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- National Archives Reference: PROB 11/187/483
- Description: Will of George Way, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset
- Date: 03 December 1641
transcribed by Helen Ford Way-1965
- I George Way of Dorchester in the Countie of Dorset merchant weake in bodie but of sound and perfect minde and memorie (praised bee God) therefore doe make this my last will and testament in writing the last day of September Anno Dm’ One thousand sixe fortie one, in manner and forme following viz
- I desire to comitt and comend my soule into the hands of God my Allmightie creator and preserver, and in his sonne and my saviour Jesus Christ, my most merciful and gratious father, whome I humblie beseech [ for his Christ his sake(sic] to preserve and keepe mee that it may cleave close unto him unto the E__ And I comitt my bodie to the Earth whence it was taken to be decently buried there to rest in peace untill the resurrection resting assured to that then it shall bee reunited to my soule and thenceforth both my bodie & soule to bee for ever with the Lord.
- Item I give unto Sarah my loving wife the house burgage & tenement wherein I now dwell situate in the East side of the North Streete in Dorchester aforesaid withall out houses & appe’tenn’ces thereunto belonging And all my houses, Burgages & tenements, gardens and ground in Bridport in the said Countie of Dorset To hould all the same unto my said wife during her life. And from and after my wives decease and from and after Eliezer my sonne shall attaine the age of six and twentie yeares I doe devise and bequeath my said lease buggate and tenement with the appe’ten’nces in Dorchester aforesaid unto my said sonne and the heirs of his bodie but in case my said sonne shall dye without heires of his body or for want of such heires then I give the same house bugage & tenement with the appe’tenn’ces unto all my daughters and their heirs. And in case my said wife shall dye before my said sonne shall attaine his age of six and twentie yeares then I doe give and bequeath my said house burgage and tenement in Dorchester into my deare frends Mr William [Derbie?] Mr Richard Savage and Mr Thomas [__ch] of Dorchester aforesaid and Mr Walter Baily of Bridport until my sonne shall [ataine?] that age for the benefitte of my said sonne untill hee shall attaine that age And from after my said wives decease I give and devise my said houses bugages garden & ground in Bridport aforesaid from and after my said wives decease unto my said frendes in trust for and towards the raising the legacies hereby given to my younger two daughters or of such parte thereof as shall not be otherwise raised out of my other personall estate and from and after such their porc’ons or legacies raised I doe give the remainder of my term which shall therein then to come unto my said son Eliezer if hee live to attaine the age of six and twentie years or bee married or if hee dye before then I give the same amongst all my said [said?] daughters.
- Item I give unto my daughter Sarah one hundred pounds , unto my daughter Marie foure score pounds, unto my daughter Elizabeth three score and tenne pounds And unto my daughter Martha three score pounds. All the said legacies to my said daughters I appoint to be paid unto them at their severall ages of foure & twenty yeares except my said daughter Marthas legacie which I appoint to bee paid at the sume may be raised out of my said houses garden and ground in Bridport aforesaid
- And whereas there is of my estate foure and thirty pounds in money in Thomas Fords hands in New England and in the hands of Roger Clapp and Stephen Tayler in New England the provenew of fifty pounds worth of goods and divers moneys and goods of myne in the hands of Henry Cogan and other cattle and corne that I have in New England aforesaid I doe appoint that all the said moneys that all the said moneyes and goods or the provenue thereof shall goe and be ymployed towards the raising of my said daughters legacies and alsoe all such mony and provenue of the benefitte of my plantac’on at Bishipscot in New England which is due to me from my brother in law Thomas Purchase And I doe give and devise all my moity of that plantac’on houses lands and grounds in New Bishipscot aforesaid and my lott in Dorchester in New England aforesaid and all other my lands and grounds in New England aforesaid unto my said sonne Eleazer and the heires of his bodie And for want of such heires then I give the same to all my daughters and their heires
- All the residue of my goods and chatells moveable and unmoveable I give to Sara my wife whome I ordaine sole executrix of this my last will and testament .In testimony wherof that this is my last will I have hereunto subscribed my name the first day of October AnnoDm’ One thousand sixe hundred fortie one . By me George Way In the presence of Will: Derbie
- Probated granted to Sarah Way 3rd December 1641
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