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Surnames/tags: Crunden Will
This is a transcription of the original probate copy of the Will of Elizabeth Crunden of Eastbourne ("Estborne") written on 19 November 1545. It is one page only, is unsigned and most of the addendum has been struck out. The reverse side of the page relates that the will was proved on 20th February 1575 which may be a clerk's error for 1545, and hence proved 20 February 1545/6. She left an estate worth £4 14 shillings. The will was proved at the Consistory Court for the Archdeaconry of Lewes. [1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are per the will, including crossings out and insertions.
Abbreviations have been expanded in [square brackets]
Capital F has been rendered as F rather than ff.
There were very few capital letters used for names and proper nouns.
In the name of god Amen. The xix ti day of novemb[e]r and
the year of our lord god a thowsand fyve hundr[e]th forty &
fyve. I Elsabeth Crunden of the p[ar]ishe of Estborne in
countye of Sussex sicke in body but foll of remeb[ra]ns
thanks be to god do make this my last will & testame[n]t
in man[no]r & forme folowyng. fyrst I gyve & bequeth
my sowle unto almyghty god and Blessed lade
sanet mary and all the c[om]panyny of hevy[n] to pr[a]y
for me & my bode to be buried in the churchyard
of estborne aforesayd. Also I gyve unto the hye
alter of estborne iiijd. Item to the Brothered of iesus [2] a
Busehell of barle. [3] Item I gyve unto Alys Broke the
dought[er] of John Broke iiij platers a payr of h[ ]pyn
shets and a panne & I gyve unto the wif of
nycolas Kyngsmell a kyrtell and a smocke
And to mother Ray a kercher / Item I gyve unto
the wif of Roger Woode a kercher and a smocke. All
my the godes unbequete I gyve unto John Wynkefyld
Whome I co[n]stytute and make my lawfull executor
These beying Witnesse Robert Balert Will[ia]m fourd
Richard wryght curat and other
Also I will that there shalbe iij masses at my buryall
and iij at at my mounth mynde. [4] I will th[a]t ther[e] shalbe ij masses
sayd for me onys in the ev[er]y yere by the space of [crease in the page]
And I will Robert balart to be my over seer of
this my last will the some for his paynes
takynge iij s iiij d
- ↑ Will of Elizabeth Crunden 1545 Consistory Court for the Archdeaconry of Lewes. Original held at East Sussex Record Office, The Keep, Woollards Way, Brighton BN1 9BP. Image on FamilySeach Film # 004427670 image 23 Accessed 4 September 2021
- ↑ The "Brotherhood of Jesus" was a fraternal gild in Eastborne
- ↑ Bushell of barley
- ↑ Month's mind - a remembrance mass said a month after the burial
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