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Will of Edmond Ivory, Yeoman of Henlow, 1631

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Date: 1630 to 1631
Location: Henlow, Bedfordshire, Englandmap
This page has been accessed 57 times.

The Will of Edmond Ivory (abt.1592-abt.1631) was written on 18 October 1630, and proved (in Latin) in the Court of the Archdeaconry of Bedford, on 7 June 1631 with administration granted to John Ivorie, executor who renounced, with administration then granted to Elizabeth Ivorie the relict on 15 June.[1][2]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

People mentioned in the Will:

  • Edmund Ivory (testator)
  • Elizabeth Ivory (wife)
  • William Ivory (younger son, under 21)
  • Elizabeth Ivory (eldest daughter, under 21)
  • Mary Ivory (second daughter, under 21)
  • Sarah Ivory (third daughter, under 21)
  • John Ivory, clerk (brother, executor)
  • John Ivory (eldest son, under 21)
  • Mr (Isaac) Turner, minister of Henlow
  • Mother in Law (unnamed but living at the time of the will)
  • Witnesses: Isaac Turner Vicar, Ed: Kent, Will: Underwood.

In the name of God Amen. The eighteenth day of October in the yeare of our L[or]d God 1630 & in
the sixt yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne L[or]d Charles by the Grace of God of England, Scot-
land, France & Ireland King Defender of the faith &c Witnesseth that I Edmund Ivory of
Henlowe in the County of Bedford & in the Diocesse of Lincolne Yeoman being sicke in body but of
perfect mind & remembrance (praysed be God) doe make, ordayne & constitute this my last Will &
testament in mann[er] & forme following. First & principally I bequeath my soule into the Hands
of Almighty God, hoping to have all my sinnes freely forgiven me by the death & passion of Jesus
Christ my only saviour & merciful redeemer, & my body to be buryed in the church or churchyard
of Henlowe aforesayed at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named. Item I give &
Bequeath unto Elizabeth my Wife Forty pounds a yeare, during her naturall life in Lieu of Her
Dowery & Joynture. And moreover I Bequeath unto her all my householdstuffe, goods & chattells
w[hi]ch I have, to the end she shall equally distribute my sayd householdstuffe betweene my daughters
at their severall dayes of Marriage. Item I give unto William my younger sonne an 100
pounds to be payed him when he shall accomplish the Age of 21 Yeares. I doe also give & beque-
ath unto the sayed William my sonne, & to his heires for ever all my freeholde Lands & tenements
w[i]th the Appertenances lying and being in Lyggrave, & Sundon in the County of Bedford aforesayed
to have and to hold the same Lands, tenements & appurtenances, from the feast of St Michaell
the Archangell, w[hi]ch shall be in the yeare of our L[or]d God 1646 unto the sayed William his heires
& assignes for ever. Item I give unto my Eldest Daughter Elizabeth the Summe of
100 pounds, to be payed unto her, when she shall accomplish the age of 21 yeares or at the
day of marriage, w[hi]ch shall first happen. Item I give unto my second Daughter Mary the
Summe of 100 pounds to be payed unto her, when she shall accomplish the age of 21 yeares or at the
day of marriage, w[hi]ch shall first happen. Item I give unto my third Daughter Sarah, the
Summe of 100 pounds to be payed unto her when she shall accomplish the age of 21 yeares
or at the day of marriage, w[hi]ch shall first happen. And if it shall happen the sayed
Elizabeth, Mary or Sarah to dye before their sayed portion or portions be due unto them,
Then my Will is that the portion or portions w[hi]ch should have been payed unto them, or any of
them as aforesayed shall be equally divided betweene & come to the survivors or survivors of
Item my will is that John Ivory Clarke my Brother shall have hold & enioy to him, his exe-
cutors, Administrators & assignes, all my freehold Lands & tenements with the appertenances, Lying &
being in Offly & Lilly in the County of Hertford, and in Lyggerave & Sundon in the County of Bedford,
for and during the terme & time of sixteene yeares, from the Feast of St Michaell the Archangell
last past before the Date hereof fully to be compleate & ended, Yealding & paying therefore unto
my Eldest sonne John Ivory 20 shillings yearely during the sayed terme, if it be demanded.
Also I make my sayed Brother John Ivory sole Executor of this my last will & testament,
whom I appoint and desire to pay my debts, discharge my legacyes, & to pay the Fine of my
Coppy holdlands in Sundon aforesayed and to bring my body decently to the ground.
Item I give to the poore of Henlowe Forty shillings, & to the poore of Offly 40 shillings, to be payed
bt my wife Elizabeth: And I give likewise Forty shillings to Mr Turner Minister of Henlowe
w[hi]ch my sayed Wife shall pay.

Item my will is that the sayed Forty pounds per Annum given to my Wife Elizabeth shall be
payed her Quarterly, and also that she shall receive and take to Her selfe all the profitts of my Coppy
holdlands with the Appertenances Lying in Sundon, & my Quittrents in Kimpton, untill my Eldest
sonne come to be at the Age of 21 yeares, for the bringing Up of my Children untill their portions
become due unto them.
Item my Will is that if my sonne William dye before the age of 21 yeares, the sayed 100 pounds given to
him shall be devided equally betweene any daughters.
Moreover whereas my Mother in Law hath twenty markes per annum payed her out of my Lands,
during her life, my will is that my Wife Elizabeth shall after my sayed Mothers decease, have
the sayed 20 markes payed unto her yearly during the terme of Her owne naturall life. In
Witnesse Whereof I Edmond I Ivory Have sett my Hand & Seale ./
Witnesses Isaac Turner Vic:
Ed: Kent: Will: Underwood.


  1. https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/221664?availability=Family%20History%20Library Authors: Church of England. Archdeaconry of Bedfordshire. Court. Original wills Box 23-24, 1631-1635 Family History Library British B1 Southeast Film: 1066806 Image Group: 8069781 Images 18 & 19
  2. https://bedsarchivescat.bedford.gov.uk/Details/archive/110604370 Reference ABP/W1630-1/206 Will of Edmund Ivory of Henlow, yeoman Made 18 October 1630, proved 6 June 1631 Ivory, Edmund

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