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Will of Ephraim Garthwaite

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This is a transcription of the last Will and Testament of Ephraim Garthwait[e] written 20 Dec 1715 and proved in Oct 1717. The will is held in the Lincolnshire Archives, Lincoln Consistory Court Wills, 1719 / i / 104.

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Some paragraph breaks and bold text for names were added for ease of reading. ff is rendered as F. Abbreviations, omissions and additions are expanded or added in [square brackets].

NB Most of this will is easily legible, but some words on the left-hand margin are difficult to read because of the fold.

Beneficiaries of the Will:

  • [Mary] Dannye (daughter)
  • Dorothy Garthwaite (daughter)
  • Anna-Maria Garthwaite (daughter)
  • "my son Dannye" must refer to his son-in-law, Reverend Robert Dannye, who married his daughter Mary
  • [unnamed] servants
  • the [unnamed] Rector of the Parish of Ropsley
  • the [unnamed] Rector of the Parish of Harston in the County of Leicester


In the name of God Amen I Ephraim Garthwait Clark Rector of Ropsley
in the County of Lincoln being in perfect health and of sound memory
blessed by God do make this my last Will and Testiment this Twentieth
day of December in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven Hundred and
fifteen in manner and form following. In Primis, I give my soul into ye
hands of my Good God and mighty Creatour who first gave it me hoping for
eternal Salvation thro the Mercy of God vouchsafed to us in the second
Covenant and Confirmed by the Blood of his son our Blessed Saviour
and redeemer Jesus Christ: and my Body to the Grave to be buried at the
direction of my Executrixes hereafter named: And my Goods and Tem-
perall Estate with which it has pleased God to bless me, I give as fol-
loweth. In Primis I confirm that Five hundred pound Bond I entered
into at my Daughter Dannys Marriage with Mr Thomas Johnson to
be paid the first of May next.
Item I give to my Daughter Dannye
a Portugal piece of Gold of Twenty seven shillings and six pence.
Item I give to my two Daughters Dorothy Garthwait and Anna-Maria
Garthwait my study of Books if either of them marry a Clergyman
in the space of Five years from the date hereof; if not, I give to
my son Dannye all my Greek and Latin Books, and my English Books
to be equally divided between my two Daughters Dorothy Garthwait and
Anna Maria Garthwait.
Item I give to my Daughter Dorothy Garthwait
my Wrought Bed; and in lieu of that summe of Ten pounds to my
Daughter Anna-Maria Garthwait in surplusage[?] over and above her
share that shall arise from her Executorshipe.
Item I give to the
Rector of the Parish of Ropsley the summe of three Pounds and to the
Rector of the Parish of Harston in the County of Leicester the summe of Forty
shillings both of them to be paid at the end of sic months after my de-
Item I give to my servants that shall live with me at the time
of my decease the summe of Ten shillings each servant.
Item all the rest of my Goods and Chattels whatsoever particularly
my lease at Crofton with Appurtenances that I bought of Mr Francis
Fuller and that which I hold of the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln I
give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughters Dorothy Garthwait
and Anna-Maria Garthwait whom I make and constitute my Coexecu-
trixes of this my last Will and Testiment; revoking all Wills by me
formerly made and willing them to pay all my debts and Legacyes be-
fore mention bequeathed. In Testimony of which I have here unto
set my Hand and Seal the day and year above written.
Signed sealed published and declared by the Testatour the be
his last Will and Testament in the presence
of us who subscribed our names as Wittnesses
in the presence of the said Testator.
[Signatures of] Eph. Garthwait, Will[iam] Twik[?]., John Pickwell, John Morlea.

Proved [...] Oct 1719.

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