Location: Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England

Surname/tag: Freeth
This is the last will and testament of me Daniel Freeth of the county of Nottingham.
First I give my daughter Mary Freeth the sum of twelve hundred pounds to be paid to her when she attains twenty two years of age and the further sum of three hundred pounds to be paid to her when she attains twenty five years of age.
I give my son Daniel Freeth eighteen hundred pounds to be paid to him when he attains twenty two years of age and the further sum of two hundred pounds when he attains twenty five years of age.
I give my son James Freeth fifteen hundred pounds to be paid to him when he attains twenty two years of age and the further sum of three hundred pounds to be paid to him when he attains twenty five years of age.
I give my son John Freeth fifteen hundred pounds to be paid to him when he attains twenty two years of age and the further sum of three hundred pounds to be paid to him when he attains twenty five years of age.
I give my daughter Elizabeth Freeth the sum of twelve hundred pounds to be paid to her when she attains twenty two years of age and the further sum of three hundred pounds to be paid to her when she attains twenty five years of age.
I give my son Samuel Freeth fifteen hundred pounds to be paid to him when he attains twenty two years of age and the further sum of three hundred pounds to be paid when he attains twenty five years of age and I so hereby subject and charge all my real and personal estates whatsoever and wheresoever with the payment of the same respective legacies accordingly and subject thereto.
I give and devise all and every my freehold and copyhold messuages burgages or tenaments cottages farm closes Lands rents tithes hereditaments and premises whatsoever situate standing lying and being in the town and county of the town of Nottingham and in the several counties of York Nottingham and Leicester or elsewhere in the kingdom of Great Britain with their and every of their rights [ ] and appurtenances unto my dear wife Margaret Freeth her heirs and assigns forever not doubting but she will dispose of the same to my children according to their merits.
I give my servant William Saugley five pounds and my apprentice Joseph Highsmith five pounds and as to for and concerning all my ready money and securities for money bonds notes bills and mortgages and all my estate and interest comprised in such mortgages stocks in trade book debts and other debts household goods and furniture silver plate linen and china and all other my goods cattle chattels personal estate and effects whatsoever or of what nature or kind so ever the same by subject to the payment of all my just debts the legacies of this my will given and bequeathed and my funeral expenses.
I do by this my will give and bequeath the same unto my said dear wife Margaret Freeth her executors administrators and assigns absolutely and forever and lastly I do hereby appoint my said wife Margaret Freeth sole executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
In witness whereof I the said Daniel Freeth the testator have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal the sixth day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and eighty two.
- Daniel Freeth
Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Daniel Freeth the testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in her presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto
- J Wakefield
- A Illingwirth
- J L Story
This will was proved at London the twelfth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two before the right worshipful Peter Calvert doctor of Laws Master [ ] or commissary of the prerogative court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by Margaret Freeth widow the relict of the deceased and sole executor named in the said will to whom admon is granted of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased she having [ ] made a solemn and sincere presentation on affidavit according to act of parliament by commission duly to administer
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