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Will of Elizabeth Lenthale, widow of Henley on Thames 1558

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The Will of Elizabeth Lenthale, widow of Henley on Thames was written on the 11 January 1557/8 and proved on 20 September 1558, with administration granted to John Taylor for William Lenthall.[1][2]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • Illegible words or parts of words are marked [...]
  • The image quality was very poor, and the handwriting legibility poor, the copy at Ancestry being only slightly better, so there may be errors.

Persons mentioned:

  • Elizabethe Lenthale of Henlye upon Thamys (testatrix)
  • John Willes (father, deceased)
  • Margarett (it's unclear if it's John's mother or Elizabeth's mother, as after the first margarett it says "his mother")
  • John Lenthale (son)
    • Elizabeth Rampus (John's daughter)
  • Richard Lenthale (son)
    • his wife unnamed
  • Ladye Anne Tempest (daughter)
  • Margarett Tempest (daughter)
  • Daughter Pygott (daughter)
    • Anne and Cyssley (her daughters)
  • John Taylor (tenant)
  • Wyllyam Lenthale (son, sole executor)
    • his wife unnamed
  • Walter Edwardes (tenant)
  • Bryon Turnor (lackey)
  • Thomas Lenthale (husband, deceased)
  • Elynor Lenthale (a son's daughter)
  • John Froste (overseer)
  • John Taylor (overseer, is the same as the tenant?)
  • Witnesses: Dame Anne Tempest, John Frost, John Taylor, Harrye Lewyne, Anne Tempest

In the name of god Amen The Eleventhe Daye of January in the
yere of our Lord god a thowsand I Fyve hundred Fyftye and Seaven
I Elizabethe Lenthale of Henlye upon Thamys in the Countye of
Oxon wydowe Sycke of bodye but of good and perfecte mynde and Remem=
brannce Thanked be allmightye god / and consyderinge the fragill[i]tye of thys
Transytory lyff Do ordayne and make thys my Testament and Laste wyll
In manner and forme Followinge: Firste I bequethe my Sowle To allmyghtye
god my maker and Redemer To hys blessed mother the vrygynne our Ladye
St Marye and to all the Holye blessed company of heaven Item I will my
bodye be buryed where my Father and mother John Willes and Margarett
hys mother lye buryed / And I will To be dystrybuted To the poore at the
daye of my buryell Fourtye shillinges in money over and besydes all other coste
and chardges for my Funerall whyche I reserve To the dyscrec[i]on of myne
Executor: Item I will and bequethe To my Sonne John Lenthale one
greate Brasse pott: a greate kettle of Brasse To brewe in a Fether bedd
w[ith] a bolster Two pyllowes & Downe a payre of blankett[es] a Cov[er]lett wroughte
w[ith] [blewe] and Tawney and w[ith] some blacke of myne owne makinge A Testor
of greyne and Tawney w[ith] a Frynge of greyne Crewell And the greyne
Gaye that hangythe alonghte my bedd A Tabell clothe a Towell a payre
of Ghettes Two pyllowleres & sylver salte w[ith] a cover that my husband
gave me : Item I will To my Sonne Richard Lenthale one brasse pott //
The greteste brasse panne . a Fether bedd . a bolster . a payre of blankett[es] . a
Coverlett of blewe and Redd of myne owne makinge / a Tester of Redd and
greyne w[ith] a Frynge of yelowe and grene a Tabell clothe a Towell Syxe
napkyns a lynnen cubbord clothe a payre of shetes Two [p...ers] / A maser
in a bande of gylte beinge silver Three sylver Sponnes : and the stayned
hangyns alonghte the lytell chamber / Item I gyve To my [...ste] lyvynge
Daughter the Ladye Anne Tempest my Satten gowne and a Furre of Ca=
lubre my beste Frenche wheede w[ith] all Thinges belonginge to yt and Three
golde Ringes viz a Dyamond . a Rubye and Sapher Item I gyve And
bequethe To my Daughter Margarett Tempest my Thurde beste gowne
my kyrtell of blacke Sattan as myne Executor shall thinke good Item I
gyve and bequeth To my Daughter Pygott a gowne of Fyne [clothe] garded
w[ith] velvett : a kyrtell of Russatt Damaske a payre of sleves of Russatt
velvett and one other gowne if Russatt clothe Furred w[ith] grey Coneye . A
Frenche wheede w[ith] all Thinges belonginge therunto And Two peres of all
my weringe lynnen That ys To saye smockes partlett[es] Sleaves Rayles
kerchers and other necessaryes . Item I gyve To my Daughter Pygottes
Two chyldren, viz Anne and Cyssley Fourtye shillinges apece . Item I will
and gyve To John Taylor my Ten[na]nte Twenty shillinges And Further I
Will To hym the howse that he nowe dwellythe in w[ith] Thappurten[a]nces
for the Terme of Tenne yeres ymedyatly or nexte after my deathe yeldi[n]ge
and payinge therfore yerlye To the Churche Three shillinges and To my
Sonne Wyllyam Lenthale yerlye fowre pence duringe the seyd Ten yeres
So that the seyd John Taylor do repayayre and amend the sayd howse
In all manner of Reperac[i]ons as neade require duringe the seyd Tenne
yeres and after the seyd Tenne yeres be Fullie expyred To remayne To
myne heyres for ever / Item I gyve To Walter Edwardes my Ten[a]nte
Twentye Shillinges Item I will myne Exerutor do gyve To the poore
peple of the parryshe of Gt haysley . Twentye shillinges To praye for
me and all [christ]en Sowles Item I gyve To Bryon Turnor my Lackaye
Fourtye shillinges of Redye monney I gyve To my Sonne Richardes wyff[e]
A gowne of clothe Item I will That my Sonne wyllyam lenthale hys
heyres or Assignes shall duringe the Terme of Twentye yeres after my de=
ceasse, dystrybute yerely Twentye shillinges in money out of my Fee
Sympell Landes in madenhead in the Countye of Bark and w[ith] the same
To bye as moche Frysse clothe as wll make Fowre Cottes To gyve

[Page 2]
To Fower poore men Dwellinge in Chenley yerely on all hallowe Eve To
praye for the Sowles of John Wylles margarett hys wyff my Father And
mother Thomas Lenthale my Husband, and for the Sowle of me the seyde
Elisabeth and for all [christ]en sowles Item I gyve To Elynor Lenthale my son[n]es
Daughter my Lytell flatt Cypres coffer w[ith] all thinges therin lockyd / Item I
gyve to my Sonnes Wyllyam Lenthales wyff a morninge gowne of blacke
clothe lyned w[ith] wollen w[ith] an edge of velvett Item I qyve and bequeth tp
Elizabeth Rampus my Sonne John Lenthales Daughter in Lawe Twentye
Shillinges : All the Reste of my goodes unbequethed I gyve and bequethe
To Wyllyam Lenthale my Sonne / whome I make my Soole Executor, To
dyspose for the Helthe of my Sowle Allso I ordeyne and constytute John
Froste and John Taylor oversears of this my Laste wyll and Testament
and the seyd John Froste To have for hys paynes Fourtye Shillinges
In Witenes herof I have subscrybed w[ith] my owne hand and setto my
Seale In the presentt[es] of Dame Anne Tempest John Froste and John
Taylor and Harrye Lewyne Anne Tempest : by me Elizabeth Lynthall


  1. PROB 11/41/53 Description: Will of Elizabethe Lenthale, Widow of Henley upon Thames, Oxfordshire Date: 20 September 1558 Held by: The National Archives, Kew.
  2. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 41
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #975437 (accessed 4 February 2024)
    Will of Elizabeth Lenthale, granted probate on 20 Sep 1558. Died about 1558 in Henlye upon Thamys, Oxfordshire, England.

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