Location: [unknown]
The Will of Elizabeth Mayor, spinster of Farnham Royal was written on 26 June 1682 and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in London on 18 October 1682.[1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.
People mentioned in the Will:
- Elizabeth Mayor (testatrix)
- Jane Mayor, widow (mother)
- Katherine Winterflood (sister)
- William Fuller (her late husband)
- Judith Umfrevile (sister)
- Elizabeth Speght (niece)
- Edward Umfrevile (nephew)
- Judith Umfrevile (niece)
- Charles Speght (nephew)
- Richard Mayor (father, deceased)
- Thomas and Richard Winspeare (nephews)
- Judith and Sarah Winspeare (nieces)
- John Winterflood (brother in law)
- Edward Umfrevile of Farnham Royal (brother in law)
- Thomas Winspeare gent (brother in law)
- John Speght gent (brother in law)
- Walter Tredway gent (cousin)
- Nicholas Basse (godson)
- Witnesses: John Norman, Richard Shrimpton, Susanna Pond
In the Name of God Amen
I Elizabeth Mayor of Farnham Royall in the County of Bucks Spinster
being sick and weake in body but of good and perfect minde and memorie
thanks bee therefore given to Almighty God Doe make and ordaine this my
last will and testament in manner and forme following Impr[im]is I give and
bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God my most mercifull
Creator trusting assuredly through the merritts of Jesus Christ my most gracious
Redeemer to enioy everlasting life and my Body to the earth to bee decently Interred
according to the discrec[i]on of my Executors herein after named And as for the worldly
estate wherewith it hath pleased Almighty God to blesse mee I give and bequeath in
manner following Impr[im]is I give and bequeath unto my mother Jane Mayor
Widdow dureing her naturall life the interest profitt and proceed of three hundred
pounds of lawfull English money and my minde and will is that the said sum[m]e of three
hundred pounds shall within the space of Foure yeares next after my said mothers
death goe and bee paid unto the persons herein after menc[i]oned in such manner and
proporc[i]on as is herein after expressed that is to say unto my sister Katherine
Winterflood the summe of twenty pounds thereof unto my sister Judith
Umfrevile the summe of twenty pounds another parcell thereof and unto my Neece
Elizabeth Speght the summe of two hundred and sixty pounds residue of the said
summe of Three hundred pounds but my intent and meaning is and I doe
hereby will that in case my said neece Elizabeth Speght shall happen to dye before
shee atteine the age of one and twenty yeares without Issue of her body lawfully
begotten liveing at the time of her decease then in such case I give and bequeath the
said summe of two hundred and sixty pounds soe limitted to my said Neece Elizabeth
Speght as aforesaid unto my said sisters Katherine Winterflood and Judith Umfrevile
[Page 2]
equally betweene them to bee divided Item I give and bequeath unto my said sister
Katherine Winterflood the Necklace of pearls the Diamond Ring the Gould watch
and the two trunckes of linnen and other things which were the Necklace ring watch
and trunkes of linnen and other things of my said Sister Winterflood and upon which
I lent to her and her late husband William Fuller Gent deceased the summe of
Forty pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my said sister Judith Umfrevile the
summe of Fifty pounds lawfull English money to bee paid within the space of Four
yeares next after my decease Item I give unto my Nephew Edward Umfrevile
and my Neece Judith Umfrevile to each of them the summe of twenty pounds
lawfull English money to bee paid within the space of foure yeares next after my
decease Item I give and bequeath unto my said Neece Elizabeth Speght the
summe of One hundred and Fifty pounds lawfull English money to bee paid within
the Space of Five yeares next after my decease nut in case my said neece Elizabeth
Speght shall happen to die before she atteine the age of one and twenty yeares
without Issue of her body lawfully begotten liveing at the time of her decease
then my minde and will is that the said summe of One hundred and Fifty pounds
soe given and bequeathed unto my said Neece Elizabeth Speght as aforesaid
shall goe and bee paid unto my Sisters Katherine Winterflood and Judith
Umfrevile equally betweene them to bee divided within the space of foure yeares
next after the death of my said Neece Elizabeth Speght Item I give and
bequeath unto my said Neece Elizabeth Speght All the Silver and Silver and
guilt plate which were her fathers and upon which I lent her father ^the summe of thirty Seaven
pounds and tenne shillings to bee delivered unto her at her Age of one and twenty
yeares but in case shee happen to dye before she shall atteyne her Age of one and
twenty yeares without Issue of her body lawfully begotten liveing at the time of
her decease then I give and bequeath the same Plate to my said mother Jane
Mayor if shee shall bee liveing at the death of my said Neece Elizabeth Speght
and if my said mother shall not bee then liveing in such case I give and bequeath
the same plate to my nephews Charles Speght and Edward Umfrevile and my
said neece Judith Umfrevile equally betweene them to bee divided Item all my
my estate and estates interest and interests part and proporc[i]on parts and p[ro]porc[i]ons
trusts Reverc[i]on and Reverc[i]ons Remainder and Remainders whatsoever w[hi]ch I
now have of and in all the lands tenements and hereditaments aswell
Freehold and Coppyhold lyeing and being in the parish of Islington in the county
of Midd[lesex] which heretofore were the freehold and Coppyhold lands tenements
and hereditaments of my said Father Richard Mayor deceased and now are
in the tenure and possession of my said mother Jane Mayor her undertennants
assignee or assignes I give and devise in manner following (that is to say) the
one full moiety or halfe part thereof I give and devise unto my said Neece Judith
Umfrevile and to her heires and assignes forever and the other full moiety or
halfe part thereof I give and devise to my said Neece Elizabeth Speght and
to the heires of her body lawfully to bee begotten and for default of such Issue
then I give and devise the same full moiety or halfe part thereof to my said nephew
Edward Umfrevile and the heires of his body lawfully to bee begotten and for
default of such Issue then to my said Neece Judith Umfrevile and her heires
Item I give and bequeath unto my said Nephew Charles Speght the Summe of
Five pounds to be paid within the Space of foure yeares next after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto my two nephews Thomas Winspeare and Richard
Winspeare to each of them the Summe of Five pounds to be paid within the space
of Foure yeares next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my two
Neeces Judith Winspeare and Sarah Winspeare to each of them the Summe of tenn
pounds lawfull English money to bee paid within the space of foure yeares next
[Page 3]
after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my said mother Jane Mayor the
summe of Five pounds to buy mourning Item I give and bequeath unto
my two sisters Katherine Winterflood and Judith Umfrevile to each of them Five
pounds to buy mourning
^[In left margin: Item I give and bequeath unto
my Brother in law John Winterflood
gent Five pounds to buy
Item I give and bequeath unto my brother in
Law Edward Umfrevile of Farnham Royall aforesaid Esqr the Summe of
tenne pounds lawfull english money Item I give and bequeath unto my said
brother in law Edward Umfrevile the further summe of five pounds to buy mourning
Item I give and bequeath unto my brothers in law Thomas Winspeare Gent
and John Speght Gent to each of them Tenne shillings to buy each of them a
ring to wear in remembrance of mee Item I give and bequeath unto my Cosen
Walter Tredway Gent Tenne shillings to buy a Ring to ear in remembrance
if mee Item I give and bequeath unto my Godsonne Nicholas Basse twenty
shillings And I doe hereby make ordaine constitute and appoint my said mother
Jane Mayor and my said Brother in las Edward Umfrevile Joint Executors
of this my last will and testament but notwithstanding my minde and will is
that those debts oweing to mee from my said Brother in law Edward Umfrevile
for which hee hath given security shall not hereby bee remitted but that the
same shall goe towards the paying of and discharging the legacies herein
before bequeathed And I doe hereby desire and appoint my Executors to take care
of the educac[i]on and maintenance of my said Neece Elizabeth Speght But my
minde and will is and I doe hereby declare that in case shee my said neece
Elizabeth Speght shall bee married to any person whatsoever in the life time of
her Grandmother Jane Mayor without her said Grandmothers consent and
approbac[i]on first had and obteined for such marriage then all and singuler
the legacies and bequests herein before mee bequeathed to her my said neece
Elizabeth Speght shall be utterly void and of none effect And I doe hereby
further will and declare that in case shee my said Neece Elizabeth Speght
shall happen to bee married unto any person whatsoever after the decease of my
said mother and before shee my said Neece Elizabeth Speght shall atteine her
age of One and twenty yeares without the consent and approbac[i]on of my said brother
in law Edward Umfrevile first had and obteined for such her marriage then also in
such case all and every the legacies and bequests herein before by mee to her my said
neece Elizabeth Speght bequeathed shall be utterly void and of none effect In
witnesse whereof I the said Elizabeth Mayor unto this my last will and testam[en]t
written in two sheetes of paper affixed together have sett my hand and seale this
Six and twentieth day of June In the foure and thirtieth yeare of the reigne of
our Sovereigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland
France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c. Annoque D[omi]ni one
thousand Six hundred eighty two . Elizabeth Mayor Signed sealed published
and declared by the above named Elizabeth Mayor as her last will and testam[en]t
(this word) to wit (Mayor) being writt over the first line thereof before the publishing
sealeing and declareing thereof in the presence of John Norman Richard Shrimpton
Susanna Pond
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 371
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #752220 (accessed 23 October 2023)
Will of Elizabetha Mayor, granted probate on 18 Nov 1682. Died about 1682 in Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire, England.
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