Location: Holt, Denbighshire, Wales
Surnames/tags: Speed Speede
This is a transcript of the will of David Speed of Holt, Denbighshire, Wales. The will was dated 19 March 1638/9.
March 19th 1638
I David Speed of Holt in the Countie of
Denbighe gent waighinge and considering
with my selfe the transitorie and
unstable condition of this p’sent life
and beinge willinge and desirous to
dispose of that estate where with the
Lord in much goodnesse hath blessed
mee in such manner and forme as I
iudge to bee meete and convenient,
that soe all suites and contentions
after my decease for or concerninge
the same may bee p’vented Doe
constitute and make this my last
will and Testament in manner and
forme followeinge, my soule I Doe
Comende into the hands of the Lord
who first breathed it into this my
mortall bodie expectinge salvation
as his free gifte to bee bestowed
uppon mee (unworthy sinner) in due kind
relieinge uppon noe other for remission of
[page 2]
sinnes but Jesus Christ the righteous in
whom I have beleeved And uppon whom
I doe depend as an all sufficient saviour,
And as this fraile bodie I leave the
same to bee interred att the discreason
of my Executors heereafter named
desireinge that same may bee comended
to the Earth from whence it came in
such a decent manner as is fitt the
Temple of the holy ghost to bee disposed
Of firmely exspectinge that the same
though shortly to bee resolved to dust …
againe bee united this soule of
mine and made ptaker of that eternall
glory which Christ the prince of our
Salvation hath purchased for us And
as for and concerninge all and singular
my goods chattells Creditts and whole
estate both psonall and reall my will
and minde is and I doe heerby declare
the same to bee, that they shalbee
disposed of in manner and forme
followeinge, First whereas I am possessed of
[page 3]
of a Certaine Tennemente in Kinnerton
heretofore the Lands of Mr Clegge
deceased for a Certaine number of
yeares unexpired and yett to come &
of twentie pounds p annu’ payeable
for the same by Charles Duckworthe
Clearke and Thomas Cowley gentleman
dureinge the time that they or either
of them shall occupie the same my
will and minde is and I doe hereby
declare the same to bee that the
Issues and pfitts of the same Tenemente
as the same shall from time to time
acrewe and growe; due and payeable
shall bee equally distributed by my
Executors amonge my three children
Hester Speede, William Speede and
Thomas Speede and in Case any of them
happen to die dureinge the said tearme
[page 4]
that the remainder of the said issues and
proffitts of the said Tenemente shall
discend and come to the survivors of
them or any of them, And whereas
alsoe I am possessed of the sume
of Foure hundred and fifty pounds
due to mee by bonde from John
Bostocke Wrexham Esqr Griffith
Roberts of Holt yeoman payeable wthin.
twelve monethes after my decease for
the saile of certaine lands in
Hewlington by mee heeretofore to them
bargained and soulde; my will and minde
and hereby I doe declare the same to bee
that oute of the said moneyes is paya[ble?]
as is aforesaid my daughter Hester Speed[e]
shall have and receave the sume of
Three hundred pounds towards her
p’fermente and advancemente in marriage
And alsoe that my sonne Thomas Speede
shall oute of the residue of the foresaid
[page 5]
moneys receave and have the sume of one
Hundred pounds to make his portion
twoe hundred pounds haveinge heretofore
receaved from mee the sume of
one hundred pounds And as for the
remainder and residue of the foresaid
moneys which shall fall oute to bee
due and payable by them the said
John Bostocke and Griffin
Roberts my will and minde is that
the same shall bee paid to my sonne
William Speede for the augmentation
of his procon, and for his further
advancemente and p’fermente, And as
for the rest and residue of all and
singular my goods chattells Creditts
psonall and possessorie estate, Plate,
Jewells, money and household stuffe
my will and minde is that my debts
and funerall expences beinge paid the
full Moietie and one halfe thereof
shall discende and come unto Elizabeth
[page 6]
Speede my faithfull & loveinge
wife in full lewe and satisfaction
of all such claime and demande as
she any waye can make by the [custome?]
of the prince of yorke or otherwayes
to my whole estate or any pte thereof
And as for conc’inge the other
halfe and Moitie of my said estate my
will and minde is and hereby I doe declare
the same to bee, that oute of the same
the bequests and lagasies heereafter
followeinge beinge paid that then the
remainder and residue of the same shall
bee equally devided and distributed betwixt
my three foresaid Children (that is to saye)
Hester Speede, William Speede and
Thomas Speede, First I leave and
bequeathe to my loving sonne in lawe
John Ashton the sume of twentie pounds
And whatmore it shall appeare that hee
did disburse att the time of his marriage
[page 7]
With my daughter his nowe wife, Alsoe
I leave and bequeath to Griffith
Roberts of Holt aforesaid the sume of
Twentie pounds in discharge of my pmise
to him made upon his renu’tiation of
the Administration of my father
Glegge psonall estate Alsoe I leave &
bequeath unto Mr John Cl[…]hlie my
brother in lawe the sume of Fortie
pounds which hee deliv’ed unto my hands
intendinge thereby the Advancemente
of my Children as hee then said which
said sume I have left to bee paid unto
him to the end hee may bestowe the
same amonge them as hee shall thinke
fitt and soe cause; Alsoe I leave and
bequeath to John Bostocke Esqr my true
and faithfull frende the sume of Five
pounds and my twoe bookes of Acts and
Monuments, Alsoe I leave and bequeathe
to my sonne in lawe John Ashton my watch
[page 8]
girdle and Dublett, And further I give
and bequeath to Anne Ashton his wife
my loveinge daughter the sume of Five
pounds to buye […] of Plate
Alsoe I give and bequeath to my
daughter Hester Speede the standeinge
bedd in the plor and all the furniture
thereunto belongeinge or in any wise
apptaininge Alsoe I leave unto Griffith
Roberts aforesaid my Clarke Cloake and
breeches and to my foresaid brother in
lawe Mr Chratchley twentie shillings
to buye him a ringe Alsoe I
leave to my loveinge wife Elizabeth
my seale ringe of goulde and my ringe
sett with [..]rkies which my loveinge
mother gave mee And I doe hereby
further will and declare that before
any of the Legasies heeretofore
[…]ted bee paid or satisfied (the
Moyetie devised to my loveinge wife
excepted) all such Debts as att the time
of my decease I shall any waies owe
[page 9]
and all the expences and charges which my
Feoffees in truste for the setlinge of
my estate and the Executors heereafter
nominated shall any waies necessarily
expend either in the defence or discharge
of the said truste, or in Execution
pursuance and maintenance of this
my last will and Testamente shall bee
first paid fully satisfied & discharged
any thinge herein contained to the
Contrarie in any wise not withstandinge
And I doe hereby constitute nominate
[…] and appointe my loveinge wife
Elizabeth Speede and John Ashton
my foresaid sonne in lawe to bee
Executors of this my last will and
Testamente And to see the same
Faithfully executed accordeinge to the
truste in them reposed And I doe heerby
earnestly pray and intreate my loveinge
frende John Bostocke afore[…]
[page 10]
to bee aydinge and asistinge to my fore
mentioned Executors Juthe pformance &
Execution of the same And all other and
Former wills testam’s or devises I doe
heereby renounce discharge avoide, And
declare to bee null, And pronounce
and publickly declare this to bee my
true and last will./
Da: Speede
Ap[ril] 6 1639
Be it known that where I David Sp[eed]
of Holt in the Countie of Denbigh gen[t]
have made last will and Testemente
in writeing beareinge Date the 19 Day of
Marche 1638, That now for [...] as I
have Changed my minde touchinge certain
things in the same last will conteyned
And for & concerninge all all other things in the
last will menconed (other than such as I
shall hereby otherwise dispose of, I doe by
this p'sent Codicill confirme & ratifie
the said last will, And whereas by my
said lasr will I did give and bequeath
unto Griffith Roberts of Holte aforesaid
yeoman the sume of Twentie pounds
I doe hereby revoke and make voide the said
bequest And my will and minde is, And I
doe hereby declare the same to bee that
the foremenconed twenty pounds shalbe
disposed of in manner and forme followeing
First I will that the sume of Five pounds
shalbee given & bestowed by my Executors
upon Anne Scotte my grandchild remaining
with mee And that my Executors shall
retaine and keepe in theire hand the sume
of eighte pounds in Spetiall truste in them
reposed that they shall give & bestowe
the increase abd improvemte of the said
[page 2]
eigh pounds annual upon Katherine Fletcher
my daughter the wife of Peeter Fletcher
for her more ample benifite and
maintainance and in case she survive
her husband then my minde is that my
Executors shall pay deliver to the
said Katheirne Fletcher the foresaid
Eight pounds to bee disposed of as
she shall please But in Case her
husband survive her then my minde
and will is that the said Eight pounds
bee devided equally amonge such of Children
(or put forth to theire use) as shall
survive her and bee unp'ferred / And my
will and minde is that oute of the other
seaven poounds residue of the foresaid
twentie pounds the sume of Twentie
shillings be paid Nathaniell
Wasse[?] the sonne of William Wasse[?] of
Holte aforesaid Mercer, And as for
the rest and residue of the said
moneys my will and minde is that the
same bee equally bestowed and devided
[page 3]
amonge the sixe Children of David Speede
my sonne now liveinge, And in case
any of them die before hee or she shall
receave the legatie heereby bequeathed
unto them, that then his or her pte
soe dieinge shall bee equally devided
amonge those that doe survive, And
my will is that this Codicill or
schedule bee and bee adiudged and taken
to bee pcell of my said last will and
to bee of force by the Right of a
Codicill or by any other right in the
best manner that may bee, And I doe
heereby heartily require mine Executors
that they doe cause all things in this
schedule or Codicill contained to bee
faithfully pformed accordeinge to my
true intente and meaneinge herein
declared as if the same
were expressed and sett downe in my
last will and Testamente, And if it
[page 4]
shall happen att any time hereafter any
ambiguity doubt or question to growe or
arise by reason of the impfection or
defecte of or in any the wordes Clauses
and sentences in my last will & testamente
or this p'sente Codicill or any true intent
of meaneinge thereof That then the
further & better explanacon Interp'tation
and construction of the said doubt and
ambiguitie I will that my said Executors
shall expounde explaine & interprete
accordeinge to theire wisedomes & good
discreacons In witness whereof to this
p'sent Codicill I have sett my hand and
seale the day & yeare above written In
the p'sence of the faithfull witnesses
hereunder named./ Da: Speede ./
William Wasse
William Heaywood
Jo: Sauthey ./
- Wales, Wills and Probate, 1513-1858 (Ancestry.com : accessed 10 Jun 2021); David Speed, will date: 19 Mar 1638, probate: Chester: Wills proved in the Welsh Ecclesiastical courts before 1858, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru: The National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales. Ancestry Record 61635 #115943.
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