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Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Cowper
This is a transcription of the original will of Elizabeth Cooper (1558-) of Hingham. It was written on 20 April 1626, but not proved at the Archdeaconry Court of Norwich until 10 November 1630. [1] Elizabeth did not revise her will even though her son Henry died in October 1626.
Persons mentioned:
- Elizabeth Cooper
- Thomas Coo[per], my grandchild sonne of Robert Coo[per]
- Robert Coo[per], my sonne, executor
- Kathrine Farroe, my servant
- Thomas Cooper, my sonne
- Henry Cooper, my sonne
- Elyzabeth Haryston
- Margret Page
- Anthony Cooper my sonne, executor
- Robert Tompson, witness
- John Robinson, witness
In the name of God Amen the twentye day of April 1626 I
Elyzabeth Coop[er] of Hingham in the countye of Norff[olk] wyddowe
beinge of p[er]fect memorye praysed be god, Doe ordayne & make this
my last wyll & testament in manner & forme followinge vizt
first I committ & commend my soule into the hands of Almightye
god my maker / & Jesus Christ my redemer & god the holye
ghost my santyfyer & comforter trusting to enioye the gloryous
presence of the true & Immortall god Amongest the family in
heaven / & my bodye to be buryed in the Church yard of
Hingham nere my late husband
Item I gyve & bequeth
unto the poore people of Hingham the summe of fower pounds
to be distributed unto them at the day of my buryall by my
Item I gyve unto Thomas Coo[per] my granchild Sonne
of Robert Coo[per] tenne shillinges
Item I gyve unto Kathrine
Farroe my servant ten shillinges
Item I gyve unto Thomas
Coo[per] my sonne my bed stead my Cubberd & my table w[hi]ch late
stood in my parlore /
Item I gyve unto Henry Coop[er] my sonne
twoe of my best chayres
Item I give to my Elyzabeth Haryston
my old Russet petecoate And to Margret Page one old petecoate
Item all the rest of my goodes Cattels Chattels debtes and
utenstils of howshowld by what tytle or name soever they
be called I gyve & bequeath unto Robert Coo[per] & Anthony
Coo[per] my twoe sonnes whome I make executors of this my
last wyll & testament to the intent they shall p[er]forme the
same in all pointes & pay my debts & legacyes & se my
body decently brought to the earth the mother of all flesh
In witnes herunto I have set my hand & seal the day
& yere above written
Elyzabeth Coop[e]r X her mark
these being witnesses
Robert Tompson
John Robinson
Probate [abstracted from the Latin written on the reverse of the will] [2] granted at Norwich at the Archdeaconry Court of Norwich on the tenth day of November 1630 to Antho[ny] Coop[er] executor
- ↑ Will of Elizabeth Cooper 1630, Episcopal Consistory Court, Archdeaconry of Norwich Original wills 1630, Norwich Record Office; digital images, FamilySearch, FHL Digital Collection, DGS 8076513, image 464 of 830.] Accessed 14 February 2022
- ↑ Probate statement for Will of Elizabeth Cooper 1626, Episcopal Consistory Court, Archdeaconry of Norwich Original wills 1630, Norwich Record Office; digital images, FamilySearch, FHL Digital Collection, DGS 8076513, image 463 of 830.] Accessed 14 February 2022
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