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Will of Elizabeth Adcocke, Widow of Hingham, 1589

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Hingham, Norfolk, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Adcocke
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This is a transcript of the register copy of the Will of Elizabeth Adcocke, Widow of Hingham, Norfolk, England. It was written on 11 July 1586 . It was probated on 21 May 1589 .[1]

The image quality was excellent and the handwriting very legible.
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]

Persons Mentioned:

  • Elizabeth Adcocke, widow, Testator
  • John Lyncolne, son-in-law
  • Edmande Lord Morlye
  • Thomasine Cockerell, daughter
  • John Cockerell, son-in-law
  • Elizabeth Childress, daughter
  • Magdalene Jubye, daughter
  • Edmunde Juby, son-in-law
  • Edith Lyncolne, daughter
  • Marion Kingwood, goddaughter
  • Elizabeth Hopkinson
  • Thomas Cowper, mercer, Supervisor of Will
  • Thomas Amyas, witness
  • John Amyas, witness
  • Mr William Mallotosse, witness

In the name of god Amen the xjth daye of
the month of July in the yeare Lord 1586 and in th[e] xxviij
year of the raigne of our most gracious Soverarigne Ladye
Elizabeth by the grace of god Queen of England France
and Ireland Defender of the faythe etc. I Elizabeth Adcocke
of Hingham in the countye of Norf[olk] widdowe and with
in the dioces of Norwich being whole of mynde and of p[er]fect
remembrance handed by god doe ordayne and make this my p[re]sent
and last will In manner and forme followinge vizt refusinge
setting voyde and disanullinge all other willes and testaments
in thmes past by me made First and pricinipallye I
commend my soul into the handes of allmightye god my maker
and Jesus Christ my redemer , and god the hole gost my Sanctifier
trusting to enioye the glorious p[re]sence of the true and Imortal
god amongst the St in heaven , And my bodye to be buried
in the churchyarde of Hingham aforsayd.

Item I give
and bequeathe unto the poore people of Hingham aforsayde xxl
of lawfull money of England to be distributed unto them in
the daye of my buriall by my executor where most nede shall

Item I give and bequeathe unto John Lyncolne my
sonne in lawe after my decease the use occupation and proffit of
all such my houses landes tenemens meadowes pastures feadinge
woode underwwoode and hereditamente sett fiting and beinge in

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Hingham aforesayd as I have by indenture of lease of the right
honerable Edmande Lord Morlye to the use of the sayd John
his executors or assignes during the full continuance etc source
of the sayd lease uppon condicion that he the sayd John Lincolne
his executors or assignes shall pay such legacyes as hereafter
shallbe given

Item I give and bequeathe unto Thomasine
Cockerell my daughter the weiffe of John Cockerell xls of lawfull
monye of England to be payd to the sayd Thomasine within
two years next after my decease, And if it shall please god
to call the sayd Thomasine Cockerell oute of this worlde
before she shall receyve that xls and everi p[ar]te and p[ar]cell
thereof that then I will soasmuche as shallbe unpayd at her
decease shallbe equallie p[ar]ted amonste so manye of her children
as then shallbe alive when she ought to have recyved the same
every thing about sayd to the contrarye nowithstandinge

I geve and bequeathe unto Elizabeth Childress my
daughter xxxs of lawfull monye of England to be payd unto
her, her executors or assignes within three years nexte after
my decease

Item I give and bequeathe unto Magdalene
Jubye my daughter the weiffe of Edmunde Juby the somme
of xxs of lawfull monye of England to be payd unto the sayd
Magdalene her executors or assignes within fower yeres
next after my decease

Item I give and bequeathe unto
Edith Lyncolne my daughter xls of lawfull monye of England
to be

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To be payde unto the sayd Edyth her executors or assignes with
in sixe yeares next after my decease. Also which sayd payments
are to be made in the church porche of Hingham aforesayd

Item I give and bequeath to every one of my grandchildren
ijs a peece of lawfull monye of England to be payd unto those
when they and every of them shallbe accomplishe the severall
age of xxi yeres uppon ther resonable demand and if it
shall happen enye of my grandchildren shall departe this
worlde before the tyme they and every of them ought to be
payde that then ther p[ar]tes so deceased shallbe devided to the
survivours when he or they out to have taken the same
two shillings.

Item I give and bequeath unto Marion
Kingwood my goddaughter xijd

Item I give and bequeath
unto Elizabeth Hopkinson iijs md of lawfull monye of Englande
to be payd unto her under this forme following vidtz within
one quarter next after my decease xd and so from thereforthe
xd a quarter unill the sayd xld be payde And if defaulte
of payment shall chance to be made by the sayd John
Lincolne his executors or assignes to enye of the sayd
p[er]son or p[er]sons above specified when the same ought to
be payd contrarye to the forme abovesayd that then
and at all tymes after it shallbe good and lawfull unto
the sayd p[er]son or p[er]sons then executors and assignes in to
all and singuler the abovesayd permitted and every p[ar]te and p[ar]cell

Page 4

parcell thereof to enter and the proffite thereof coming to take
and to ther own use or uses to p[ar]ceibe untilll ther severall
portions be fullie payde (enye thinge abovesayd to the contrarie

Item all the rest of my goodes and
cattells not before nor hereafter geven nor bequeathed I
commit to my executors to and for the performance of
this my present testament and last will whome I
ordayne and make the sayd John Lyncolne my sonne
in lawe Also I do ordayne consitute and mae Thomas
Cowper mercer Supervisor of this my testatment & last will
to that entent that he the same Thomas his executors
and assignes, if my executor or his executors shall neglect
or omytt the due p[er]formance of this my testatment and last
will to bring them or enye of them before suche judge or
officer as shall have authoritie to compell them or anye
of them to the fullfilling of the[se] my legacyes unto with
Thomas I do give and bequeathe for his or ther paynes
herin so taken xis xiijl of lawfull monye of Englande
oner and besides all such costes expenses and charges

as shallbe expended and paid above the same In witness
whereof hereunto I have sette my seale geven the daye
and yeare first abovewrytten. These beinge witnesses of
Thomas Amyas John Amyas Mr William Mallotosse

Probated: 21 May 1589


  1. Will of Elizabeth Adcocke, Widow of Hingham, 1586, Probate records for the Episcopal Consistory Court, Archdeaconry of Norwich, Regd. copy wills vol. 87 1589-1590 Viewable at a Family History Centre FamilySearch, FHL Digital Collection, DGS 8076293 images 65-7 of 780.] Accessed 15 May 2022

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