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Will of Francis Thornburgh of Whitwell in Kendal 1673

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Kendal, Westmorland, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Thornburgh
Profile manager: Nic Donnelly private message [send private message]
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In the name of God Amen, The sevntene day of July in the Twenty fifth yeare of the
raigne of Our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second, by the grace of God King of England
Scotland France & Ierland, defend[er] of the faith &c. Annoqz D[omi]ni 1673 I Francis
Thorneburgh of Whitwell, in the county of Westm[er]land gentleman; being Sicke in
body but of Sound & perfect minde & memory praysed be God for the same know
the vncertaine estate of this life on earth, and that all flesh must yield vnto death
when it shall please God to call; doe make ordaine & declare, this my last will
and testam[en]t in manner & forme following (vizt) First & principally I com[m]end
my soul into the mercifull hands of Almighty God my Creator, trusting and
assuredly beliueing, that I shall receiue full pardon, & free remission of all my
Sinns, and be Saved by the pretious death & meritts of my blessed Saviour and
redeem[er] christ Jesus; and my body to the earth from whence it was taken, to
be buried in Such decent and christian manner, as to my executrix hereafter
named, shall be thought meet & convenient; and for such worldly goods and
temporall estate as the Lord in mercy hath lent mee, my will & meaninge is,
that the same shall be imployed, & bestowed, as hereafter in this my will is
menc[i]oned, declared, & expressed; And whereas I haue heretofore by deed, vnder my
hand & seale, made a conveyance or settlem[en]t of severall of my lands, & grounds
scituate lying & being w[i]thin the said county of westm[er]land; in w[hi]ch conveyance,
I haue reserved forth of the said Lands, & grounds, the sum[m]e of Four hundred
pounds to be disposed of by me, as by the s[ai]d deed, amongst other things therein contained mor fully & att
large it may appeare, And whereas as the same hath not been disposed of by me;
now it is my will & minde, That William my eldest son, or if he dye, those that
shall ent[e]r to the said lands & grounds, shall pay forth of the same, vnto every
one of my young[e]r children yearely & every yeare, vpon the second day of
February, the sume of Ten pounds apeece, vntill every of my said younger children
haue receiued the sume of Fourscore pounds: the First paym[en]ts to be made & to begin
vpon the second day of February, w[hi]ch shall be in the yeare of Our Lord God One thousand
six hundred & ninty; Item it is my will & minde, that if it shall please God that
Frances my wife, shall happen to die, before the said second day of February,
w[hi]ch shall be in the s[ai]d yeare, of Our Lord,
God One thousand, Six hundred & ninty; that William my s[ai]d son or if he die those [tha]t
shall enter as next heire, to any part of my lands or grounds, shall pay forth of the
same yearely, after his enterance therevnto, vnto each of my s[ai]d younger children the
sum of Five pounds, vntill the said second day of February w[hi]ch shall be in
the s[ai]d yeare of Our Lord God One thousand six hundred & ninty; for and towards
their mentainance, Item it is my will & minde that my said wife, shall haue the p[ro]fitts
of all [tha]t my wat[e]r corne mill, & of all [tha]t my kill for drying malt, corne, & graine,
w[i]th thappurten[a]nces, scituate lying & being in Selsid in the said county, vntill my
said son William or my next heir shall accomplish the full age of Twenty One
yeares, & the said p[ro]fitss to be disposed of by her for & towards the mentainance &
education, of my s[ai]d childeren, & for [th]e better mentainance & education of my s[ai]d
children; I giue & bequeath all my goods & chattells, moueable, & unmoueable: my
debts & Funerall expences first discharged forth of the same, vnto my said wife
whom I make sole executrix of this my will; Supervisors hereof I make & appoint
my trusty & well beloved friends, & kinsmen, Georg Leyburn, Peter Mawson, and
John Pickering, gentlemen, desireing them to see this my will well & truely p[er]formed
to the best of their powers as my trust is in them, and for their paines to be taken
therein I giue to each of them for shilings apeec[1] In testimony whereof I haue here=
vnto putt my hand & seale the day & yeare first above written

Fra: Thorn [signed, latter part of surname covered by seal]

[Si]gned Sealed & acckowledged
in the p[re]sence of vs (vizt)
[J]ohn Pickering [signed]
Peter Mawson [signed]
Robert Jackson [signed]

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