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Will of Cristofer Lacy, Grocer 1518

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Date: 1517 to 1518
Location: London, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Lacy Lowe
Profile manager: Ann Browning private message [send private message]
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Will of Christopher Lacy 1518[1]

This is a transcription of the register office copy of the will of Cristofer Lacy. Wrritten on the 23 April 1518 and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 20 May 1518

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

  • Cristofer Lacy citezen and Grocer of London testator
  • William Lacy late my sonne
  • Elizabeth my wyfe
  • John Agnes and Margaret my children
  • my brother Thomas Lacy
  • sir Edwarde Lacy my brother
  • my brother Richard Lacy
  • John Vyncent and to my sister Agnes his wife
  • Robert Lacy my serv[a]nt
  • John Lacy his brother brothe of Robert above
  • Hugh Lacy
  • Stephen Feltwell my serv[a]nt
  • Master Monony
  • myn[e] Aunt Thompson
  • Elynn my mayde
  • Anne Browne
  • Thomas Cheverell
  • Richard Fletcher
  • Thomas Lamesman and his wife'
  • John Wilford
  • Richard Estowe
  • mother Kayle
  • John Hasteler the younger
  • Agnes Hasteler
  • Elizabeth Hall
  • John Palmer Taillo[r]
  • John Walden
  • Thomas Ligh somtyme my fathers serv[a]nt
  • John Petyte Grocer and to his wife
  • John Hasteler haberdasher
  • John Wattes grocer and Richard Panell merchant Taillour overseers of will witnesses to will
  • Thomas Lameman cutler Thomas Cheverell haberdassher and Henry Standysshe scryvenor

In the name of god amen The xiijth Day of the month of Aprill
The yere of our lord god vjt vt and xviij I Cristofer Lacy citezen and Grocer of London hole of mynde and
in my p[er]fite remembrannce beinge thanked be almighty god make and declare this my present testament
and last wille in forme folowying that is to wit/ First I bequeth my soule unto god my maker and redemer
to his glorious mother of mercy our Lady saint mary the virgyn and to all the beings and my body to be
buried in the church yarde of saint Magnus the marter next London brigge where I am p[ar]isshen[er] beside the
body of William Lacy late my sonne./

Item I bequeth to the high awter of the said church for my tithes
and oblacions forgoten or negligently witholden in discharging of my soule iijs iiijd/ Also I will that all
and singular my goodes catalles and dettes whatsoev[er] they be, be equally devided unto thre partes wherof one
parte I bequeth to Elizabeth my wyfe/ And the seconde parte unto John Agnes and Margaret my children and
to the Infannte beinge in the woombe of the said Elizabeth my wyfe if any be/ And if it happen any of my said
children to dye or els they shall com[e] to lawfull age or mariage/ Then I will that the parte of hym or her soo
beinge ded shall remayn to the other of them beinge onlysoe And so to ev[er]y of them/ And the thirde parte to
myn[e] executours underwrityn for the p[er]fo[r]mance of this my lasyt wille and testament/ First of the said thyrde
parte I bequeth to my brother Thomas Lacy xls And I p[ar]don and forgeve unto the same Thomas xxjs which
he oweth me

Item I bequeth to sir Edwarde Lacy my brother my seconde worst gowne furred w[i]th black bogye

Item I bequeth to my brother Richard Lacy my blak gowne lyned w[i]th saint Thomas worsted[2] and my best p[ar]tlet[3]
of black velvet

Item I bequeth to John Vyncent and to my sister Agnes his wife a gowne of russet furred w[i]th
Blak bugge a doblett of blak sarcenet and in money xiijs iiijd/

Item I bequeth to Robert Lacy my serv[a]nt iijli
And I p[ar]don and forgeve to him one yere of his termes of apprentishede which iijli I will be delivered to
him at his comynge oute of his termes/

Item I bequeth to John Lacy his brother xxs to be deliv[er]ed unto him
by the discrecion of myn[e] executours/

Item I bequeth to Hugh Lacy a dagger w[i]th a gilte hafte/

Item I bequeth

[page 2]

To Stephen Feltwell my serv[a]nt a pece of Chamlet pure of xlviijs which was delivered to Master Monony serv[a]nt
and in money xs

Item I bequeth to myn[e] Aunt Thompson xiijs iiijd

Item I bequeth to Elynn my mayde xiijs iiijd

Item I bequeth to Anne Browne my worst jacket of tawny chamlet and in money xjs xiijd

Item I bequeth to
Thomas Cheverell my silver pece

Item I bequeth to Richard Fletcher my best jacket of Tawny chamlett/

Item I
Bequeth to Thomas Lamesman' xiijs iiijd xiijs and to his wife xjs xiijd

Item I bequeth to John Wilford in money xs

Item I bequeth to Richard Estowe my jaket of tawny worsted

Item I bequeth to mother Kayle iijs iiijd

I bequeth to John Hasteler the younger a doblet of tawny stannyn and a Jaket of tawny saint Thomas worsted

Item I bequeth to Agnes Hasteler a rynge of golde which myn[e] Aunt Tomson laide to pleage to me/

Item I will
that my Bowes and myn[e] Arrowes be devided amonges my Companyions at the disposition of my wyfe/

I bequeth to Elizabeth Hall xjs

Item I bequeth to John Palmer Taillo[r] a doblet of sarsenet sleved w[i]th russet

Item I bequeth to John Walden iij iiijsd

Item I bequeth to the p[ar]isshe church of halyfax a cuppe?
of the value of xls

Item to the awter of our Lady that an awter cloth both for above and beneth of Bruges
Satyn to the value of xxs

Item I bequeth to the chapell of Middysley a vestment of the price of xxs

I bequeth to the p[ar]isshe churche of Sprydlington a vestment of the price of xvjs viijd

Item I bequeth to
Thomas Ligh somtyme my faders serv[a]nt if he be lyving vjs viijd

Item I bequeth towardes the making of
the Almes in the same church iiih Torches that is to say to either of them two/

Item I bequeth to John Petyte
Grocer and to his wife to either of them a newe blak gowne of vs the yarde/

The residue of the said iijth
parte not bequethed after my dettes paide my buriall doon and this my present testament fulfilled I geve and
bequeth unto the said Elizabeth my wyfe which Elizabeth I make myn[e] executrix of this my present testame[n]t

And her coexecutour I make and constitute John Hasteler haberdasher/

Amd overseers of the same my testament
I ordeyn John Wattes grocer and Richard Panell merchant Taillour And I bequeth to every of the same John'
Hasteler John Wattes and Richard Panell for their labours in the promisses to be had xs and a newe blak
gowne of vs the yarde and to ev[er]y of their wyfe a newe blak gowne of the same price/

These witness
Thomas Lameman cutler Thomas Cheverell haberdassher and Henry Standysshe scryvenor


  1. https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D947851
  2. St Thomas worsted may be the type of weave of a woolen fabric
  3. item of clothing covering the shoulders, normally detachable and secured to the other clothing

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