Location: Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, England
Surnames/tags: Ibgrave wills
Will of WT_LINK
This is a transcription of the register copy of the Will of Ellen Ibgrave of Abbots Langley, Herfordshire. It was written on 8 August 1568 and proved at London on 30 November 1568.
Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.
Persons mentioned, in order of appearance
- Ellen Ibgrave, Testatrix
- William Barker, my sonne in lawe
- the childrenn of the said William Barker
- Ellyn Barker
- Henrye Barker
- Margyt Barker
- the childrenn of John Stubbes
- some godchildrenn of myne in Abbotts Langley
- William Dallyngt? my servannte
- John Stevens my serv[a]nnt
- Marye Smarte my servannte
- Elline Smarte my servannte
- goodwyfe Smarte of Kinges Langlye widowe
- Frannces Barker my sonne in Lawe
- Witnesses: John Stubbes, Raphe Hotkin?, Richard hebson
T. Ellene Ibgrave
In the name of god amen
The viijth daye of Auguste Anno D[o]m[ini] 1568 and in the Tanthe
yeare of the raigne of or Soueraigne Ladye the Quen........ that now..... / I Ellen Ibgrave of Abbotts Langley also Lees Langley mydo.. beinge
whoale of mynde and of good and perfect remembrannce laude and prayse be geyven vnto almyghtie god I do make and ordaine this my Testame[n]t
contteyningge herein my laste will in manner and forme followinge That is to saye / Firste and principallye I give and comende my Soule vnto
Almyghtye god my maker and readeamer and my bodye to be buryed w[i]tin the Quirt? or in the parrishe churche of Abbotts Langley or in suche .....
parrishe churche as yt shall fortune me to departe in at the discretion of myne executors hereafter named /
Item I will that all suche debtes and Inetres as
I owe of right or conscyence to any parsone or parsones be well and timelye contented and payde by my said executors or else provided for so to be paide /
Item I
give and bequeathe to William Barker, my sonne in lawe Twentye markes /
Item I give and bequeathe to the childrenn of the said William Barker in
manner and forme followinge, that is to saye, vnto Ellyn Barker one longe tabell clothe of Draper and a longe towell to the same belongeinge and one
payer of sheates /
Item I give and bequeathe vnto the said Ellyn one fetherbedd in bolster? &? .... pillowes and a bed stiedd in my chamber at London /.
with all thinges belonginge to the same and Fortye shillinges in monye
Item I give and bequeathe vnto Henrye Barker fourtye shillinges /
Item I
give and bequeathe vnto Margyt Barker x.. /
Item I will and bequeathe vnto the childrenn of John Stubbes xxx.. That is to saye x.. apece /
Item I will
and bequeather vnto some godchildrenn of myne in Abbotts Langley ij.. apece /
Item I will and bequeathe vnto William Dallyngt? my servannte xx.. /
I will and bequeathe vnto John Stevens my serv[a]nnt xx.. /
Item I will and bequeathe vnto Marye Smarte my servannte xx.. /
Item I will and
bequeathe vnto Elline Smarte my servannte xx.. /
Item I will and bequeathe to the goodwyfe Smarte of Kinges Langlye widowe x..
The resydue of my goodes cattalles Debtes plate Jewelles redye monye and stuffe by me herein not before bequeathed after my debtes paide my
funerall expenses discharged and done and then my legacie herein conteyned not before bequeathed after my debtes paide my funerall expenses
done and then any legacyes payde and geven / I whoalye gyve and bequeathe vnto Frannces Barker my sonne in Lawe whome I doe make
my sole executor of this my laste will and Testament and I doe vtterlye revoke and foresake all former willes guifte Legacyes bequeaste
executors by me heretofore in anye wyse geven willed bequeathed constituted named or made by mye ..... / And I will that this
my present testament shall stande for my verye laste will togethars wt all legacyes guifte bequeastes executors / by me herein geven bequeasted
made and appointed none? other in any wyse then I have herein lymyted and de....ed / In witnes whereof to this my present Testament and
laste will I the said Ellin Ibgrave haue put my hande and Seale the daye and yeare above written / Thase parformed hereafter named beinge
witnes herevnto, by me specyallye Desyred that is to saye John Stubbes Raphe Hotkin? Richard hebson /
Probate in Latin
Research Notes
- Wikipedia contributors, [URL TITLE], Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (accessed DATE).
Space:Will_of_Ann_Robinson_(1673)|Robinson, Ann (1764)
- ↑ Will of NAME
- Reference: PROB xxxx
- Description: TITLE
- Date: DATE
- Held by: [LINK The National Archives, Kew]
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