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Will of Elizabeth Powell of No 12 Princes Place Kennington, Surrey, Widow 1843

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Date: 13 Jan 1843 to 18 Nov 1843
Location: Kennington, Surrey, England, United Kingdommap
This page has been accessed 36 times.



I Elizabeth Powell Widow of No 12 Princes Place
Kennington in the County of Surry being of sound mind and good
bodily health do declare this to be my last Will and Testament
namely I give and bequeath to my dear niece Mary Ann Richmond
wife of Lieut. Col'l. Archibald Richmond of the Bengal Infantry the
sum of five hundred pounds of good and lawful money of Great
Britain together with the following articles namely a silver Coffe
Pot silver tea pot and silver Candlestick. I also give and bequeath to
my dear nephew Willm. Blair Leabeter Captn. in the Bengal
Infantry one hundred pounds of good and lawful money of Great
Britain also to my dear nephews Nathaniel Cumberlege John Cum-
berlege and Edward Cumberlege Captains in the Bengal N. Infantry
one hundred pounds each of good and lawful money of Great
Britain Also to my dear nephew
Thomas Chavasse Surgeon of the
Town of Birmingham one hun-
dred pounds of good and lawful
money of Great Britain
and I also give and bequeath to each of my two servants
Ann Reilley and Maria Angel the sum of twelve guineas in
addition to whatever sum may be due to them at the time of
my decease or after it all these bequests being satisfied and all
my just debts being paid I leave to my dear brother Henry
Leadbeater of Hartest in the County of Suffolk the residue of my
property of whatever or wherever it may be found and I leave
my dear brother Henry Leadbeater aforesaid my sole Executor
and residuary legatee given under my hand and seal this
thirteenth of January one thousand eight hundred and forty three
in the present of /-/ Elizabeth Powell (SS) /-/ F. Twiss No 11 Charlott
Place Vauxhall /-/ Mina Lodge No 3 Princes Square


In the Goods of Elizabeth Powell Widow deceased
Appeared Personally Frank Twiss of No 11
Charlotte Place Vauxhall in the County of Surrey Gentleman
and made oath that he is one of the subscribed witnesses to the
last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Powell late of Princes Place
Kennington in the County of Surrey Widow deceased bearing
date the thirteenth day of January one thousand eight hundred
and forty three now hereunto annexed and he further made oath
that the said Testatrix on the thirteenth day of January afore-
said duly executed her said Will by signing her name at the foot
or end thereof in the presence of this deponent and of Mina Lodge
the other subscribed witness thereto both of whom were present
at the same time and this deponent and the said Mina Lodge
thereupon attested and subscribed the said Will in the presence of
the said Testatrix and of each other /-/ Frank Twiss /-/ The 16th day
of November 1843 the said Frank Twiss was sworn to the truth of
this Affdavit Before me /-/ W.C.Curteis Surr /-/ Per? G.S.Heales Not: ?


Proved at London 18th Novr 1843 before the worshipful
William Calverley Curteis Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath
of Henry Leadbeater the brother the sole Executor to whom
Administration was granted having been first sworn duly to


  • Will made 13 Jan 1843
  • Probate granted 18 Nov 1843


  • £500, silver coffee pot, teapot & candlestick to niece Mary Ann Richmond, wife of Lieut Col Archibald Richmond of the Bengal Infantry
  • £100 to nephew William Blair Leadbeater, Captain in the Bengal Infantry
  • £100 each to nephews Nathaniel, John & Edward Cumberlege, Captains in the Bengal N. Infantry
  • £100 to nephew Thomas Chavasse (Surgeon of Birmingham)
  • 12 guineas each to servants Ann Reilley & Maria Angel
  • residue to brother Henry Leadbeater of Hartest, Suffolk


National Archives Catalogue - Reference: PROB 11/1988/303
Description: Will of Elizabeth Powell, Widow of No 12 Princes Place Kennington , Surrey
Date: 18 November 1843
Accessed on https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D79344

See also: Husband's Will

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