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Will of Daniel Brumley, Miller, Missouri

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Date: 1 Nov 2023 [unknown]
Location: Miller, Missouri, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Brumley
This page has been accessed 39 times.


Will of Daniel Brumley (abt.1775-1861) October 1861, Miller, Missouri - Appraisement Inventories, appraisements and sale bills in estates of deceased persons, October 1861, Miller, Missouri. [1]

State of Missouri County of Miller. James E McDonald, William Bilyue and William L Graves being appointed to appraise the personal Estate of Daniel Brumley deceased before entering their duties, make oath and day they are not interested, not of kin to any persons interested in said Estate to heir and that they will to the best of their ability, __ and appraise the personal estate to there perceived. William Bilyue JE McDonald William L Graves Sworn and subscribed before us this day of 26th day of October 1861. LW Albertson J.B.

Certificate of appraisement of the Estate of Daniel Brumley. 3 Pocketbooks .50 1 set of harnesses 5.00 1 bell 50 1 razor and strap .10 1 skillet and pot 1.00 1 1 heavy saddle 2.00 1 trunk .10 1 coffee box .25 1 saddle rider 3.00 1 black Stallion 45.00 1 tin bucket .50 2 bridles 1.25 1 mare colt 15.00 2 beds and bedding 4.50 1 wagon sheet .50 1 wagon 30.00 1 chopping axe .50 1 wooden bucket .10 Honorable SB Harley} JE McDonald William L Graves } Appraisers William Bilyue[1]

October 1861 Sale of bill of the Estate, Miller, Misouri Sale of bill of the Estate of Daniel Brumley deceased, on this day of the 26th of October 1861, by the administrators of said estate. John Brumley 1 tin Bucket .50 John Brumley 1 blanket .32 William Brumley 1 wooden bucket .10 1 saddle rider 4.25 John Brumley 1 coffee box .10 1 saddle 5.85 1 pot .51 A Wilson 1 set harness 4.40 1 skillet .45 J Shockley 1 wagon 41.00 1 axe .46 A Wilson 1 wagon sheet .85 1 bed 3.20 WC Brumley 1 mare colt 20.00 2 pillows .50 DW Smith 3 pocketbooks, razor and strap .25 1 quilt .50 A wilson 1 bell .20 LWallburger 1 1.00

AB Prock, Clerk State of Missouri County of Miller} to B Prock says that he is the clerk of the sale that was made by William C Brumley, administrator of the Estate of Daniel Brumley deceased and that this within is a true account of said sale here fore specified. A.B.Brock, Clerk Subscribed and sworn before on this date 26th of October 1861 Filed 9th November, 1861 Honerable SB Harley[1]

October 1861 Probate Records - Miller, Missouri. Bonds and letter of adminstrators, executioners, guardians and curators.

  • We William C Brumley as prinipl and HS Brockinnaw and John Brumley as securities acknowledged and non ledge counslors to __ said to be undecided to the state of ____ in the service of fines, liens and fifty dollars for the payment which will and truely to be made, we hereby ____ creditors, hiers, executor and administrators.

Given under our court and seal this day of 19th of September 1861. The credidation of this offer therefore is that of William C Brumley, administrator of the Estate of Daniel Brumley deceased shall faithfully administer said estate account for pay and delivery all moneys and property of said estate and profess all things ____ said according to law, [the next couple of sentences are so faded out can not read the words.] William C Brumley } Seal HS Burling } Seal John Brumley } Seal Filed this day of the 11th of October 1861 and appraised, received by the clerk this day of the 14th January, 1862. Honorable SB Harley [1]

October 1861 Bonds and letter of administrators, Miller, Missouri. Bonds and letter of administrators, executioners, guardians and curators. County of Miller} The state of Missouri to all persons to whom this presents, shall come. Know ye that whereas Daniel Brumley take of the County of Miller died intestate [or without a will] as said having at the time of his death property in this state which may be lost, destroyed or diminished in value of speedy case be not taken of the said, here and after. Therefore that said property may be collected and disposed of according to law, I do hereby appoint William C Brumley administrator of all singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which are of the saidDaniel Brumley at the time of his death with ___ had authority to secure and dispose of said property according to law and collect all moneys due to said deceased and in general to do and perform all other acts and things which agree or maybe here after be acquired of him by law. In testimony where of Honorable SB Harley, clerk of the court and for said county of Miller, _______ and affix the seal of said court this day 11th of October 1861. Clerk E.B. Harley [1]

Probate Bond February 1862 , Miller, Missouri. o 'William C Brumley letters of administration on the estate of thus H McCubbin deceased and said bond as such administrators in the amount of $2500.00 with __ Whitaker, John Brumley, John MCubbin, securities and inventory appraise bill and sale bill filed by such administrators were present, all by the courts approved. Said clerk also reports letters of administration granted to William C Brumley on the estate of Daniel Brumley deceased and bond taken in the sum of $450 dollars with HS Brockinnaw an John Brumley securities and like wise presented the inventory appraise bill and sale bill filed by said administrator all of which is by the court approval. February 1862

  • NOTE* $2500 being the value of Daniel’s Estate would be valued at $73,973.86.

November 1862 Page 481.[1]

Probate Court Records Vol A-B

William C Brumley administrator of the estate of Daniel Brumley died and presents his first accurate settlement form which it appears said administrator has received from all sources the sum of $160.00 and has paid $5.90 leaving a balance of $154.50 which is by the court approved.

Wednesday morning November 1862 page 512[1]

Missouri Probate Records, 1750-1998, Miller County. April 1865. pg 14.

[Abstract Vickie Miranda] Also WC Brumley admin of the Estate of Daniel Brumley du presents his 3rd annual settlement to writ. Amount due since last annual $14 Paid out per vouchers $.25 Balance due Estate $12.5[?] Which was by the court appearance.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Missouri Probate Records - Miller, Missouri. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L92Y-BZQK?i=92&wc=SHVK-MNL%3A1327233801%2C13280481&cc=2399107
  2. "Missouri Probate Records, 1750-1998," images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-99LM-3PGN?cc=2399107&wc=QZ9D-7F4%3A1327233801%2C1328000402 : 22 September 2014), Miller > Probates, 1865-1878, vol A-B > image 40 of 729; Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City.

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