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Will of Elizabeth Berresford of London, 1802

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This is a transcript of the will of Elizabeth Berresford of Aldgate, London. Her will was made on 6 December 1802 and was proved on 17 December 1802.


I Elizabeth Berresford
being now resident at No. 32 Aldgate and desirous
of settling my worlding affairs I desire my Body to
be buried in the Grave of my Husband in a decent
and creditable manner and after payment of my
funeral Expences and all Debts contacted I give
my Household Goods Plate and Monies and
valuables in the Funds and at Stationers Hall
and Monies due from my Son William in equal
Shares between my four Children now living
my Linen and Cloaths I give between my Daughters
Elizabeth Soley and Rebecca Shuter and to Mary
Hayland[?] I give Mourning according to the discretion
of my Daughter Rebecca and I hereby appoint
my Sons George Soley and George Shuter Executors
of this my last will in presence of two witnesses
this 6th Day of December 1802 Eliz: Berresford
William Morgan Bailey Leadenhall Street. C. D. W.
Terry Stoke Newington.

This Will was proved at London the seventeenth
Day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and two before the worshipful Samuel
Pearce Parson Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right
Honourable Sir William Wynne Knight Doctor of Laws
Master Keeper of Commissary of the Prerogative Court
of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oaths of
George Soley and George Shuter the Executors
named in the said Will to whom administration of
all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of
the deceased was granted they having been first
sworn duly to administer


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