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Will of George T Lee

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Date: 1872 [unknown]
Location: Boyle, Kentucky, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Lee
Profile manager: Karen Lee private message [send private message]
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The Will of George T Lee of Boyle County Kentucky. [1]

George Theodore Lee (abt.1792-1879)

209 I George Lee of the County of Boyle in the State of Kentucky , being all an in years , but of sound mind , and disposing memory , do make or his and publish this as my last will and testament , by which I may die possessed as follows,

  • 1st I desire that all my debts shall be paid as practicable
  • 2nd It is my desire that the remains of my dear wife , shall removed from where they now rest to the cemetery in Danville and that my body may be buried at her side - also that the remains of my deceased son Ambrose be removed to the said place, and that our last resting places shall all be plainly but the appropriately marked, all of which is entrusted to the discretion of my executors, the expenses to be borne by my estate.
  • 3d I gave to my deceased daughter Eliza S. Dickson in her time, and have given to her children since, sums amounting to Twenty Thousand Dollars, which is as much as the circumstance of my estate, will allow me to give them, and having this the provided for my said grand children - the children of my said deceased daughter. I therefore make no further provision for them, and do not desire that any of them shall receive any this further from my estate,
  • 4th I have already given to my children as follows, to
    • Nelson T. Lee, Twenty Thousand Dollars.
    • To George F. Lee Twenty Thousand Dollars, and to
    • Josiah E Lee and Lucie A ?Chrisman?, Seven Thousand dollars each, and after the payment of my debts and the expenses provided for in Section 2, of this will , I will and bequeath to my son Josiah E. Lee and my daughter Lucie A. ?Chrisman?, Thirteen Thousand Dollars each.
  • 5 If there shall be anything left after paying the legacies provided for in Section four , I desire that the residue of my estate shall be divided equally between my said four children iz: Nelson T. Lee , George F. Lee , Josiah E. Lee & Lucie A Chapman?,
  • 6th My executors hereinafter appointed are hereby authorized and empowered to sell all the real estate of which I may die possessed, either at private or public sale, and on such terms as may be deemed best , and upon such sale to make conveyances of the same,
  • 7th I hereby appoint my son Josiah E. Lee Executor of this will to take charge of and manage and dispose of that portion of my estate, which shall be in the State of Kentucky and I also appoint my son in law William ?Chapman? Executor of this will so far as my estate shall be in the State of Missouri, giving to each the power to execute this will in their respective states, and to all the things herein provided for separately - each independent of the other.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of March 1872 Signed sealed & published in George Lee ℗ the presence of the undersigned
witnesses, William McCown, R. G. Willon : State of Kentucky County of Boyle, J Scha I Andruchols Clerk Boyle County Court do certify that the foregoing will of George Lee deed will presented to Court at its Oct Term 1879 and continued unto all Nov Term 1879 where the same was duly proved as required by law and ordered to be recorded , as such is now done , Given under my hand this 15th day ┃ of 2 . 00 109 all Reed Nichols Clk


  1. Family Search Labs Full Text Search of Deeds and Wills, George Lee + Kentucky

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