Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Colshill wills
Will of George Colshill (abt.1524-bef.1550)
This is a transcription of the register copy of the Will of George Colshill of Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, England. It was written on 5 August 1549 (see Research Notes) and proved at London on 27 February 1549/50. [1][2]
Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.
Persons mentioned, in order of appearance:
- George Colshill, Testator
- Sense Colshill, my Wiffe, sole Executrix
- William Curteys
- Peter Smythe gent late sarvannt vnto Sr Richard Crumwell Knighte
- William Colshill my Father late Citizen and mercer of London, deceased
- Thomas Colshill, my sonne
- Mary Colshill, my daughter
- my brother Xpofer Draper, Oversear
T. Georgy Colshill
[Page one]
In the name of god amen The fifte day of August in the Yere of o[u]r Lorde god a Thousande five
Hundred Fourtie and six and in the thirde yere of the reigne of o[u]r Soueraigne Lorde King Edwarde the Sixte (NOTE)
by the grace of god King of England Frannce and Irelande defendor of the faithe and of the churche of Englande
and also of Irelande in earthe the Supreme Godd
I George Colshill Citizen and mercer of London being of
good and parfitt memory laude and praise be to god make ordeyn and dispose this my p[rese]nt testament conteyning
herein my last will in manner and fourme following, that is to say First and principalie I bequeth and com[m]ytt my
Soule vnto almightie god my maker Savior and Redemer in whome and by the merittes of whose gloriouse and most
blessed passion is my truste and confidence of clere? remission and forgevenes of my synnes. And my body to be
buried where it shall please god to dispose for it.
And I will that all suche debtes and dueties as I doe owe of
right and conscience to anny parson or parsonnes shalbe well and trulie contented and paid by myne executrix
undrenamed or ells ordeyned so to be paide as my goodes shall stretche? thereunto.
And as towching and concerning thorder
and disposit[i]on of all and singuler my Leases and termes of yeres whiche I haue yet to come of and in all and singuler the houses
Landes tenementes and mylls in there appurten[a]nces hereaftre rehersed and specified that is to say all that my Lease interest
and terme of yeres whiche I haue yt to come of and in those twoo tenementes w? theire appurten[a]nces sett lying and being
in the parrishe of Sainte mary woollchurche in the Citie of London to me grannted and letten for the terme of fiftie yeres
And also all that my Lease interest and terme of yeres which I haue yt to come of and in those twoo tenementes and
Howses wt theire appurten[a]nces sett lying and being in Cornehill in the saide Citie of London in the parrishe of Sainte
Mary Wool churche . to me grannted and letten for the terme of three score yeres by one Mr Tate gent,
And also all
that my Lease interest and terme of yeres of and in those twoo tenementes w? theire appurten[a]nces sett lying and being in the
parrishe of Saint Bothulphe wt>out Algate of London grannted for the terme of xxiJ
yeres . the which Lease I latelye Bought of one
William Curteys weanes? and also all that my Lease interest and terme of yeres whiche I haue yt to come of
and in those foure mylls wt theire appurten[a]nces set lying and being in Huntingtonshire whiche Lease I lately bought
of one Peter Smythe gent late sarvannt vnto Sr Richard Crumwell Knighte grannted for the terme of Fiftie
yeres. My very will and mynde is that Sence my Wiffe shallhaue theym all to her own proper vse for euer to
geve to sell or to doo wt theym whatsoeuer she best liketh. And as towching thorder and dispo[si]tion of all and singuler my landes
tenementes rentes reversions and fer..es and other hereditaments whatsoeuer they be goodes chattels or of what kynde
nature or qualitie soeuer they be whiche late were of William Colshill my Father late Citizen and mercer of London
deceased and that to me by and after his deathe did descende or that at any tyme hereaftre by anny right
tithe vse pollycie way or meane shall or may descende or come sett lying and being aswell in the towne and parrishe
of Hartines? and the precincte of the same in the Countie of Midls as ells where in anny other Countie or
[Page two]
Shere or place wtin this Realm of England I doe give will and bequeth all the same my Landes and tenementes with there
appurten[a]nces last aboue rehersed to the saide Sence my wiffe. To haue and to holde occupie take and receive and enioy all
my saide Landes and the proffittes rentes and yerely issues of the same comyng and growing to the saide Sence my Wiffe and
to her assignes during her life naturall but I will that the Leases before rehersed she shalhaue theyme to doe what soeuer
they will wt theyme and only I doe meane the Lande that may growe to me and to myne that is Thomas Colshill and Mary Colshill my
Childerne by dessent of my Fathers or by or otherwise haue soeuer it may be that she shalhaue that but
only for her liffetyme. So that it passe not about twentie poundes by the yere and if she kepe her vnmaried to haue all
for terme of her liffe keping the thinges in reparation but if she doo marry then if she kepe the saide Lande in her hande
she to be accomptable for the same to my saide twoo childernes behoofe? when they shall come to there full age or be
married the profitt thereof equaly to be divided betwixte theyme both and then as nowe and nowe as then my will
and very intent is that aftre the deathe of my saide wiffe Sense Colshill as before rehersed, my sonne Thomas
Colshill shalhave and enioy all the same my Landes and tenementes so comyng by descent wt other my hereditaments
what or where soeuer they be wt theire appurten[a]nces for euer. And if it fortune my saide sonne Thomas to dye and
departe this liffe Then I will that Mary Colshill my daughter shall enioy all afore..... too? as if my said
sonne Thomas Colshill had neuer been borne And if it shall please god that bothe my saide Childerne
shall departe theire lyves as the will of god be fulfilled in all thinges Then I will that Sense my wiffe
shallhave all my saide Landes and hereditamentes and her heires foreuer
The residue of all my goodes cattals
and debtes whatsoeuer they be I doo geve vnto Sense my wiffe whiche Sense of this my present testament
and last will I make and ordeyne my sole executrix and my Oversear my brother xpofer Draper And I revoke
and utterly dis.... all and euery other former wills testamentes Legacies bequeastes executors -- illegible --
by me in anny wise before tyme named made or bequethed. And I will that this my present testament shall
stande remayne and abide for my very testament and last will withe Ex....... Oversear by .....illegible
named In Witness whereof I the saide George Colshill to this my present testament and last Will
made and written in myn own hande I have setto my Seale and subscribed by name the day and yere
abouewritten. By me George Colshill
^At right margin, in Latin:
Quarto December ..83 Ad
bonors... [illegible due to bleed through]
Probate in Latin
[illegible due to bleed through]
27 February 1549
Research Notes
The date and the regnal year don't match. The calendar year must have been 1549/50 (not 1546), which was the regnal year 3 Edward VI.
- ↑ Will of George Colshill
- Reference: PROB 11-33-118
- Description: Will of George Colshill, Mercer of London
- Date: 27 February 1549
- Held by: The National Archives, Kew
- ↑ Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858", database with images, The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 33, Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #915646 (accessed 13 August 2023), Will of Georgy Colshill, granted probate on 27 Feb 1549. Died about 1549 in London.
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