Location: Dickson, Tennessee, United States

Surnames/tags: Slavery Black_Heritage Napier
This page has been accessed 120 times.
Elias Wills Napier (1783-1848) wrote his will on 22 July 1848 and it was probated on 22 August 1848, in Dickson County, Tennessee.[1]
- Will of Elias W Napier
- Know all men whom it may concern, That I Elias W Napier of the county of Dickson and State of Tennessee, being weak and infirm in body and of advanced age, But of sound and perfect mind and memory, do make and publish this my last Will and testament; hereby revoking and and making void all other wills by me at any time heretofore made.
- 1st Item; I will my body to the dust of the Earth from whence it came, to be decently Interred after my death by my friends, and my soul to God who give it in hopes of a Glorious Resurrection beyond the grave through the merits the Lord Jesus Christ; and that my burial and funeral Expences and all my Just debts be paid out of any money that I may die possessed of, or that may first come to the hands of my Executors as soon after my decease as practicable.
- 2nd Item; I hereby Emancipate and set at liberty the following named Slaves, to wit, Judy my Seamstress and her five Children, to wit, Fanny, William Carroll, James Monroe, Thomas Benton, and Andrew Jackson, and also the children of Fanny, to wit, Leroy Lott, Malissa Lott, Margaret Arabella Lott, Judy Adonia Lott, and Mary Jane Lott, together with any increase that she the said Fanny may have. — Lizzy or Elizabeth, my Cook (a Yellow Girl), Immanuel a Forgeman and his Wife Creecy, Jack a Mulatto man [crossed out section mentions "his Wife Caroline" and a second daughter, Judy] and his Female Child, to wit, their youngest Emeline, Tom Keys my Waggoner and Overlooker, and his Wife Eady, Charity my old Female Cook, Sam Dillahunt my good and faithful old Servant, and also my little House servant Boy named Simon about nine years old, Daniel an old man who has been a teamster for a number of years, and his Brother Jim Brown, and Perry a man of advanced age, a coaling ground hand, many of these servants are of advanced age and have with faithfulness aided me in making what property and money I have, and those yellow female servants have with Vigelince and fidelity taken care of my Property both by day and by night, both in Alabama and in Tennessee, Particularly in Alabama, watching it and putting out fire placed in it to consume it by Incendiaries, and I do also hereby Emancipate and set at liberty a yellow Boy named Solomon about six years old, the son of a mulatto Girl called Angeline. This Boy is to be put under the care and charge of Judy and Lizzy to be subject to their controll under my Executors until he is Twenty one years of age and in Case of the death of Judy and Lizzy, then he is to be under the care of one of Judy's Children whichever he may Choose. The Emancipation of these Slaves (above named) has been the result of my deliberation for years passed, which I this day bring to a Close, while I am in perfect and sound mind and as this great Boon under the Existing Laws of the State of Tennessee cannot be bestowed only under a strict and minute compliance with the late Law of the said State, I therefore request the earnest and direct attention of my friends Benjamin C Robertson and Robert McNeilly who are to be my Executors to see that my Will in this as in all other respects be faithfully and Strictly carried out.
- 3rd Item; I Will and bequeath to Charlotte Napier the widow of my deceased Brother Richard C Napier, one Hundred dollars, and to her Son Madison C Napier one Hundred dollars, and to Leroy Napier her youngest Son one hundred dollars, and to the two Female Children of James R Napier dec'd Two Hundred Dollars each, and to his youngest son Richard C Napier Two Hundred dollars, and to his Oldest son Blount R Napier Five dollars, all of which Sums are to be paid by my Executors after they shall have wound up all the business of my Estate by making Sales and collections.
- 4th Item; I Will and bequeath to Martha Gould, Wife of James Gould, Two Hundred Dollars, and to Elizabeth Gilbert Wife of Thomas Gilbert One Hundred Dollars, and to the Heirs of the body of Margaret Garrit Wife of Phenix Garret, Two Hundred dollars, all of which Sums are to be paid as above directed to be paid to Charlotte Napier & Others In Item 3rd.
- 5th Item; I Will and bequeath to Jesse Beck Jr Son of Jesse and Judy Beck, Two Hundred dollars; and to David C, Andrew J, and John T Beck, the three youngest sons of Jesse Beck and his Wife Judy, to each Two Hundred dollars, and to William J Beck Oldest son of Jesse Beck and his Wife Judy Five Dollars, and to Martha Jane Johnson daughter of Jesse Beck & his Wife Judy Five dollars and to Jesse Beck Sr and his Wife Judy Five Dollars each, making in all Eight hundred and Twenty dollars, all of which sums of money are to be paid as those directed to be paid in the 3rd Item of this my Will, and I give and bequeath to Lucy Ann Edwards Daughter of Jesse and Judy Beck, a certain tract parcel or peace of land be the same more or less, Known as the land which I conditionally contracted to David Record; and on which he built a Cabin and lived a while, this land I wish to be run out at the Expense of Edwards, and my quit claim deed given to the same as soon after my death as practicable.
- 6th Item; I will and bequeath to William J Sherman & his Wife Elizabeth Five Dollars each, and to their Daughter July Ann Three Hundred dollars, to Richard, John, William, and James Sherman, sons of the said Wm J and Elizabeth Sherman, Two Hundred dollars each, and to Carter or Dock youngest son of the same Wm J & Elizabeth Sherman, Five dollars. These respective Sums amounting in all to the Sum of nine hundred and fifteen dollars are to be paid by my Executors as that directed to be paid on the 3rd Item of this my Will.
- 7th Item; I Will and bequeath to Fountain Lester Sr and his Wife Sarah Ann, Five dollars each, and to the Surviving lawful Heirs of their bodies, two Hundred dollars each, to be paid over by my Executors out of the last monies collected in winding up my Estate.
- 8th Item; I will and bequeath to Richard Thompson, and his Wife Lucy Ann, Five Dollars each, and Two Hundred dollars to the Surviving Heirs of the Said Richard Thompson and Wife Lucy Ann, if any there be of them yet living, to be paid as above.
- 9th Item; I Will and bequeath to Benjamin C Robertson and his Wife Ann G, Five Dollars each, and to their present Surviving five Children, to wit, Martha D, Edward A, Christopher W, John H and Benjaming J Robertson Five Hundred dollars each, these seven respective sums in this Item mentioned amounting in all to the sum of Twenty five Hundred and Ten dollars are to be paid by my Executors as mentioned in the 3rd Item of this my Will.
- 10th Item; I Will and bequeath to Mary Eliza Wilson an Orphant Girl at this time living in the Family of Wm H or John W Napier on Bartons Creek Three Hundred dollars which sum is to be paid by my Executors for her support and schooling or so much thereof as Shall be deemed necessary by my Executors and the ballance, if any, to be paid to her when she becomes of lawful age.
- 11th Item; I will and bequeath to James Thedford and his present Wife during their natural lives and at their death to descend to their Lawful Heirs, That piece or tract of land on which said James Thedford now lives, and a negro woman, named Peggy, late the Wife of Bob dec'd, whose occupation at present is to Rake leaves in the coaling. This property I wish my Executors to give him the said James Thedford my quit claim title to and to deliver him said negro Woman, and to hand him over notes which will be found among my papers drawn by him in favor of me, to the amount of some five or six Hundred dollars more or less, previous to passing said notes and negro woman into the possession of said James Thedford, or making the quit claim title to said Land, by my Executors, the said James Thedford and his wife are to come forward and make a title for four Hundred acres of land adjoining Montgomery Bell's mother Ore Bank, said tract of Land was once conveyed to me by said Thedford, and the deed was placed in the hands of William C Napier for Registration as the Law requires, and was lossed or mislaid by him so that it cannot now be found, and consequently the same was not Registered and the said Thedford is to Execute a Receipt in full for all claims he may have against my Estate.
- 12th Item; For and in Consideration of the esteem and regard I have and entertain for my friend Robert McNeilly, I give and bequeath to his oldest son James Hugh McNeilly my negro Infant, Child of my negro woman Cloey, said Child is a Girl and is named Kitty and is now at the breast of its mother, the said Child Kitty is to be delivered to the said Robert McNeilly as soon as it can be taken from the Breast of its Mother, with the title for the same.
- 13th Item; I give and bequeath to the two Female Children of John and Eliza Yateman, whose names are [blank space] to each four hundred dollars, to be paid over as those sums specified in the 3rd Item of this Will and it is my will that my Executors hand over to the said John Yateman, a note which will be found in my papers, drawn by J & R Yateman for about Three Thousand dollars and made payable to me, dated about Ten Years since, this my Executors are to do after the said John Yateman Executes his receipt for all claims he has against my Estate, if any he has.
- 14th Item; I give and bequeath to P.S. Jones, my negro woman Louanna, about 22 years old, the daughter of London & Jane his Wife, dec'd, and Eliza a Woman about 32 years old, whom I Bought in Alabama of a man by the name of Orily, and a Gray Horse at this time working in a team at Mt. Etna Furnace which I bought of Dr. J.R. Hudson, for which I am to give him one hundred dollars in Castings, said property is to be delivered with titles to the same by my Executors, after the said P.S. Jones shall have remained in the service of my Estate until the same is settled up, and after he shall have Executed his Receipt to my Executors for all demands against my Estate for services, &c.
- 15th Item; I Give and bequeath to Tarlton F Moore, my negro man Kiah, about 22 years of age, and five Dollars & also several notes which I hold against said Moore and his Father to be paid in money. The said negro man and the money and the notes are to be handed over to the said T.F. Moore by my Executors and a title to the negro, after the said Tarlton F Moore shall have remained in the services of my estate until the same is settled up, and after he and his Father shall have Executed their receipts to my Executors in full of all Claims that they may have against my Estate for Services &c.
- 16th Item; I Give and bequeath to James M Holt, my negro man Burrell & his Wife Francis (a yellow woman) and thier child, Jarret a negro man about 30 years old and his wife Easther, Cephus and his Wife Mima and their two children, named Sam and George, together with five Dollars in money to be paid as the other donations in this Will, and a title to said Slaves and possession thereof is to be given by my Executors to said James M Holt after he shall have remained in the service of my Estate until the same is settled up, and after the said James M Holt shall have Executed his Receipt in full of all Claims or demands he may have against my Estate for Services &c, up to that date.
- 17 Item; I Will and bequeath to my kind and affectionate brother John W Napier during his natural life and to descend from his to the Lawful Heirs of his daughter Aramenta who is intermarried with Dr John R Hudson the following property to wit, my negro Woman Lucy (the Only daughter of Charity) and Billy her Husband, Patrick Shelton my Collier [crossed out section: "Frank my house carpenter"] Angaline and her youngest daughter called Indiana, and a colored Female child of Caroline's called Judy, these negroes are to be passed into the possession of my said Brother with titles to the same, or so many of them as may be then Living, or that may not before that time have been disposed of by myself at the time my Executors may make a general distribution of my negro property given to my other Legatees.
- 18th Item; I given and bequeath to my kind and affectionate nephew William H Napier my negro Woman named Cloey and her oldest Daughter that is with her named Nancy, and her Son named Fed the Boy is about nine years old and the Girl is about Seven years old, and my negro man named Landon and his son Albert, and my negro man Mark (Landon & Mark are Teamsters) and my negro man Edmund Lester, a Wood Hauler.
- 19th Item; I will and bequeath to the Lawful Heirs of John B Carpenter and his Wife Mary my niece and daughter of my dec'd Brother Thomas Napier, a negro Woman named Druinica [?] who they now have in their possession and one Thousand Dollars in money, to be paid by my Executors as the Sums directed to be paid in the 3rd Item of this my Will, to my other Legatees.
- 20th Item; I Will and bequeath to my kind faithful and worthy nephew William C Napier, one of my Brother Thomas's sons [crossed out section: "a mulatto negro woman called Jane and her Boy Child an Infant at her breast at present (without name)"] Jim Roundtree & Sam McCrey. The gift of Jane and her Child Eraced above I have caused to be Eraced at this time which is before the signing of the Will and my executors are to give him my quit claim deed to all the Iron property personal and real Estate belonging to the same that I purchased of Napier & Catron and of Judge Catron on Shoal Creek, Chiefs Creek and Brush Creek and their tributary Streams together with his note which I hold for about fifteen Hundred Dollars which is at this time due and unpaid, Previous to any action by my Executors in this particular, the Said William C Napier is to come forward and file his Receipt, in the Clerks Office in full payment and Satisfaction of all debts dues and demands that he may have against my Estate by note Book account or otherwise, the adjustment of this Item will be foreclosed as in the settlement with the other Legatees.
- 21st Item; I will and bequeath to the Lawful Heirs of Benjamin Stones and his Wife Mary a daughter of my dec'd Brother Henry A C Napier Five Thousand Dollars, to be paid over by my Executors to a trustee selected by a majority of them and in case they cannot agree they are to refer to the Chairman of the County Court, to give the casting vote, and said Trustee is to give good and Sufficient Security for the timely and proper disposition of said money and Interest arising thereon for the benefit of Said Heirs.
- 22nd Item; I will and bequeath to the Heirs of Samuel B Lee and his Wife Amanda, the Daughter of my Brother John W Napier Six Thousand Dollars to be paid over by my Executors to a Trustee selected by a Majority of them, and if they cannot agree they are to refer the casting Vote to the Chairman of the County Court and said trustee is to give good and Sufficient Security for the proper and timely disposition of Said money and the Interest arrising thereon for the benefit of Said Heirs.
- 23rd Item; It is my Will and desire that all my real and personal property in the Counties of Davidson Dickson and Hickman and the real estate lying in the adjoining Counties, to Said Counties, which was procured for the benefit of my different Iron Establishments, be sold on a credit of One, Two, Three, Four and five years, to be paid in equal instalments and that notes be taken for the same with good security, and a lien retained on the property until the last payment is made. And out of the fund arrising from said Sale, Is to be paid the donations in money which I have made in the preceding Items of this my Will, and the ballance which may be left, on hand, I desire to be Equally divided between the Lawful Heirs of my Brother H A C Napier (Except Benj'n Stones and Wife Mary for whom I have provided in the 21st Item of this Will) and the lawful Heirs of Dr John R Hudson and his Wife Araminta the Daughter of my Brother John W Napier, each of the Heirs of Dr J R Hudson and Wife to receive an Equal Share with each of the Heirs of H A C Napier my Brother, in said remaining fund, after retaining the money necessary for the appropriations that I have herein after directed to be retained for the benefit of Solomon whom I in this Will Emancipated and Dr J R Hudson and his Wife Araminta are each to be paid five Dollars out of Said remaining fund that would otherwise go to their Heirs.
- 24th Item; I will and bequeath to several of the Slaves that I have Emancipated certain Sums of money which may be found in their possession, at my death, and I desire my Executors to protect them in the possession and prudent use of the same. And all my Household and Kitchen furniture I give to Judy and her four sons and to Lizzy, to be divided between them, as my Executors may think Just and Equitable, Should there be any dissatisfaction in the division of said property by themselves, but if there is none, then the division made by themselves is to stand. And the yellow Boy Solomon whom I have set free in the Second Item of this my Will, is to be furnished by my Executors with Fifty Dollars per Annum for his Schooling &c., until he is fifteen years of Age, then he is to be put to some Trade, which my Executors may Select, having due regard to his Genius and Capacity, and they are to pay into his hands when he is Twenty One years of age the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, to commence his trade on, which Sums of money they are to retain in their Hands for said purposes, this donation of five Hundred dollars is to be given to him provided he may be of Sober and Steady Habits, Otherwise I leave it with my Executors to furnish and treat him as his conduct may deserve. I also wish the negroes which I have Emancipated to be furnished out of my Smoke Houses and other places with Bacon, Corn or meal, Shugar, Coffee and Salt sufficient to Last them for provisions for twelve entire months after my death. Now it is my Will and desire that should any of those negroes that I have Emancipated choose to live in Davidson County, or make that their General Home, then my Executors are to send an officer and take possession of said Emancipated Slave and put him or her on the Block in the town of Charlotte, and Hire him out from month until he may quit Davidson County and choose some other place for a Home and the money arrising from said Hire (if any) is to be Equally divided among the other Slaves that I have Emancipated.
- 24th Item; I wish it to be understood that the negro Child that I give to Robert McNeilly's oldest Son in the 12th Item of this Will, I have this day Executed a Bill of Sale of said negro Child Kitty to James H, Thomas L, Felix C and Robert A McNeilly the four sons of Robert and Margaret McNeilly which is in full satisfaction of said donation made in the 12th Item of this my Will.
- 25th Item, and now if I should survive and dispose of any of the property divided or donated in this Will, before it shall be proven in Court I wish it understood that the titles and Transfers that I may make shall be good both in Law and Equity against the claim to said property so transfired which may be set up under any of the provisions of this Will.
- 26th Item, My Executors are to have it to their Choice whether they will give personal Security for the faithful and Vigilent performance of the duties that will devolve on them, in the Execution of this Will, or they may file an affidavit in the Clerks Office that they will faithfully timely and vigilently perform the duties incumbent on them in the Execution of this Will to the best interest of the Estate and those concerned in it to the best of their ability and knowlidge.
- 27th Item; Now for and in consideration of the confidence I have in the Philanthropy and Sterling integrity of my Executors and Confidential friends Robert McNeilly, Benjamin C Robertson and William H Napier, who will reside in the immediate neighbourhood of my principle business, I particularly enjoin it upon them to have fullly carried out all the requisites necessary to carry out my Views and Wishes in regard to the several Slaves that I have Emancipated in or out of the County of Dickson or State of Tennessee as the circumstances of their cases may require.
- 28th Item now It is my Will and I do hereby constitute and appoint William C Napier of Hickman County, and Robert McNeilly and Benjamin C Robertson and William H Napier all three of Dickson County, and all four are citizens of the State of Tennessee my Executors to this my last Will and testament and It is my Will that all my notes not otherwise herein disposed of and all my Book accounts and debts of Every Kind due my Estate be considered a part of my personal Estate and is to be disposed of as directed in the 23rd Item of this Will.
- And now before the signing of this Will I Will here Explain that on the first page of this Will at the end of the 24th line the words and his Wife Caroline are Eraced and in the 25th line from the top the Word two and ren at the end of the word Child and the Word Judy and the word and are Erased, and at the end of said line the words their youngest is interlined. And on the 5th page of this Will at the end of Item the 11th between the 14th and 15th lines on said page the following Words are enterlined to wit, Receipt in full for all claims he may have against my Estate, and on the Sixth page of this Will, and in the 14th Line from the top of said page between the Words money and the in said line, the following is enterlined to with "also several notes which I hold against said Moore and his Father" and in the 15th line on said 6th page the Words "and the notes" are enterlined and on the 7th page in the 5th an 6th lines from the top Mark my House Carpenter is Erased, and on this 12th page in the 12th line the Words "to be" are enterlined. And now having had this Will Written our and having carefully Examined and digested each and all of Its Items I do hereby establish and constitute this to be my last Will and testament, In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 12th day of June 1848 in presince of Thomas Overton and Thomas McNeilly Witnesses by the request of the Testator
- E.W. Napier (seal)
- Tho McNeilly
- Thos Overton
- Codicil #1
- I Elias W Napier having heretofore made and published my last Will and testament do hereby make and declare this as a codicil thereto, to wit,
- I do hereby Emancipate and set at liberty after my death my negro man Ephraigm who has one Eye out, and It is my Will that he be treated in the same manner, and be subject to the same restrictions, as those Emancipated in the 2nd Item of the foregoing Will. I Emancipate Ephraigm in consideration of his faithfulness honesty and Industry in attending to my business as a teamster.
- I hereby Give to my faithful Seamstress Judy and her five Children, the use and possession of my Farm on Richland Creek in Davidson County, together with the crop now growing on the same and all the Stock of every kind at s'd Farm, the Stock and Crop are to be subject to their entire controll and disposition, and they are to enjoy the possession of said Farm until the first day of March next, unless they choose to quit the possession of the same Sooner, and on their leaving said farm my Executors are to take possession of the same and rent it out or dispose of it as they may think proper, until it is sold, and at my death Tom Keys and Ephraigm are to select my best Waggon and Eight of my best mules and Gear, which my Executors are to place in the possession of those Slaves that I have Emancipated for their own use and benefit all of which are to be and remain their property.
- Immediately after my death my Executors are to take all my property into their possession, and they are to proceed on the 6th day of March next at the upper End of the Market House in the Citty of Nashville to sell my farm on Richland Creek in Davidson County on the terms specified in the 23rd Item in the body of my Will, first having advertized the same for Two months in the Louisville Journal and in some most popular Newspaper in the Citty of Cincinnatti and in the Nashville Whig, and They are to have all my Iron Works carried on until the first day of May next, when they are immediately thereafter to proceeed to sell to the highest Bidder at the White Bluff Forge, first the White Bluff Forge and next the Old Turnbull Forge and the Lands attached to them respectively, and next they are to sell the negroes belonging to said Forges & then they are to sell the other perishable property at the Forges then they are to proceed to Piney Furnace and first sell the Furnace & the Lands belonging to the same and next the negroes at said Furnace and then the other perishable property at the Furnace, Then they are to proceed to Mt Etna Furnace, and first sell the Furnace and Lands thereto belonging, then the negroes at s'd Furnace & then the other property at said Furnace first having advertized the sale of said property for two months in the Louisville Journal, and in the most popular newspaper in the Citty of Cincinnatti, and in the Nashville Whig all of which property is to be sold on the terms prescribed in the 23rd Item of my Will, and the profits after paying the necessary Expenses and Charges incident on carrying on the Works are to constitute as part of my Estate and be disposed of as directed in my Will. And now having had this codicil Written Out and having duly considered its provisions, I do hereby establish and constitute the same as a part of my Will and I desire that the same be so considered and carried out by my Executors, In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd day of July 1848 in presence of Robert McNeilly and Tarlton F Moore Witnesses by the request of the testator.
- E W Napier (seal)
- Immediately after my death my Executors are to take all my property into their possession, and they are to proceed on the 6th day of March next at the upper End of the Market House in the Citty of Nashville to sell my farm on Richland Creek in Davidson County on the terms specified in the 23rd Item in the body of my Will, first having advertized the same for Two months in the Louisville Journal and in some most popular Newspaper in the Citty of Cincinnatti and in the Nashville Whig, and They are to have all my Iron Works carried on until the first day of May next, when they are immediately thereafter to proceeed to sell to the highest Bidder at the White Bluff Forge, first the White Bluff Forge and next the Old Turnbull Forge and the Lands attached to them respectively, and next they are to sell the negroes belonging to said Forges & then they are to sell the other perishable property at the Forges then they are to proceed to Piney Furnace and first sell the Furnace & the Lands belonging to the same and next the negroes at said Furnace and then the other perishable property at the Furnace, Then they are to proceed to Mt Etna Furnace, and first sell the Furnace and Lands thereto belonging, then the negroes at s'd Furnace & then the other property at said Furnace first having advertized the sale of said property for two months in the Louisville Journal, and in the most popular newspaper in the Citty of Cincinnatti, and in the Nashville Whig all of which property is to be sold on the terms prescribed in the 23rd Item of my Will, and the profits after paying the necessary Expenses and Charges incident on carrying on the Works are to constitute as part of my Estate and be disposed of as directed in my Will. And now having had this codicil Written Out and having duly considered its provisions, I do hereby establish and constitute the same as a part of my Will and I desire that the same be so considered and carried out by my Executors, In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd day of July 1848 in presence of Robert McNeilly and Tarlton F Moore Witnesses by the request of the testator.
- Test.
- R McNeilly
- Tarlton F Moore
- I hereby renew the above Codicil and emancipate and set at liberty Caroline and her child Judy who are to go with Judy and other emancipated slaves and are to be subject to the control of Carrol and James and if her conduct deserves it they are to expel her from the Company and send her back to the Country with her youngest child and should Caroline the emancipated slave indulge excessively and notoriously in drunkenness and debachery she is to be expelled and sent back to this Country by Carrol and James two of my emancipated slaves in witness where of I have here unto set my hand and seal this the [illegible] day of August 1848 in the presence of Tarlton F Moore and Joseph Groves at the request of Testator.
- E W Napier (seal)
- Test.
- T F Moore
- Joseph Groves
- Codicil #2
- Know all men whom it may concern that I E W Napier having heretofore made my Will and being now very weak and infirm do make this as a codicil thereto. I hereby request authorise and empower my Executors to Set at liberty my negro Boy Smith after he shall have remained in the services of my Estate until after the sale of the same, and I wish It understood that I do hereby Emancipate him subject to the above condition and he is then to stand on the same footing with the Others that I have Emancipated. Witness my hand and seal this 6th day of August 1848.
- E W Napier (seal)
- Test.
- R McNeilly
- Jesse Beck
- State of Tennessee Dickson County Court August Term 1848
- Then was the foregoing last Will & Testament with all its Codicils of Elias W Napier dec'd produced in open Court and proved to be such by the oaths of Tho McNeilly, Tho Overton, Robert McNeilly, Tarlton F Moore, Joseph Groves, and Jesse Beck Subscribing Witnesses thereto, and the same was ordered to be Recorded.
- Test, Tho McNeilly, Clerk of said Court
- State of Tennessee Dickson County August 22 1848
- Then was the foregoing last Will and Testament of E W Napier dec'd Recorded in Will Book Pages 183-4.
- Thos McNeilly, Clerk
Elias W Napier's estate inventory was recorded on 16 October 1848.[2]
- ↑ Will of Elias W Napier - Tennessee, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1779-2008. Dickson > Wills, 1800-1899. Ancestry.com. Ancestry Sharing Link. Image 911 of 1419. Recorded 22 August 1848.
- ↑ Estate Inventory of E W Napier - Tennessee, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1779-2008. Dickson > Administrator Settlements, 1823-1860. Ancestry.com. Ancestry Sharing Link. Image 523 of 805. Recorded 16 Oct 1848.
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