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Will of Ellys Ibgrave

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Lees Langley, Hertfordshire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Ibgrave wills
This page has been accessed 55 times.

Will of Ellys Ibgrave (-abt.1564)
This is a transcription of the register copy of the Will of Ellys Ibgrave of Lees Langley, Hertfordshire, England. It was written on 4 July 1563 and proved at London on 17 October 1564. [1]

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned, in order of appearance:

  • Ellys Ibgrave Esquire, Testator
  • the poore Inhabitants of Lees Langley
  • Herne, vicar of Lees Langley
  • my sonne and heire Beniamyn Ibgrave
  • my Wieff Bennet Ibgraue, Sole Executrix
  • my youngest sonne William Ibgraue
  • Ralf Daye, tenant
  • John Kettell
  • Allexander Boltewell, tenant
  • my friend mr Alderman Draper
  • my friend mr Beniamyn Gonson
  • my sister 'Sense Ibgrave (or sister in law?)
  • William Barker, brother in law
  • Walter Taylor
  • Witnesses: John Kettell, William Barker ... me Richard Kettell Henry Cogdale

Lands & Tenements mentioned:

  • Lands & tenements in Lees Langley
  • Free holde landes lying in Kinges Langley
  • Tenementes in the Barbican in London
  • Land called Thornes

[Page one]

In the name of god amen I Ellys Ibgraue of Lees Langley
in the Countie of Hertf esquier being whole and perfecte in mynde but being sicke in bodye doe
ordeine and make this my last will and testament in manner and fourme followinge

First I bequeathe
my soule into the handes of almightie god the father the sonne and the holly ghoste trusting and
beleving that the same by the precious deathe and bludshedinge of Jesus Christe my onlie saviour
and redeemer shalbe saved./. As for my body I will that after my lief shalbe thereout seperated in
convenient tyme shalbe buried in the Channcell of the parrishe churche of Les Langley,

Item I
do give to the poore Inhabitants of Lees Langley vj? viij?

Also I doe give vnto mr Herne (Henry?)
vicar? of Lees Langley for my tithes forgotten vj? viij?

And as concerning my landes and Tene[emen]tes?
that nowe I haue in possession as also those that shalbe hereafter discende? in reversion I will
that the Quenes ma.... shalhaue the inste? thirde parte of all the same where soeuer they be or lye
for the vse and to the use of the bringing vpp of my sonne and heire Beniamyn Ibgrave according
to the lawes and statutes in that case provided./.

The residue of all my landes and tenements meadowes ^woodes
vnderwoodes pastures and other commodities whatsoeuer I doe will give and bequeathe vnto my Wieff
Bennet Ibgraue to haue and to holde for and during the terme of her natuall lief

The remainder
of parte and parcell thereof after her deathe as the whole manner of the hide hing? in the parrishe of
Lees Langley I doe give vnto William Ibgraue my youngest sonne to haue and to holde to him and to
his heires foreuer./.

Also I doe giue vnto the saide William my sonne the reversion of all my free holde
landes lying in Kinges Langley to haue likewise to him and to his heires foreuer, and all my coppyholde there

[page two]

as I haue surrendred to the use of my saide sonne and his heires excepting one lease for the tenure of xxj..ti yeres
the whiche I haue surrendred by the handes of Ralf Daye vnto the vse of John Kettell of all my landes
nowe in the tenure of Allexander Boltewell he paying therefore yerelie fourty shillinges and the
Quenes rentte./. Item I doe give vnto mr Alderman Draper my blacke geldinge./.

Item I doe give vnto mr Gonson my blacke horse./.
Also I doe give vnto my sister Sense Ibgrave all my leases for the
terme of yeres yet to come of all my tenementes in the Barbican in London the whiche were late hers

Item I doe give vnto my brother William Barker my litle curfall?./.

Item I doe give vnto my sister
Sense Ibgrave my mare and her colte reining? by her./.

Item I will that William Barker my broth
er in lawe shalhaue my landes and ten[emen]tes? called Thornes late in the tenure of Walter Taylor to haue
to him and his assignes for the terme of nyne yeares from the feaste of St Michaell Tharchangell nowe
nexte comminge he paying therefore yerlie vnto me and to my heires four poundes.

The residue of all
my goodes and chattells whatsoeuer ^and .........; my debts being thereout deducted and paied I ^doe giue and bequeath
vnto my loving Wieff Bennett Ibgrave whome I doe ordeine and make my sole executrix of this my laste
will and testament, and I doe ordeine and make my ^very? loving Friendes mr Alderman Draper and mr Benia//
myn Gonson to be overseers of this my present will ^..... whereof I have subscribed the same and setto my
Seale the mjth Daie of Julie in the vth yere of the raigne of our soveraigne Lady Quene Elizabeth
... Anno Domini 1563 .. me Ellys Ibgrave Signed and sealed the daie and yere above mencioned
in the presence of John Kettell, William Barker ... me Richard Kettell Henry Cogdale

Probate in Latin
Probatum fuit suprascriptu testament Coram Magistro Waltere Haddon ..gn Doctore Curie
Prerogatiue Cant' Commissario apud London xvj° die mensis Octobrie Anno Domini Mill[es]imo Quingentesimo
Sexagesimo quarto Juramento Benedicta Ibgrave Relic et executrix in h... testamento ...ate Cui commissa
fuit administratio om... bonor.. ... De Bene ... ... de pleno et fideli Inventario ... ... de plano et
vero compoto ... Jurat././.

The will was proved at London on 17 October 1564.

Research Notes


  1. Will of Ellys Ibgrave of Langley Abbots, Hertfordshire
    Reference: PROB-11-47-308
    Description: Will of Ellys Ibgrave of Langley Abbots, Hertfordshire
    Date: 17 October 1564
    Held by: The National Archives, Kew

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