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Will of Edward Wilson, gentleman of Willian, Hertfordshire 1581

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Will of Edward Wilson, gentleman of Willian, Hertfordshire 1581[1]

This is a transcription of the register office copy of the will of Edward Wilson of Willian, Hertfordshire. Written on 24 September 1581 and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 31 October 1581 by his relict Johan.

The will images were good and very readable

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

  • Edward Wilson of Willian in the countie of Herts gentleman testator
  • Edward my eldest sonne testator's son executor also of the will if testator's wife John dies or refuses receives one hundred poundes and my newe nighte gowne my longe cloake, fower shertes, my bottes, bootehose, spurres, shooes and my newe fustian doubblett
  • Marie my daughter recieved 100 marks
  • William Cannonn poor tenant received a quarters rente
  • ,Thomas Alley poor tenant received a quarters rente
  • Nicholas Cannonn poor tenant received a quarters rente
  • John Burnige poor tenant received a quarters rente
  • Wyon my tenant received one whole yeares rente to be allowed nexte after my deathe.
  • Grace Graye daughter of Jone Graye received £100, no relationship stated
  • Thomas my youngeste sonne received iftie poundes of lawfull englishe monney at his age of one and twentie yeares or daie of marriage and my chayne of goulde waigheinge twentie ounces,
  • Anne and Marye my youngest daughters
  • my lovinge cosigne Maister Charles Boneh.... received my best cloake garded withe velvett
  • my loving cosigne Mr John God received my beste velvett hose
  • Mr Christopher Peynton received my blacke silke nether stockes
  • my brother Mr Mathewe Graye received my newe clothe hose
  • my good Freend Mr Nicholas Bristowe received my sworde.
  • Mr Spurlinge received my bookes whiche he hathe
  • Mr Edwarde Clarke received my rapier and dagger
  • my mother in lawe Mris Wilson received my grosgraine gowne garded with velvett.
  • my servannte Hellen Peathe received fyve pounde
  • Mr Pattisonne of Stevenage received a sattenn dublette.
  • Mr Busshe Schoolem[aster] of Stevenage received my dutche cloake lyinge in the presse
  • Mr Godfrye Mounsannes received my russette night gowne of rattes colo[ur]
  • my nephewe Norwood received my shorte cloake withe one lace.
  • Mr Edwarde Powlter esquire received my velvett hatte.
  • Mr Thomas Shadboltte received my velvett cappe.
  • my wife Johan executrix of the will
  • my sonne Frannces executor of the will if testator's wife Johan and son Edward both die or refuse to execute the will
  • Mr Rowland Lytton esquier overseer
  • Robert Snagge esquier overseer
  • , my father overseer
  • William Stone witness
  • William Cooper witness
  • Henry Annsell witness

In the name of god amen the xxiiijth daie of September in the yere
of oure lord god 1581. And in the yeare of the raigne of oure sov[e]raigne Ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god, Queene
of Englande France and Irelande defender of the faith etc, the xxiijth. I Edward Wilson of Willian
in the countie of Herts gentleman, consideringe withe my self, That life as I am a christian creature of god created
withe a lovinge sowle, and bodye to remayne here in this transitorie worlde for a tyme, So oughte I at all tymes to be
readye and dispose my self to dye, and departe out of the same; whensoever it shall please god my creator to call me to his
mercie; Therfore nowe beinge and diseazed in bodye, yet whole of minde and of perfecte remembrannce (thankes
be to god) make and ordeine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge.

Firste I bequeathe
my sowle into the handes of allmightie god, my bodye to the earthe wherof it is made, and to be buried at the discressionne
of my executrixe. Secondarilie I will geve and bequeathe unto Edward my eldest sonne one hundrethe poundes to
be paide at his daie of marriage or at one and twentie yeares.

And to Frannces and John my sonnes eithe of them an
hundrethe markes of lawfull englishe monneye at theire sev[er]all ages of one and twentie yeares or daies of marriage
whiche shall furst happen to be.

Item I will and bequeathe unto Marie my daughter an hundred markes of lawfull
lawfull englishe monneye at her age of eightene yeares or daie of marriage, whiche shall firste happenne to bee. And
if it fortune annye of my foresaide childrenne to die before theie accomplishe theire saide age or marriage, Then I
will that theire of heir parte or partes so dyenge equallie to be devided betweene the surviv[or] or surviv[or]s of theme.

I give and beueathe to William Cannonn, Thomas Alley Nicholas Cannonn, John Burnige, the quarters
rente of theire severall houses as soone as it shall comme due nexte after my deathe, To the rest of my poore
Tennantes and other the poore in the Towne I geve twentie shillinges to be gevenn by the personnes churche

Item I geve to Wyon my Tennante one whole yeares rente to be allowed nexte after my deathe.

I geve and bequeathe to Grace Graye daughter of Jone Graye one hundred poundes at her age of eighteene
yeares or at her marriage.

Item I will and bequeathe unto Thomas my youngeste sonne fiftie poundes of lawfull
englishe monney at his age of one and twentie yeares or daie of marriage, whiche shall firste happenn to be. Also
I bequeathe unto my saide sonne Thomas my chayne of goulde waigheinge twentie ounces, and to be delyvered

[page 2]

to him after the deathe of my wief.

Item I will and bequeathe unto Anne and Marye my youngest daughters eache of theme an
hundred poundes of lawfull englishe monneye at theire severall ages of eightene yeares or daies of marriage, whiche shall
first happenne to bee. And if it fortune any of those my saide youngest childrenne Thomas, Anne , and Marrye to dye
before theie accomplishe theire saide age or marriage, Then I will that his or theire parte or partes so dyenge equallie to
be devided between the Survivor or survivors of theme

Item I will and bequeathe to my lovinge cosigne Maister Charles
Boneh.... my best cloake garded withe velvett

Item I will and bequeathe unto my loving cosigne Mr John God my beste
velvett hose

Item I geve and bequeathe to Mr Christopher Peynton my blacke silke nether stockes

Item I geve and bequeathe
to my brother Mr Mathewe Graye my newe clothe hose

Item I will and bequeathe to my good Freend Mr Nicholas
Bristowe my sworde.

Item I will and bequeathe to Mr Spurlinge my bookes whiche he hathe.

Item I will and bequeathe
to Mr Edwarde Clarke my rapier and dagger

Item I will and bequethe to my mother in lawe Mris Wilson my
grosgraine gowne garded with velvett.

Item I geve and bequethe to my servannte Hellen Peathe fyve poundes

I geve and bequeathe to Mr Pattisonne of Stevenage a sattenn dublette.

Item I geve and bequeathe to Mr
Busshe Schoolem[aster] of Stevenage my dutche cloake lyinge in the presse.

Item I will and bequeathe to Mr Godfrye
Mounsannes my russette night gowne of rattes colo[ur].

Item I will geve geve and bequeathe to my sonne Edwarde Wilson my
newe nighte gowne my longe cloake, fower shertes, my bottes, bootehose, spurres, shooes and my newe fustian doubblett

Item I will and bequeathe to my nephewe Norwood my shorte cloake withe one lace.

Item I will geve and bequeathe to
Mr Edwarde Powlter esquire my velvett hatte.

Item I will geve and bequeathe to Mr Thomas Shadboltte my
velvett cappe.

Item the rest of my goodes and cattelles, jewelles, plate and other my movables, I will geve and bequeathe
to my wife Johan whome I make my executrixe. And if she shall die or refuse or not take uppon her the full
executionne of this my will in convenient tyme, Then I appointe Edward my eldest sonne my execut[or] of this my last
will. And then he to have the rest of all mu gooddes, plate and iwelles and other movables, my will beinge performed
Savinge that my will and meaninge is ,that my wief then shall have of the movables that I had withe her to the
valuwe of twoe hundred poundes, whatsoever she hsall choose. And if my saide sonne Edwarde shall die or refuse
or not take uppon him the full executionne of this my will within conveniente tyme after the deathe or refusall of my
wief, Then I appointe my sonne Frannces to be my executor and he to have the reste of my gooddes, my will beinge
perfourmed, savinge the saide gooddes to the valewe of twoe hundred poundes geven as aforsaide to my wief, whiche
I will she shallhave as aforsaide. And I appointe Mr Rowland Lytton and Robert Snagge esquiers, my father, and
William Stone, and Mr John God my ov[er]seers of this my last will and testamente prayinge them to see to thee
due execution therof and to seeke to redresse itin what theie canne if any parte therof shall be deffeated or leaste
unperformed. In witness wherof I have sette my hande and seale; Sealed and subscribed in the presence of mee
William Cooper, Edward Wilsonne, Henry Annsell


  1. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 63
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #922151 (accessed 11 October 2023)
    Will of Edwardi Wilson, granted probate on 31 Oct 1581. Died about 1581 in Willian, Hertfordshire, England.

Edward Pulter Esq (abt.1550-abt.1630)

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