one gold ringe
with a ruwby sett therein /
It[e]m I give unto my goddau=
=ghter Cicelie Shelton my silver baster and Tenne
powndes of Lawfull money of England to bee
paid w[i]thin one yeare after my decease /
It[e]m I give
unto Barbara Pickerell my grandchilde, one of my
lowe silver potts / It[e]m I give unto the saide Barba=
=ra Pickerell, and unto John Pickerell, Edwarde
Pickerell, Henrie Pickerell, Thomas Pickerell, and
Robert Pickerell my grandchildren to everie of them
Tenne powdes of Lawfull money of England /
to be paid within one yeare next after my decease /
It[e]m I give unto the saide William Cooke gent my
sonne in Lawe Tenne Powndes to be paid unto him
within one yeare after my decease /
It[e]m I geve and
Bequeathe unto William, Richard, Christofer, Marye
[folio 12 verso]
Anne Awdrie and Katherine Cooke my grandechil=
dren unto everie of them the some of tenne powndes
of like money, to be paide unto them and everye of
them within one yeare next after my decease /
I geve and bequeathe unto sir Edward Blenerhassett
knighte sixe poundes thirtene shillings & fower pence
of Lawfull money of England, and unto Ralphe, John
Edwarde, Frannces and Suzanna Blen[er]hassett my
grandchildren to every of them tenne poundes of
like money to be paide within one yeare next after
my decease /
It[e]m I give unto the saide Suzanne
Blen[er]hassett the thirde of my lowe silver pottes
and unto Marye Cooke aforesaide my grandchilde
one other of my lowe silver potts./
It[e]m I give unto
the saide Suzanne Blenerhassett my marryage
ringe in whiche is written E & C Wood ./
It[e]m I give
to my brother Mr William Steward five powndes
and to his wief xls./ to make them ringe., And to
my neece Mres Anne Buxton a golde ringe like a
It[e]m I give unto Mris Mawde Calthorpe
the wief of Christofer Calthorpe Esqr my gilte
pepper boxe /
It[e]m I give to Mris Elizabeth Hanshott
the wief of [blank] Hanshott esqr my white drinck
=inge bowle. /
It[e]m I give and bequeathe unto Eliza=
beth Micklefeilde my sister my highe square salte
with a cover, and one gold ringe w[i]th a deathes hed
It[e]m I give to my neece mris Elizabeth Robinson
[folio 13 recto]
fortie shillinges to make her a ^gold ringe /
It[e]m I give to my
neece Dorathie Micklefeild Tenne powndes of
Lawfull monye of England to be paide to her
within one yeare after my decease / It[e]m I give to
the saide Dorathie a fetherbedd with a boulster, a
pillowe, a paier of blancketts, a Coverett, twoo
paier of sheets and a pillowe beere /
It[e]m I give
to Mris Thomasine Croftes my daughter fortie
shillinges to make her a ringe.
It[e]m I give to Mr
Thomas Sare of Broome and to Elizabeth his
wief to either of them twentie shillinges to make them
ringes /
It[e]m I give to my saide sonne Mr John Pickerell
and to my daughter Mris Marye Cooke All my
naperye Lynen and pewter to be equallie devyded
betweene them / The residue of all my goodes Chat=
=tells debtes and howsholdstuffe whatsoever not hereto=
=fore geven and bequeathed, my Legasies beinge paide
and funerall discharged I give and bequeathe to
my saide sonne John Pickerell, gent whome I doe
make ordayne and Constitute the sole Executor of this
my last will and Testament In wittnes whereof I
have to this my last will and Testament written in
three sheetes of paper sett my hands & seale in the
presence of sign[ed] Cicelie Shelton / sealed sub=
scribedd and acknowledged by the saide Cicelie Shelton
the xxth daie of September / 1610 / in the presence of
William Robinson and John Thorowgood
[folio 13 verso]
Probate [in Latin] This will was proved at Norwich before the venerable Master Rob[er]to Redmayne Doctor of Laws, the xxviij day of March AD / 1612 / Judgment given to the Executor named in the Will
- ↑ Will of Cicelie Shelton, 1612 Norwich Consistory Court wills, NCC will register Coker, folio 11. Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, Norfolk, England. Family Search film # 008076506 image 27 Accessed 25 September 2022
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