Location: [unknown]
The Will of Edward Hanbury is undated but adminstration was granted on 26 April 1647 at London, Prerogative Court of Canterbury.[1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.
- Edward Hanbury (testator)
- Mary (wife)
- Mr Illingworth
- Robert Taylor
- Nicholas Awsiter
- Luke Hanbury (son)
- Peter Hanbury (son)
- Thomas Hanbury (eldest son)
- Elizabeth Ivory (daughter)
- Luke Ivory of old Brentford (son in law)
- William Moore
- John Moore of new Brentford (kinsman)
- Thomas Nuball (kinsman)
- [...] Langley & Joane Langley his sister
- John Taylor (friend) & Samuel Waller (kinsman) (overseers)
- Witnesses: Willi[a]m Beasly the marke of Willi[a]m Syre
In the name of God Amen I
Edward Hanbury of old Brentford in the p[ar]ish of Ealing als[o] Zealing in the County
of Midd[lese]x [blank] being infirme in body but of perfect memory and firme in
faith (blessed be god for the same) and considering the frailty & mortality
of all flesh Doe ordaine and make this my present last will & testament
in manner and forme followeing That is to say) First I Com[m]end my soule
into the hand[es] of almightie god my Creator, & to Jesus Christ my allsufficient
Saviour and Redeemer by wh[ere]of ^[...] p[...]tions death & bloudshedding I trust to be
saved and by none other way or meanes what soever And I com[m]itt my bodie
to thearthe from whence it came to be buried in Christian buriall neere
unto the Corps of my late wife deceased (yf it may conveniently be done)
Item I Doe give and bequeathe unto the poore of the ^two Townes of newe
and old Brentford the full sum[m]e of xxs; vizt five shillings to the
[Page 2]
Towne of new Brentford, and th'other xvs to the towne of old Brentford
in regard there are farr more there w[i]thin one moneth next after my
decease. Item I give & bequeath to Mary my loveing wife, all those my
two acres and one half acre of arrable land being freehould br they
more or lesse lyeing in new Brentford feild w[i]thin the p[ar]ishe of
Ealing afores[ai]d (w[hi]ch I sometimes purchased of Mr Illingworth) And
all those my two half acres of Coppiehold or Customary land be they more
or less lyeing in the said feild in .2. sundry peec[es] th'one purchased of Rob[er]t Taylor
dec[ease]d & lyeth in foure short landes not farr from the windmill. th'other of Nicholas
Awsiter dec[ease]d & adioyneth to .2. acres of freehold land of myne abutting upon
Burston lane, And all theose my .2. Twigg hawghte, th'one lyeing betweene the
meadowe called Balam meade & Lott meade : th'other lyeth on the further side
of Lottmeade by the Thame side there (w[hi]ch said Coppiehold p[re]misses I have surrendered
w[i]th other of my coppiehold land hereafter menc[i]oned to th'use & uses of this
my last will & testam[en]t) To have and to hould the said .3. acres & one half
of free & Coppiehold land together w[i]th the said .2/ twigg hawghte unto
the said Mary my said wife for & dureing the terme of her n[atu]rall life, and
after her decease to such yssue sonne or daughter as shall or may be begotten
of our .2. bodies & their heyres & assign[es] forev[er] And for want of such issue
the p[re]misses w[i]th th'app[ur]t[enances] aswell freehould as Coppiehold alsoe to remaine &
be to and for the ioynt & proper use and uses of Luke Hanbury & Peter
Hanbury the .2. youngest sonnes of me the said Edward (if the said Luke
shalbe then liveing) w[hi]ch said Peter is now in America beyond the Seas
for and dureing the terme of their .2. n[atu]rall lyves and the longer liver of
them and either of them: and to the heyres of their .2. bodies lawfully
begotten or for to be begotten ; And for want of such yssue the premisses
w[i]th th'app[ur]t[enances] to remaine & be to and for the sole & proper use & uses of
Thom[a]s Hanbury th'eldest sonne of me the said Edward for & dureing the
terme of his n[atu]rall life, & to the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten
or for to be begotten, And for want of such yssue Then I doe give and
bequeath the same premisses w[i]th th'app[ur]t[enances] unto Elizabeth Ivory the wife
of Luke Ivory of old Brentford aforesaid my daughter for and dureing
the terme of her n[atu]rall life, & to the heyres of their .2. bodies lawfully
begotten or for to be begotten And for want of such yssue. then the
same to remaine & be to & for th'use & uses of Wm Moore one of the
sonnes of Jno Moore of new Brentford Cole seller for & dureing the
terme of his n[atu]rall life, and after his decease unto the heyres of his
bodie lawfully begotten or for to be begotten. And for want of such
yssue then I Doe give & bequeath the same in mann[er] & forme followeing
That is to say th'one moyetie or half part of and in such Rente and
p[ro]fites as shall wrise come or be of or in the before menc[i]oned p[re]misses
w[i]th th'app[ur]t[enances] to continue & be to & for th'use & uses of a preaching minister
in the Chapple of new Brentford for the tyme being for & towards his
paines & care' to be taken in instructing & Catechasem[in]g of youth in the feare
& nurture of the Lord in that place ( the want and wherof is much to be
much lamented) And th'other moyerie or hald part thereof to be given and
distributed amongst such poore people Inhabitante & towne dwellers
w[i]thin the towne of old Brentford afores[ai]d w[hi]ch shalbe knowne to live and
make conscience of their wayes w[i]thout scandall & offence towards god and
man & none els (the number whereof is yet very small) to be taken up in
trust by such officers as shalbe interested for such uses in both places
& their successors forev[er] the distribuc[i]on whereof I referr unto them intreateing
them & every of them to distribute the same & dispose it according to the
true intent & meaneing of this my last will & testam[en]t, And [...] or
[Page 3]
Accompt to be thereof made with their other accompts in both places yearly
w[i]thout any fraud or guile: and for the disposeing of some other Coppiehould
lands and ten[emen]tes w[hi]ch I have surrendered to th'use of this my last will &
testam[en]t is disposed in the other page . of, this my will according to the tenor
of this my [...] of the premisses that is to say. Whereas at a Co[ur]t
houlden at Fullham on Easter Monday being the xxxth day of March last past
I did then surrender c[er]taine coppiehould land[es] & ten[emen]tes unto the handes of the
Lord for the Mannor of Zealing w[i]thin menc[i]oned according to the true intent
& meaneing of my last will & testam[en]t I Doe hereby publish & Declare that
the Cottage landes & p[re]misses then surrendered being Customary od Coppiehold
w[i]thin the said Manno[r] - w[i]thin the p[ar]ish of Zealing w[i]thin, menc[i]oned to be
disposed of to th'use & uses hereafter named, that is to say; I Doe give
& bequeath the Cottage or ten[amen]t with the barne, outhouses yard garden
& app[ur]t[enances] w[i]th the parcell of pasture & meadow ground behinde the same
All w[hi]ch land I sometyme purchased of my kinsman Thom[as] Nuball Dec[ease]d
& now have builded upon the same one Close of pasture & meadow
ground conteyning two acres and one half acre more or lesse at
Pope Crosse pond by Ealing lane side; And all those my nyne acres and one
Roode be they more or lesse of arrable lande ^they more or less w[hi]ch I p[ur]chased of [...]
Langley Dec[ease]d & Joane Langley his sister whereof three acres [...] Doe lye
in old Brentford feild six acres thereof doe lye in New brentford
feild whereof one halfe acre was exchanged w[i]th the said Joane for a Rood
of land lyeing in Northfeild w[i]thin the Mannor aforesaid being Coppie
hold alsoe. And my will intent and meaning is that the said Lorde
shall regrannt the p[re]misses formly then menc[i]oned to be surrendered
to th'use & uses hereafter named (that is to say) I Doe hereby publish
& declare and my will intent & meaneing is that the said Cottage w[i]th
thapp[ur]t]enances & land[es] & p[re]misses w[i]th their app[ur]t]enances as afores[ai]d shall remaine
and be to and for th'use & uses of Peter Hanbury the youngest sonne
of me the sayd Edward now inhabiting beyond the seas in new Eng[land];
and Luke Hanbury his next younger brother (yf he shalbe then liveing)
for & dureing the terme of their two n[atu]rall lives & the longer liver
of them & either of them. And after their decease, the remainder and
reverc[i]on of and in the same to remaine & be to & for the heyres of
their .2. bodies lawfully begotten or to be begotten, And for want
of such yssue then the said landes & p[re]misses to remaine & be to and for
th'use & uses of the before named Thomas Hanbury th'eldest sonne
of me the said Edward in such manner & forme as is form[er]ly exp[re]ssed
& declared in the former part of this my p[re]sent last will & testam[en]t
and soe to remaine and continue & be to and for th'use & uses as form[er]ly
is exp[re]ssed & decalred according to the tone intent and meaneing of
theis my p[re]sent last will and testam[en]t w[i]thout fraud or guile Item I
Doe give & bequeath unto my said sonne Thomas one gould Ring w[i]th
a red stone in it w[hi]ch was my fathers and my grandfathers before
him and the full sum[m]e of [blank] shillinges of currant English money
in remembrance of my love to him for that he late had a large
poc[i]on already And I give unto his wife my daughter in law
the like sum[m]e of [blank] alsoe in remembrance of her love unto me
to be payed unto them w[i]thin one yeare after my decease Item I
Doe give unto my sonne in lawe Luke Ivory and Elizabeth his wife
[Page 4]
my daughter the like summes to either of them to be payed as aforesaid
And all the residue of my goods Chattles houshould stuff & ymplements yet
ungiven & unbequeathed I doe fully & wholly give and bequeath unto
Mary my now wife whome I doe make executrix of this my last will
& testam[en]t leaveing the care & trust of my five sonnes that be absent
to her disposeing willing & requireing that she benefit & proffit of the
Executorship may be devided into three equall porc[i]ons & shares, two
partes to be devided to my sayd .2. sonnes & to the survivor of them
in case one of them Dye before namely Luke & Peter. And thother
third part to remaine & be to and for the use and uses of my said
Executrix And for my ov[er]seers hereof I humbly intreate my loveing
kinsman John Moore of new Brentford and my loveing neighboures &
friends John Taylor & Samuel Waller to see the true & due
execution of the same according to the tone & intent & meaneing of
& in the same. And for their paines herein I Doe give unto them
& every of them xs apeece ' over & above allsuch Charges
& expences as they or any of them shalbe putt unto. Leaveing the
full recompence of reward to him whoe is the true rewarder of
workes of that kinde And for the tyme & full conformac[i]on of this
my p[re]sent last will & testam[en]t I have setto my hand & seale for
th'establishing thereof this p[re]sent [blank] Day of [blank] Anno D[omi]ni
1646. & ib the xxijth yeare of the Raigne of our [...] most Dread
Sov[er]aigne Lord King Charles that now [...] in the p[re]sence of
these witnesses whose names are subscribed to both the pages
thereof that is to say Per me Edwardum Hanbury the marke
of Willi[a]m Beasly the marke of Willi[a]m Syre
- ↑ Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 200
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #822279 (accessed 18 September 2023)
Will of Edri Hunbury, granted probate on 25 Apr 1647. Died about 1647 in Ealing, Middlesex, England.
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