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The Will of Eleanor Machell

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 26 May 1570 [unknown]
Location: Carlislemap
Surnames/tags: Machell Wills
Profile manager: John Machell private message [send private message]
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The Will of Elynor Machell late wife of John Machell of Crackynthropp,
St. Michael Appleby, Westmorland, widow

  • 26 May, 1570
  • pr. 2 April, 1571.


My body
to be buried'in the church of St. Michael, near unto the place where my husband
lyethe. To my son George Machell, certain chests and implements, a Horse and
one silver spoon; to my son Anthony Machell, oxen and half of the corn growing
on the farmhold of John Hall, and one silver spoon; to my son Gawynge Machell,
oxen and half of the corn growing in John Hall's farm, and one silverspoon; also
one parcel of ground lying in Ellercar, he to pay to his brother George 6s. 8d. ;
to my daughter Dorothy Machell, 3 kye & c., and one silver spoon ;to my daugh
ter Mary Machell the same; to my daughter-in-law Margaret Machell, 6 haucks
of lyn yarn etc; to Mr. Thomas Blenkynsopp, of helbeck the elder two wedders;
to Augnes Machell one [?] ; to Elynor Shepperd one sheppe; to Anthonye and
Gawynge my sons, and Dorothy and Mary my daughters, the rest of my goods
and I appoint them executors. George and Barnabye Machell, and Nicholas
Machell my brothers, supervisors; witnesses : Nicholas Machell, Henry Nelson,
John Shepperd, with others.

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