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Will of George Stodderd, Grocer of London 1580

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Surname/tag: Stoddard
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The will of George Stodderd written in London on 28 May 1578 with a codicil written on 7 October 1580. Probate (in Latin) 24 October 1580 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, administration granted to Anna, again on 24 August 1610 to Nicholas, and finally in 1644 (illegible) administration granted to Judith[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

People mentioned in the Will:

  • George Stodderd, Citizene and Grocer of London (testator)
  • Anna/Anna Stodderd (wife)
  • Thomas, Edward, and John Hordson (brothers, in law most likely)
  • Barbary Archedalle my wyves Daughter (from her previous marriage)
  • Rose Lothberie my Sister Copsyes Daughter
  • Edward Dyswell my sisters in lawes sonne
  • Brother Dixwell
  • Ambrose Coxe my Sisters sonne
  • Nicholas Stodderd (son)
  • Judithe Stodderd (daughter)

Others mentioned, relationship not known

  • Mr Nowell the Deane of Paules
  • Rychard Champion
  • John Brocke of Sandwyche
  • Pynnocke
  • Woodde
  • John Forde of the Inner Temple
  • Mr Ryche
  • Mr Goyerdyne
  • John Foxsall
  • Richarde Stockmead
  • John Waycker Carpenter, and Molson (tennants)
  • Robert Ellyatts late Fishmonger of London
    • Robarte, Dorothie, William and Rose (Robert's children)
    • Raffe Plund[..] Hosier (master that William is apprenticed to)
  • Edwarde Johnson
  • Robarte Edmundes
  • George Hayward

In the name of god amen The xxviij[th] May Anno 1578. I George Stodderd
Citizene and Grocer of London whole of minde and of good memorie (gevinge thankes unto my Lorde my maker and
Redeemer Jesus Christe, by whome I moste synfull and moste wretched Creature doe surelie beleve to be saved by the
merritte[es] of his bitter passion and deathe and by none other meanes, to whome be prayse and glorie world withoute
ende. And, nowe I make and ordeyne this my presente Testamente and last will in manner and forme follow
inge. Firste I beseche oure Lorde to have mercye uppon me, unto whome I whollye Commytte my soule. And
my Bodye to be buried in my p[a]rishe Churche where nowe I dwell, as neer unto my twoe Children as maie be
in the pa[ri]she of Sainte Olyffe in harpestreete in the warde of the Tower of London, or clo[se] wheare as the lord
hathe appointed the place. Item I will that ymmediatlie after my Deceasse ev[er]y Forthe Sondaie thorowe the whole
yeare, to saye ev[er]y monneth a Sermon uppon the Sondaie at afternoone, beginninge at one of the Clock and to have
xij Sermons made for me in the whole yeare, besides at my buryinge, by the best learned menne that maie be had.
And theie to have for everie Sermon makinge xs a peece w[hi]ch amountethe to vj£ the whole yeare. And him whiche
makethe the Sermon at my burying, w[hi]ch if it be possible I woulde have it to be Mr Nowell the Deane of Paules
and to have for his paines a blacke gowne price xvs a yarde, And if he cannotte be had at that instans, then I
Reserve yt to the Discrecion of my Executors to provide suche a one as is well learned to serve for that place acording
as my onelie truste is in her. Item I Geve to the Prissone[s] to saie the twoe Compters the one in in the Poultrie,
and in the Compter in woodstreete to theyme that lye in the hole, to eache Prison xiijs iiijd a peeve, And to Newgate
Ludgate, the Kinges benche, the Marshalsea, and the white Lyon, to theyme that hathe moste neede xiijs iiijd a pece,
and yt to be paide within one monnethe after my Deceasse. Item I bequeathe to Christe[s] Hospitall w[hi]ch is at
the Gray Friars xx£, And to Sainte Bartholomewes Hospitall x£, And to Sainte Thomas Hospitall
in Sowthwark other x£, w[hi]ch makes in all xl£. Item I will that there shalbe geven unto the poore of this p[a]rishe
xls. And ubto the poore that p[re]sente Daie w[hi]ch my bodye shalbe buried, in breade and monneye iij£. Item I bequeathe
unto my three Brothers, to saye, Thomas, Edward, and John Hordson eache of theyme a Ringe of golde withe Deathes
heade on the one syde, and my mark on the other syde, and to be of the valewe of iiij£ a peece. And eache of theyme and
theire wyfe[s] a blacke gowne price xviijs a yarde. Item to Rychard Champion a blacke gowne price xvjs viiijd a yard
Item I geve and bequeath unto Barbary Archedalle my wyves Daughter a Neaste of Goblette[s] or Boles of p[ur]cell gilte
of the valewe of xx£, and shee and her husbande eache of theyme a blacke gowne price xvjs viiijd a yarde. Item to
Rose Lothberie my Sister Copsyes Daughter, I geve her a black gowne, pryce xvs a yarde, and unto her iiij children,
x£ among[e] theyme to be equallye bestowed uppon theime in puttinge theyme to learnynge to some good [...] or [...]

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as my Executors shall thinke good moste for theire proffitts. Item I geve to the Companye of the Grocers to make
theme a Dynn[er] uppon the Daye of my buryinge xiiij£ vjs viijd, and the whole Lyverye to have spycebreade. Ite[m]
I geve unto Edward Dyswell my sisters in lawes sonne x£ to be paide hym at his commynge to his age of xxjty
yeares, And if he shoulde dye before his sayde full age, then to remayne to my owne Children, And also he to have
a black Cloke pryce xiijs ^iiijd a yarde. Item I geve to John Brocke of Sandwyche and his wieff, Pynnocke
and his wieff, and unto Woodde and his wyef, w[hi]ch three women weare my Brothers Dawters and dwelled all
at Sandwyche eache of theyme a blacke gowne pryce xiijs iiijd a yarde, yf theye or any other to whome I have
geven or shall geve any gownes unto, whiche commeth not to my buryinge havinge notice thereof, then my
will is not that theie shall have none. Item to my Brother Dixwell and his wieff eache of theyme a black
gowne pryce xvjs viijd a yarde, And to John Forde of the Inner Temple and his wieff eache of theyme a
blacke gowne price xvis viijd a yarde. Item I bequeathe to Mr Ryche, Mr Goyerdyne and his wief eache
of theyme a blacke gowne pryce xvjs viijd a yarde, and John Foxsall and his wyeff eache of theyme a
blacke gowne pryce xvs a yarde, Item I geve unto Ambrose Coxe my Sisters sonne a blacke gowne price
xiijs iiijd if he be here, And also I doe ^forgeve him all the monney whiche he oweth me whiche I have
nother Suretie nor pawne for. Item I geve unto Richarde Stockme[a]d a blacke gowne pryce xiijs iiijd a yarde
And to all the menservannt[es] and maideservannt[es] whiche is in my howse at my deceasse, and at the discrec[i]on
of my Executors eache of theyme a blacke gowne price xs a yarde. Item I geve unto my poore Tenannt[es] at
Mottyngham, to saye John Waycker Carpenter, and Molson to eache of theyme a blacke Coate price viijs a
yarde. Item I geve unto vij poore menne eache of theyme a gowne of London russett or els some other
good newe colr of the price of vjs a yard or thereabout[es] and theie to goe withe me to Churche. Item
I geve unto the fower Children of Rob[er]t Ellyatts late Fishmonger of London, To saye Robarte,
Dorothie William and Rose the Children of Rob[er]t Ellyatt ^the some of Cxl£ to be equally Devided amongste theyme
to say xl£ a pece; Of the w[hi]£ Somme I have lente unto Robper[t Ellyatt the Somme liij£ w[hi]<supch</sup> of I
doe geve hym xl£ thereof, and the xiij£ whiche he oweth me ov[er] and above, my will is that he doeth paie
it unto his Sister Dorothie at her daie of her mariage, And my Executors, my mynde is that theye Doe
paie unto her the reste to make uppe xl£, To William Elliatt[es] parte my will is that he receave x£ of
his Mr w[hi]ch he is nowe Prentize with all whose name is Raffe Plund[..] Hoshier whome I bounde him
Prentize and lent him x£ for the terme of his yeres; for the w[hi]ch I have his Bonde, So that my will
is that he hathe his Debt for parte of the foresayde xl£ w[hi]ch I doe geve hym, and at his commyng out
of his yeres my will is that my Executors to helpe him to recover the same, and to paie to him his reste
whiche is xxx£ at hic commynge to the age of xxiiij yeares, , And to Rose Ellyatt my will is that she be
payde by my Executors at her daie of he marriage her iuste xl£, And yf any of theyme doe dye before
theie doe receave theire monneye, then theire part[es] to goe unto and amongst the reste of theyme that is
lyvinge equallye to be devidied parte and parte lyke amongste theyme that is lyvinge. Item my will is that
my wieff Anne Stodderd shall have all my Lands in Kente Duringe her lieff for, and consideracion
of he Joynture, for that I made her a Joynter before I was married of [,,,] a yere, And now it is
muche better by reason of Dyvers p[ar]cells of Lands, w[hi]ch I have boughte in Kente since that tyme, soe
that my will is that shee shall have the whole Duringe her lyffe naturall, so that shee make no waste
in cuttinge Downe of the Timber and wooddes, but to loppe ^or [...] so manye Trees everye yeare as shall serve
her burninge, And as longe as shee is there in Mottyngham in Kente at her howsse there and otherwaies
not, yf she or any other by her meanes dothe otherwaies, then my mynde and will isexpressed here before,
then she shall have no more then her onelie Joynter, And my sonne Nicholas to Reenter uppon the Reste
at his commynge to his age of xxj yeres, That is all my Lands at Grenewiche, Redbrouke Chartan Lewsa[m?]
and Elmestyd, those be the Landes w[hi]ch I have boughte synce I was married withe her, wherin shee
hathe no Joynter, But yf she nor none by her meanes or procuremente, or by her marriage, Doe, make
any waste of the saide woddes or underwoodes other then to be burnte, there att her beinge at her howse
at Mottingham and [...] to cutte downe as she will burne at her there abidinge and no waste to bee
made therof at no hande, this Donne I will I will she shall have all my Landes in Kente Duringe her lief
naturall, without lette or Interrupcion of any man perfourmynge that as aforesaide, And after her decesse
the said Landes to Remayne unto Nicholas Stoddard my sonne and heyre, and to his heires of his bodie
lawfully begotten, And also my Landes in Suffolk I will theyme to remayne unto him and his heires
of his bodye lawfullye begotten withe the Rent charge w[hi]ch I have in Surrey of Edwarde Johnsons lande
as maye appeare, But first and before he shall begynne to enter of my Landes in Suff[olk], my will ^is that
Judithe my Daughter shall receave and have vij yeares Rente there of the Landes, and shee to receive the

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Rentes therof yerlie for seaven yeares after my deceaze and to begynne ymmediatlye after my deceasse for vij yeres after
and that beinge expired, then my sonne Nycholas to enter as his owne fee simple, But yf yt fortune the sayde Nicholas
my sonne to die withoute any Children of his bodye begotten lawfullye in matrimonye, then I will all my said lands
in Kente as in Suffolke withe the Rente charges whiche I muste have in Surreye, with a Leaze of certaine ground
belonging to the Queenes Maiestie lyinge in Lewsam, w[hi]ch is called by the name of peppercorne meade, and
boughte of Robarte Edmundes before he died, w[hi]ch he had out of a Pattent from Sir George Hayward, w[hi]ch from
him I have, as maie appeare. I will theyme all, aswell the Landes nowe withe the saide Leaze to remayne unto my
Daughter Judith Stodderde, And to her heire of her bodye lawfullye begotten, And for wante of suche heyres, I
will my Landes ay Lewsam, w[hi]ch I Bought of Edward Jonson to Ambrose Coxe my Sisters sonne to him and
his heyres forev[er], But my will is not that hee shoulde have any parte thereof unless she shoulde die withoute issue of
her bodye lawfullye begotten & in like case my Daughter Judithe not to have anye parte therof as longe as her
Brother Nicholas Stodderd doethe lyve, But onelie my Landes in Suffolk for the space of vij yeres after
my deceasse. And if my sonne Nicholas shoulde goe aboute to sell the same awaie in Rev[er]cion or otherwaies, then
I will that my Daughter Judithe shall take the moste proffitte she maie have, aswell of the Free landes as
Copyhoulde Lands, in sellinge of the wooddes as otherwaies, yf that bothe shoulde fortune to dye withoute
heires of theire bodies (whiche god forbyd) then my will is that the same Landes in Suff[olk] and the Rentcharge
in Surrey, with my Lande at Greenewiche and Elmestede be soulde and the monneye therof to bee
Distributed among[st] my poore kynffolkes And for my Landes in Mottingham withe my howsses there my
mynde is that it be at the Disposinge of the longest lyves of my Children aforesaide, But it fortune that
my sonne Nicholas Stodderd shoulde goe aboute to sell the saide landes wherby he should deceave his sister,
Then I will that Judithe my Daughter and his Sister, shall enter uppon yt, and shall putte him oute of the saide
howss[es] and landes ymmediatlie after that proofe be made theirof, But if he hathe anye heires of his bodye
lyvinge, then he to bestowe the same uppon his heires withe all the landes [neweties?] Rev[er]cions and Leaze, afore//
sayde mentioned, w[hi]ch nowe I am in possession of after makinge hereof and doe dye seazed of. And my will is
that <srike>soe</strike> my wief Anne Stodderd in anywise see my debts paide, and this my Legac[ies] p[er]fourmed, Then I doubt
not, o[ur] Lorde to Freende she shall not lacke, And my will is that theise Legac[ies] herein specified be deducted oute of
my parte. And the Resydewe of all my movable gooddes and Cattell[es] Debt[es] Leazes monneye or plate be equally
devided betwixte my wyfe and my twoe Children equallye betwixte theyme, And my wiffe to have the bringinge
uppe of theyme withe theire whole porcions unto theire commynge of lawfull age of xxj years, my son[n]e Nicholas
and to Judithe Stodderdes commynge of xvj yeres or her date of her mariage, yf yt fortune eyther of theyme
to dye [...] there com[m]inge to theire full age of xxj yeares, or my Daughters Daie of her marriage, Then my
mynde is that the Survivor of theyme twayne, to be the onelie heire to the other, aswell in my Landes as other
movable goodd[es], And if it shoulde so fortune that theie bothe shoulde dye before theire com[m]ynge of my sonne to
the age of xxj yeres. and my Daughters Daye of her marriage (as god forbid theie shoulde) Then my will is
that my wieff shall have the one half of theyre partes of the movables w[hi]ch they shoulde have had yf theye
had lyved, And the other half to my poore kynffolk, accordinge unto the Discrecion of my Executors and
my Overseers of this my laste will and Testamente. Item I ordeyne the Executor of this my laste will,
Anne Stodderd my wief. And thus I make an ende, thinckinge my self of nothing sure then deathe,
uncerteine of the daye and the hower. But when the hower commethe, the will of the eternall Lorde be
Donne in me, and sende me his spirite, Lorde have mercie uppon me, Lord have mercye uppon me, writte[n]
this withe my owne hande, the tyme and yeare aforesaide (By me George Stodderd)
This is the laste will and Testamente of me George Stodderd of London Grocer for and con[c]erninge
so many thinges are as herein devised willed or lymytted in anye other manner, or to anye other person then before
in my former will Dated the xxviijth of Maye Anno 1578 was appointed, and for the Residewe of the matters
conteyned in the same will, my meaninge is that the same shall stande in force and for no more. First as touching
All my Landes Tenements and hereditamentes in the Countye of Kente, wherof I have or oughte of righte to have
anye estate of Inheritannce, I will and devize the same to Anne [blank] my wellbeloved wief for and duringe
her naturall lief for her advanncemente, and for her recompence of her Joynture, Dower and title of Dower
beinge nowe of great[er] yearlie valewe then one hundred mark[es] by the yere, to which valewe I did make her a
Joynture of Landes at the tyme of our mariage, And I bequeathe the Remaynder therof after her decease to
Nicholas Stodderd my sonne and to the heyres of his bodye lawfully begotten, and for defaulte of suche
issue, the Remaynder therof to Judith ^my Daughter, and to the heires of her bodye lawfullye begotten, And for Defaulte
of suche yssue, the Remaybder therof to the right heires of me the saide George Stoddard forev[er]. P[ro]vided
allwaies that yf the saide Nicholas and Judithe, or either of theime at any tyme after he or shee shall accom//

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plishe theire full age of xxj yeres, theire Mother then beinge in full lief withoute the consente of theire saide moth[er]
myne Executrix before had shall goe aboute and indevo[ur] to alienate and sell the Rev[er]cion or Remaynder of the saide
[...] so bequeathed, or anye parte therof, and Doe any apparante Acte to declare ot shewe his or her meaninge
to be suche, that then and from thenfforthe thestate in taile lymyted to hym or her that goe aboute anye suche
thinge, shall ceasse and be voide, and that at all tymes afterthose to whhome the Revercion or Remaynder shold
have come, next after that thestate in tayle Determyned shall and maie lawfullie have hould enter and
enioye the same as if the same Remaynder or Rev[er]cion had beene ymmediatelie in theyme withoute anye
suche meane estate in tayle, And as touchinge all my Landes and Tenementes in the Countie of Suffolk
and one Annuytie or yerlie Rente yssuinge and to be paide oute of certeyne Landes in the Countie of
Surrey heretofore to me assured, I will and Devise that the Rentes and proffittes therof risinge for the space
of vij yeares nexte adter my Deceasse shalbe receaved imploied and taken by myne Executrix for thonlye
use and bennefitte of Judithe my Daughter, to whome I doe bequeathe the same Duringe the saide tearme,
and after the same vij yeares expired, I will that the same shall whole remayne unto Nicholas my sonne
and to the heires of his bodye lawfullye begotten, And for defaulte of suche yssue to Judithe my Daughter
and to theires of her bodye lawfullie begotten, And for defaulte of suche issue to the righte heires of me the
saide George withoute anye manner of Condicion or restreynte. Item I will and bequeathe and my mynde
is that Nicholas my sonne shall have the use and occupacion of all that percell of grounde in Lewisham in
in the Countie of Kente called pepper corne meade, wherof I have an estate o for a tearme of yeares to me hertofore
assured, To have hould and receave the proffittes therof During his naturall lief, if the terme shall so
longe endure, And if he shall Die before the terme expired then my will and minde is that the Residewe of the said
terme then to com[m]e shall wholie remaine and be to the Judith my Daughter her Executors and Assignes, Item
I will and bequeathe to Nicholas Petifer a black gowne price xiijs iiijd the yarde and xls in monney to be
paide him within three monnethes after my deceasse. Item I geve and bequeathe to Ambrose Coxe my sisters
sonne x£. Item I geve and bequeathe to Richard Stockemeade my Servannt x£ to be paide unto him
within three monnethes after my Deceasse for and in respect of his travaile and faithfull servyce hereafter
to be imploied towardes my Executrix. Item wheras I Didd mynde of longe tyme paste to geve & bequeathe
to and amongest the Fower children of Rob[er]t Ellyott, namelie Rob[er]t, Dorothie, William and Rose, whereof I
have made mencyon in my former will the Somme of one hundrithe and sixtie poundes, and for their better
securitie did caese my Servannte to make me Debtor to theyme of somuche monney in my bookes of Accomptes,
Nowe in satisfaction of the same Debte so sette Downe, and for the full accomplishmente of my will & intent
towardes theyme I will and Devise by theise p[re]sentes that the saide Somme of Clx£ to be paide unto theyme in
manner and fourme followinge *that is to saie) to Dorothie I will and bequeathe xl£ to be paide unto her at the
Daie of her mariage, And to Rose I bequeathe the like somme of xl£ to be payde to her at her age of xvj yeres
or at the daie of her mariage w[hi]ch first shall happen, And to William I bequeathe the like Somme of xl£ to
be paide unto him at his full age of xxj years. And to Rob[er]t for that he is at this p[rese]nte tyme indebted to
me in liij£, I doe release and quite clayme to him xl£ parte thereof in lewe of his xl£ w[hi]ch maketh upp
the full Somme of Clx£, and the Residewe thereof beinge xiij£ my minde and will is that the same
be paide to myne Executrix towardes the satisfaction of the rest, And I will that if anye of theme shall
Dye before tyme expire w[hi]ch is appointed or lymyted by my will for the paymente of the saide Som[m]es
or anye of theyme, that then there that survive of the saide Children shall have the parte and porcion of
him or theyme Deceassinge./ Provided alwaies that if my saide Daughter Judith shall at any tyme
hereafter marrie and take to her husbande any personne withoute the consent of her saide Mother shee
beinge in full lieff, that then and from thenceforthe the Devise to her made of the proffectes of my Lande
and Tenementes in the Countie of Suffolk for the tearme of seaven yeares nexte after my Deceasse
shalbe voide as towchinge three yeres percell of the sayde tearme, and that the sayde Judithe shall have the
Rentes and proffectes of the same Landes and Tenements for no longer tyme then Fower yeres for her
advanncemente (Any thinge in theise p[re]sentes or in my former will to the contrarie in anywise notw[i]hstanding)
And to assiste my wieff (towcheinge thexecution of this my will) whome I make my sole Executrix,
I doe ordayne and appointe Thomas Herdson, Edward Herdson, and John Herdson Ov[er]seers
hereof. In witnes wherof I have hereunto subscribed my name, and setto my seale this seaventh Daye
of October 1580. [per?] me Georgius Stodderd / Sealed subscribed and published as Mr Stodderdes will

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for somuche as herein conteyned this vijth of October 1580. In the presence of us Nicholas Fullen. Richard
Stockemeade, [per?] me and John Tanner


  1. PROB 11/62/426 Description: Will of George Stodderd or Stodderde, Grocer of London Date: 24 October 1580 Held by: The National Archives, Kew

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