Location: Anne Arundel County MD

Surname/tag: Weems
Will of David WEEMS (1779): Ann Arundel County, MD
Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Anne Agee <asagee@erols.com>
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Will of David Weems
In the name of God, Amen.
I David Weems of the County of Annarundel and State of Maryland being sick and weake of Body, but of Sound mind and memory, blessed be God. Therefore think proper to make, ordein and constitute this my last will and testament. In maner and form as follows
First, I recommend my Soul to God that gave it me, my Body to the earth to be there interred at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named and that the worldly effects it has pleased God to visit on me I dispose of in maner and form as follows.
Item: I do give to Richard Weems a Negro wench named Bett and her increase forever. Also five hundred pounds continental money.
Item: I give unto my daughter Susannah Morton Negro wench Beck and Rachel, also Negro Boy Seymonant and Negro girl Nell and their increase forever.
Item: I give unto my son David Weems the plantation I now live on called Marshes Seat which I bought of William Vernon according to meets and bounds expressed in Vernon’s deed to me, which said land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging I do give unto him the said David Weems and his heirs forever.
Item: I give unto my son William Weems the land I bought of William Vernon being part of a tract called Paschal’s Purchase which land according to the meets and bounds by which I bought of Vernon, I do give unto my son William and his heirs forever. My will and desire being that if my son William should die without heirs or without disposing of the said land, then it shall become immediately the property of my son Mason Loch Weems and his heirs forever. But in case my son Mason Loch Weems should die without heirs or without disposing of the said land, then it shall be sold and the money equally divided between my children by my last wife.
Item: I give unto my daughter Williamina Weems my Negro wench Easter and Cate and their increase forever including the children already born or may hereafter be born.
Item: I give to my son Mason Loch Weems my Negro Boy Ned.
Lastly, I ordain that all the residue and remaining part of my estate be it of what nature or kind so ever be equally divided between my sons David, William, and Mason Loch Weems, or in case of either of their deaths before a proper division is made, then to be equally divided among the survivors.
I hereby appoint my loving Son David Weems my whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament. Hereby revoking all former Wills by me made. Declaring this to be my last will and testament. In witness thereof I have hereunto sett my Hand and Affixed my Seal this 25th day of April 1779.
Witness Walter Harrison George Wallace John Pybus
Anne Arundel County Sept 4, 1779
Source: Maryland State Archives Annapolis MD Anne Arundel County Wills Box W Folder 62 Transcribed by Anne Scrivener Agee 18 March 2000
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