Location: [unknown]
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Introductory Notes
This is the last Will and Testament of Edmund Scrope. Scrope was a sugar trader from Nevis who died in Barbados and was buried on 8th September 1694.[1] The will was dated 21st August 1694 and the grant of probate dated 16th February 1694/5[2]
Edmund is believed to be the youngest son of Adrian Scrope and his second wife Mary (Temple) Scrope. He has not been identified in previous biographies of his father. Trading details mentioning Edmund Scrope may be found in the ledger of Thomas Speed of Bristol. [3] This includes an entry in 1683 (p.178)
Thomas Scrope per Contra is
To proffitt & Losse for money I was to have received of him with
his brother Edmund Scrope but did not receive it as per his acct.
which confirms Edmund as the brother of Thomas Scrope
Persons Mentioned
- Robert Yate: Robert Yate, merchant of Bristol, MP[4]
- Robert Henly: Robert Henley, merchant of Bristol and London, MP[5]
- Ann Scrope: Ann Scrope, daughter
- Mary Scrope: Mary Scrope, daughter
- Elizabeth Scrope: Elizabeth Scrope, daughter
- James Aynsworth: James Aynsworth, merchant of Barbados
- William Godman: William Godman, merchant of Barbados
- Ann Castle: Ann (Scrope) Castle, sister
- Elizabeth Castle: Elizabeth Castle, niece
- Ann Adams: Ann Adams, niece
- Reverend Francis MaCenny: Reverend Francis Makemie[6]
In the name of God Amen
I Edmond Scrope of the said Island Esq being sicke and weak
but of a good disposing minde doe make this my last Will and
Testament in manner following Imprimis I recommend my Soule
unto my blessed God and Saviour in through and from whome
alone I hope for and expect the full remission and forgiveness of all
my sinns and the Resurrection of my body unto Eternall life, and
my body to be interred as shall be appointed by me or as shall
seeme good to my Executors in trust hereafter named Item I do
hereby order and appointe Mr Robert Yate of Bristoll merchant
and Mr Robert Henly of London merchant Trustees of this my
last Will and Testament and Guardians of the persons and estates of
my three daughters Ann Mary and Elizabeth Scrope Item I doe hereby
order and appointe
item in margin for insertion at this point
my said three daughters
Executrices of this my last Will
and Testament Item I doe
hereby order and apppoint
return to main text
Mr James Aynsworth Mr William Godman both of
the said Island Merchants Executors in trust for my said daughters of all
my goods and chattells whatsoever in the said Island and I doe hereby
order and impower them to sell and dispose of all my Negros horses goods
and chattells whatsoever and to receive and recover from all and every
person and persons all and every sum[m]e and sum[m]es of goods and money
that are due unto me and to pay and satisfye all my true and just
debts upon faire proofe thereof Item doe give and bequeath unto my
sister Ann Castle One hundred pounds sterling Item I doe give and
bequeath unto my neice Ann Adams fifty pounds sterling Item I doe
give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary all my gold that is in my
little East India Escritore to her owne proper use and behoofe Item I
give and bequeath unto the reverend Mr Francis MaCenny the summe
of tenn pounds sterling Item I give and bequeath unto the aforenamed
Mr Robert Yate and Mr Robert Henly the summe of tenn pounds
sterling each Item I give and bequeath unto my aforesaid Executors
in trust Mr James Aynsworth and Mr William Godman the sum[m]e
of tenn pounds sterling each Item I give and bequeath unto George Massey
in full and lieu of all demands of wages the sum[m]e of thirty pounds
sterling and I doe accquitt and discharge him of all sum[m]es of money
that he may be indebted unto me, giving unto my said Executors in
trust a faire account thereof Item I doe give and bequeath unto Mr
Jonathan Wills one mourning ring in memory of myself Item I
give and devise unto my said daughters the moyety of one house
and land in Charles Towne in the Island of Nevis which was between
Mr Streets and myself to them and to their heyres for ever Item
I give unto my neece Elizabeth Castle ffifty pounds sterling In Witness
whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this twenty first day
of August One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety and Four Edm: Scrope
Signed sealed and published and declared as his last Will in the presence
of James Lewis Cicelia Lewis Jane Pope Rich King
- ↑ Parish register of St Michael, Barbados. Image FamilySearch
- ↑ Will of Edmond Scrope of Island of Barbados, West Indies, 16 February 1695 PROB 11/424/316
- ↑ The Ledger of Thomas Speed 1681-1690
- ↑ Robert Yate biography ParliamentOnline
- ↑ Robert Henley biography ParliamentOnline
- ↑ Francis Makemie biography Presbyterian Heritage Center
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