Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, England

Surnames/tags: Dowsett Jennings
This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Grace Dowsett a widow of "Sabridgworth (Sawbridgeworth) Hertfordshire, England.
It was written on 23 April 1659 and proved at the court of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 10 July 1660. [1]
Grace Dowsett was buried at the church of Great St Mary, Sawbridgeworth on 29 July 1659.
Spelling, line breaks and punctuation are as per the original.
Paragraph breaks and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
ff has been expressed as F, and abbreviations and ligatures have been expanded in [square brackets].
In the name of God Amen
the three and Twentieth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord one
thousand six hundred fifty and nine I Grace Dowsett of Sabridgworth
in the county of Hertford Widdow being at this time sick in body Yet of good
and perfect mind and memory (thanks be given to God) Doe ordaine and make
this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme Following That is to say
First and principally I comitt and Comend my soule into the handes of
Almighty God my maker in and through whose mercie in Jesus Christ I
assuredly expect salvacon and my body I comitt unto the Earth at such time as
it shall please God thereunto to call mee And as for such porcon of wordly goods
as it hath pleased him to bestowe uppon mee in this life I order and dispose of it
as Followeth Vizt: I give and bequeath unto Edward Dowsett my eldest
sonne five poundes
of monie which is in Joseph Cramphornes hand together with the bond for the same
Alsoe I give unto him the said Edward my sonne and to his heires forever my coppyhold
piece of Land in Sabridgworth in a field there called Aldue.
Item I give and
bequeath unto John Dowsett my sonne the mony in Daniel Cramphornes handes
together with the bond under his hand for security of the same Also I give unto
him the said John one of my Cowes
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter
Elizabeth Pinner my other Cowe
Item as for all the rest of my bills and bondes and ready
moneys I give and bequeath unto my Executors hereafter named to this end
and purpose that they pay or cause to be paid within Six monethes after my decease
in the Church porch of Sabridgworth aforesaid those severall sumes of monie
Following Vizt to my daughter Elizabeth Pinner twelve pounds and to her
daughter Alice Pinner Fifteene poundes and to her other daughter Eliza Pinner
eight poundes Alsoe to her sonne Edward Pinner foure poundes at one and
yeares of his age and in the meane Season his said mother to have the beneffitt of it
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Alice Pinner my grandchild my bedstead
in my Parlour together with the bedding and all the furniture thereunto belonging
And also my Cupboard in the said Parlor
Item I give unto Elizabeth Pinner my
grandchild Two pieces of new cloath to make her apparrell with And alsoe I give unto
her the said Elizabeth my best chest in my Parlor and a little table and a Cupboard
table in the same Parlor
Item I give and bequeath unto the same Alice and Elizabeth
my grandchildren six wy--ed stooles in my Parlor and all my wearing apparrell
and all my Linnen to bee devided equally betweene them
Item I give and bequeath
unto William my grandchild the sonne of my sonne Edward Dowsett my bullocke
Item I give unto Elizabeth Pinner a Ewe lamb of the old sheepe and all ye
rest of my sheep and lambes I give and bequeath unto my grandchildren to bee
equally devided amongst them All the rest of my moveable goods unbequeathed
whether Corne Cattell or Chattells howsehold stuffe or what soever else
I give and bequeath unto my Executors hereafter named to this end and purpose
that they pay my debts performe my Legacies which on their part they are to
pay and performe and so bring my body decently to the ground
Item I ordaine
and make John Dowsett my sonne and Elizabeth Pinner my daughter Joynt
Executors to this last Will and Testament And Richard Skinner of Sabridg=
worth my kinsman Overseer desiring him to see that this my last Will and
Testament be p[er]formed according to my mind and true meaning for which I
give him Five shillings Lastly I gave Caused this my Will to bee written and it
hath bin read unto mee and I have declared it to bee my very true and last
Will And alsoe have Subscribed and sealed it in the presence of the Wittnesses
under written Grace Dowsett Subscribed sealed and published by the
Testatrix in the p[re]sence of The five shillings interlined and given to
[next page]
Richard Skinner was done before then sealing and Delivery hereof Daniel
Cramphorne Elizabeth Burton Richard Skinner Mary Sibthorpe
This Will was proved att London before the Right
Wor'p'll William Mewirth Doctor of Lawes Mayster Keeper or Comissary of
the Preogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted the tenth day of
July in the yeare of our Lord God according to the Computation of the Church
of England one thousand six hundred and sixty by the oath of Elizabeth
Pinner one of the Executors named in the said Will To whome Ad[ministrat]ion of
all and singular the goods chattells and debts of the said deceased was granted
she being First sworne truly to Administer the same according to the tenor
and effect of the said Will Like power being reserved to John Dowsett the
sonne of the said deceased and other Executors named in the said Will
when he shall requier the same
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 299
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #990880 (accessed 20 December 2021)
Will of Grace Dowsett of Sabridgworth, Hertfordshire, England, granted probate on 13 Jul 1660. Died Abt 1660.
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