Location: Hanslope, Buckinghamshire, England
Surname/tag: Stafford
This is a transcript of the will of Dame Jane Stafford of Hanslope, Buckinghamshire, England. Her will was dated 8 November 1591 and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 23 February 1591/2. Source: The National Archives (UK), PROB 11/79/170.
The transcript retains the original spelling, capitalisation and punctuation. Paragraph breaks and headings have been added to improve readability.
In the name of god amen the eighte daye of November Anno Domini a thousande fyve hundred nynetie one I Dame Jane Stafford of Hamslappe in the countie of Buckingham widowe beinge sicke in bodye but of good and perfect remembrannce thankes be unto Almightie god Do make and ordayne this my last will and Testament in manner and forme folowinge.
First I bequeathe my soule to Almightie god my maker and savioure and my bodie to be buried in the channcell of Hamslappe churche aforesaid. Allso I give to the mother churche of Lincolne fower pence. And to the repayringe of the churche of Hamslappe tenne shillinges. And I give and bequeathe to the poore people of Hamslappe and Castlethroppe fortie shillinges to be distributed amongst them at the Discrecon of myne executors.
Furthermore I will and bequeathe to my sonne Edward Stafford my best bed with the furniture and tenne poundes of money to be Delyvered to hym within three monethes after his retorne into England from beyond the seas.
Allso I will and bequeathe to my Daughter Mary Stowrtone my best velvet gowne nowe in the kepinge of Mrs Cranmore. Allso to Winifrede Stourton my crymson satten pettycoate nowe in the keepinge of Mistres Riche. Allso I will and bequeathe to Elizabeth Stowrton one silver Spone. And to William Stowrton her brother one other silver spoone.
And to Marce[?] Stafford my sonne Edwardes Daughter one other silver spone. Allso I will and bequeathe to Mary Stafford my Daughter in lawe my best cloake nowe in the kepinge of goodwife Lane dwellinge in Turnebull streate.
Allso I will and bequeathe to every of my godchildren in Hamslappe twelve pence a peece Allso my Will and bequest is that every of my servannts shall have theire wages trulye payed them whiche is Due unto them at the hower of my Deathe with suche further recompence as to my executors shalbe thoughte requisite.
The reste of my goodes and chattells aswell moveable as unmoveable here unbequeathed my debtes beinge paied and my Funeralls Discharged I give and bequeathe to my brother Nicholas Gorge and to Thomas Trafford whome I make my Executors of this my last will and testament. And further I do ordayne and appoynte my nephue John Wate esquire and my sonne Edward Stafford esquire and my sonne in lawe Edward Stowrton esquire to be my supravisors to see this my last will and testamente iustlie perfourmed. And for theire paynes to be taken herein I give and bequeathe to eache one of them a goulde ringe in the value of tenne shillinges
In witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hande and seale the daye and yere abovewritten in the presence of theise witnesses hereundernamed: Richard Troughton. Thomas Travells marke Henry Morgan John Dragott: Rowland Hill ser. Dame Jane Staffordes marke
Probatum fuit Testamentum Suprascriptum apud London coram venerabili viro Magro Farrand legum Dcore Surrogat venerabilis viri Magri Willmi Lewin legum etiam Doctoris ad exercend officum Magri Custodie siue Comissarij Curie prerogative Cantuarien ltme Deput vicesimo tertio die mensis Februarij Anno Domini iuxta cursum et computacoem ecclie Anglicane millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo primo Iuramento Nichai Gorge Armigeri et Thome Trafford executorum in hmoi testamento nominat. Quibris commissa fuit Administraco bonorum Iurium et creditorum dci Defuncti de bene et fideliter Administrand ad sancto Dei Evangelia Iurat./
[Translation: The above-written will was proved at London before the venerable Master Farrand, doctor of laws, surrogate of the venerable Master William Lewin, also doctor of laws, lawfully deputed to exercise the office of Master Custodian or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, on the 23rd day of February in the year of the lord according to the course and computation of the English Church 1591 by the oath of Nicholas Gorge esquire and Thomas Trafford, executors named in the will, to whom administration was granted of the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased, sworn to well and faithfully administer on the holy gospels.]
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