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24 Aug 1580
21 Nov 1580
Location: Yeovil, Somerset, England
Surname/tag: Hayne
Location: Yeovil, Somerset, England
Surname/tag: Hayne
This page has been accessed 191 times.
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Will of Gyles Hayne, Wollen Draper of Yeovil, Somerset
Original Will at National Archives[1]
Dated: 24 Aug 1580 Proved : 21 Nov 1580
Profile: Gyles Hayne
He signed his name Egidud perhaps derived from the Old French form of the Latin name for Giles, Aegidius.[2]
- Yeovil :Yevill, Yeavell, Yevell
- The Almshouse : Thalmeshowsse[3]
- South Street: Southstreete
- New howse :On South Street
- Tucking Mill; Tokinge mylle in Barwicke
- Son George lived with Gyles’s mother on the high street. Next to the Greyhound.
- Middle Street ;Pytt lane : Pittlane
- The Harte in Pytt lane
- Millers well
- Pookemore within the Mannor of Hindford.
- Forestreetes
- Quedam Street :Qudin Streete next colde Harborowe
- Chantery of the Holy Trinity : Channterie of the Trinitie
- Chantery of the name of Jesus : Channnterie of the name of Jhesue
- Wine Street: Grope Lane
- Sir Hugh Stucley (1496–1559) : Sr Hughe Stewkeleie, Sir Hughe Stukeleye
- John "9th Baron Stourton of Stourton" Stourton
- ~ indicates original word had an abbreviation. Shown normally by a line above the word.
- Words in square brackets not fully understood
Units of measure
- l (li) s d (Pounds, shillings and pence) is used for some monetary values prefixed by value in roman numerals.
- Noble A gold coin.
- Acres Generally for land
Strange Words
- Fower :Four
- blacke Freese : A type of cloth
- ioinctley Jointly
- Coulette: possibly coverlette
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- In the name of god amen whose name be blessed worlde withoute ende, The xxiiij th daie of Auguste Anno Domini 1580. And in the xxij th yeare of the reigne of oure Sovereigne Ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god of Englande France and Irelande Queene defender of the faithe etc.
- I Gyles Hayne of Yeavell in the Countie of Somerset wollen draper, of good and perfecte Remembramice (God be praysed) Doe make this my last will and Testamente in manner and forme following.
- First I aske mercie of the allmightie god for Jesus Christes sake his onelie Sonne oure Redemer and Savior to whome I humbly commende my Soule, whoe hathe Redemed it in corpore Carnis Sue per mortem, whiche I stedfastlie beleve, And hope therebye onelie to be saved , To whome be all honnoure and glorie forever and ever amen, And my bodye to Decente Sepulture. And as concerninge my Goodes, Chattells, Landes, and Tenementes what and whersoevere, I give will and Dispose the same in suche manner and fourme as hereafter Followeth, According to the p~porte and feewe meannige hereof.
- Firste I geve to the poore mennes Boxe of Yevell aforesaide vi s viij d in monney. Also to the poore people of Thalmeshowsse vi s viij d in monneye, And to the Fower poore women in the New howse in Southstreete vi s viij in Monneye, And also to the Reste of the poore people of the Prishe of Yevell aforesaide xxvi s viij d to be bestowed in Breade for theyme ymmediatelie after my deceasse.
- Item I geve to Fyve poore men of the poorest, sonnuche blacke Freese as will make theyme Coates to be geven to theyme within one monnethe nexte after my deceasse.
- Item I geve to everie of my Godchildren vi d. And also to the poore prisonneres of Ilchester vi s viij d
- Item I geve to William Coplande my Servanute yn consideration of his Service x s And two [chili’d] sheepe.
- Item I geve to Elnor my Servanute somuche blacke freese as will make her a gowne.
- Item I geve and bequeathe to Gyles my Sonne xx li of lawful money of England over and besides the Twenty Nobles wch my Father gave hym in his last will and Testamente.
- Item I geve to him my Salte of Silver whiche my Father gave me : Allso the Cupboard wch I boughte of Robte Nayle, and the…
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- …Chiste wch is in the Chamber over the kitchin.
- Item I geve and bequeathe to George my Sonne, my guilte Cuppe whiche my Mother gave me. Also sixe silver Spoones, Also I geve and bequeathe unto him by my Mothers permission, & request her to performe and whiche heretofore she hathe consented unto the Leases and Terme of yeres yet to come of and in the Tenemente in highestreete next the Greyhounde wch my Mother and he doe nowe dwell in of the Burges lande Duringe her lieff. Also I geve and bequeathe to him all my righte and tearms of yeres whiche I have by any estate of and in the twoe Shoppes under the Churche howsse and of and in the twoe Gardeynes or Orchardes conteyned withe the saide Shoppes in one Leasse, late p~cell of the Channnterie of the name of Jhesue in Yevell aforesaid, my Mothers Leass therein allwaies excepted.
- Item I geve and bequeathe to William my Sonne Twentie pounds of lawfull monney of England And also I will and agree that he have the Sixe Silvr Spoones wch my Mother gave him and wch weare my Unckells Mr William Haynes of Oxford. Also I give hym my Virginalls
- Item I geve to hym Also my Righte and terme of yeres yet to comme of and in the Tenemente Tokinge mylle Situate and beinge within the prishe of Barwicke in the saide Countie of Soms~t, with all Orchardes growndes Parkes and Appurtenure whatsoever to the same belonginge, Savinge to my Mother all her Righte therein Duringe her life.
- Item I geve and bequeath to John my Sonne xx li of lawfull monneye of England . Also I will and agree, that he have the Silver Salter wch my Mother gave hym.
- Item I geve and bequeath unto hym the saide John my Leasse and teanure of yeres yett to come of and in the Tenement withe his App~tenure in Middle Street Pytt lane in the Borroughe of Yevell foresaide called the Harte whiche I Bought of Alexander Keele together withe the plotte of grounde belongnige to the same Lyinge beyond millers well. Also I give & bequeath unto the said John all my yeres yett to comme of and in my meaddow lyinge within the Mannor of Hindford in the saide prishe of Yevell called pookemore.
- Item I geve and bequeath unto hym my Cheste in my Parlor
- Item I geve and bequeath unto Beniamyne my Sonne xx li of lawfull monney of England, and also my gilte goblette whiche I boughte at London , saving that Alice my wieff, shall have the use and occupation therof, until she marrie.
- Item I geve hym my best Cheste in my Chamber over the Butterie, ioinctley withe Alice my wieff.
- Item I geve and bequeath to hym the the saide Beniamyne my Leasse and terme of yeres yett to come of and in my Tenemente in Pittlane wch I now dwell in of Thalmeshowse lande under this Condicon that he suffer and permitte his Mother my wieff to dwell use and occupie the same Duringe her lieffe lyvinge a widdoe and payinge the Lords Rente, and doinge the Reperacions and all other dueties due for the same.
- Item I geve and bequeath to the saide Beniamyne the Tableborde in the p~lor, the Borde in the hall, and the glasse and [soolinge] in my Parlor, the Cupborde, and all other Boardes Benches and Formes in the said Parlor, and hall, and also all the Shelves, tackes and other necessaries of Tymber in the Butterie, Shoppes, and kitchine the same to remayne to hym, and to his mother duringe her lieff as aforesaid.
- Item I geve and bequeath to Joseph my Sonne xx li of lawfull monneye of England and also my Salte of Silvr and gilte whiche I bought of John Hacker thelder.
- Item I geve unto him my greatiste Crocke and one of my Bedsteds in my chamber and the parlor.
- Item I geve and bequeath unto hym my saide Sonne Joseph my Leasse and tearme of yeres to Comme of and in my Barne, and Orcharde in SoutheStreete within the Borough of Yeavell foresaide wch is of the Burges Lande
- Item I geve and bequeath to Agnes my daughter xxxiij li vi s viij d of lawfull monneye of Englande. also a Fetherbedl a boulster and pillowe of Fethers, a paire of Blancketts, a paire of Sheetes, and the best Coulette, wch my mother gave her, also I give her a Crocke, iij platters, my porring tub iij Sawcers and a Caffer wch shee nowe useth, also the heiffer wch I gave her before this time.
- Item I geve and bequeath to Cicilie my daughter xxxiij li vi s viij d of lawfull monneye of England a bolster and a pillowe of Fethers, a paire of Blanketts, a paire of sheets and my coulett…
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- …made of purles lyned withe Canvas ; a Crocke a Cawdron three platters, three porringers three Sawcers and my Coffer called a Shippe coffer whiche I bought off Mrrs Whitbee or her Executors.
- Item I geve unto her a heiffer of a yeare olde, and the vantage whiche I boughte of Thomas Pynne.
- Item I geve and bequeathe to Elizabeth my daughter xxxiij li vi s viij d of lawfull monneye of Englande and a heiffer of twoe yeares a Flockebedde, a boulster, a pillowe, a paire of blancketts, a paire of Sheetes , and a Coulette, a Crocke, a Cawdron, iij platters, iij porringers, iij Sawcers and a Coffer.
- Item I geve and bequeath to Alice my wief my beste Bedstedde, my beste Fetherbed, withe Boulster, ij pillowes, a paire blanckettes, ij paire Sheetes, and my best coveringe at her choice.
- Item I geve unto her all her other Naperie and Lynnen, and further I ordeigne and my will is that she my said wieff shall dwell in my nowe Dwellinge howse and have the same ioinctley wth my son Beniamyne for so many yeares yett to comme therin as shee shall lyve sole and unmaried, payinge the Rentes and doinge the Reperacions due for the same. And after her decease, or marriage, wholie to remayne to Beniamyne my Sonne, as before in his porcion is provided.
- Item I geve and bequeath unto my said wieff all suche Corne and Grayne whatsoeveras is growinge uppon anye parte of her bargaine called Holes. And also in consideracion of her Dower I give unto her for tearme of her lieff my half tenement called Forestreetes nowe in the tenure of Roger Whithell, and xx no yerelie Rente out of the porcions of Landes of my sixe Sonnes, that is of everie porcion iij s iiij d Duringe her lieff. And farther accordinge to my duetie towardes my mother I ordeigne and grannte for and unto her that she shall have use occupit and enioye to her owne use and behoofe for tearme of her life all such Tenementes, Rentes, Annall proffects whatsoever wth now shee dothe and have enioyed from the death of my Father. That is all the Rentes of the Landes and Tenementes whiche weare Sr Hughe Stewkeleies Landes purchased by my Father and beinge within the Boroughe of Yeavell aforesaid (The Tenemente wch John Hore late dwelleth in and whiche my Father gave me by his lieff tyme onlie excepted). Also my saide Mother shall have use and enioye for tearme of her lief the Rentes Dewe of the Tenementes wth Thomas Wills and others dwell in, in Quedin Streete sometyme Sir William Carants Landes, And of the Tenemente wch Gyles Hacker holdeth sometymes, my Lorde Stortons Landes duringe her lieff seinge the Reparations donne of the same. And also makinge paymente of iiij d weekelie to Thalmeshowse of Yeavell as hetheirto she hathe used and, paide, accordinge to my Fathers will.
- Item I geve unto my saide Mother xx s of lawfull monney, of Englande yearlie duringe her lieffe, to be paide unto her v s a quarter by myne Executors, and everie yeare a Frocke or petticote as shee shall requier, chardginge myne Executors to be carefull of her nessestie, as to thare Duetie apperteigneth and as theie tender my Requeaste. And farther I provide and my will is that the saide iiij d nowe by my sayde Mother weekelie payde unto the poore people of the saide Almshowsse after her deceasse be contynewed, and paide accoringe to the tyme order and condicions mentioned in the laste will and Testamente of my saide Father William Hayne deceassed to be paide by myne Executors Duringe the tyme and tearme of Nynetene Yeares after my Mothers Deceasse. And after Determination of the Sayde Nynetene Yeares I requier my Sonne George to be carefull for the reste of the yeares conteigned in my Fathers will, that the same be paide as I now am carefull onelie in doinge my Duetie to see my Fathers good meaninge accomplished. And also for Farther declaration of my will and intente concerninge the portions of gooddes and Leasses in this my laste will and Testamente given and bequeathed to William, John, Beniamyne, and Joseph my Sonnes, I doe provide, and my will is that if anye of theyme my saide Fower Sonnes happen to die before theie so dying comme to the age if xxi yeares, that then the porcion of monneye, gooddes and Leass[s] of theyme or anye of theyme shalbe and remayne to the Survivors of my saide Fower Sonnes to be equallie devided amongste theyme that shalbe lyvinge, and attagne to the said age of xxi yeares, yf theie or anye of theym lyve so longe. And for the governmente and educacion of theyme and there porcions my will and intente is that my wieffe Duringe her widdowhed, and my Sonne George During his lieff shall have the governnence of theyme to see theyme keapte to Schoole, or putte to some good Science as Apprentices, and Speciallie to be carefull to keepe theyme from idlenes the roote of all evill, preservinge the Stockes or porcions to theire use untill theie or anye of theyme comme to his age of xxi yeares , And that towardes theire Schole and fundinge, I will that the Rentes and proffects of theire Landes shalbe applied for that purpose (if neede so requier, by the goodd advise of my Overseers whome I requeste to be carefull hereof (wch God grannte Amen) And Farthermore touchinge and conconcerninge my Landes, Tenements, Burgage and inheritancs whatso~r in the Countie of Sommersette or elsewhere. I give will and devise the same by this my last will and Testamente in manner and fourme following and accordinge to the trewe and playne meanninge hearafter in this my last will and Testamente sette down given, willed or devised, That is Firste I give will and devise to Gyles my Sonne and to his heyres forever all my Landes, Tenements, Rents, Revr~cions…
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- …and hereditaments whatsoever, wch my Father purchased of Sir Hughe Stukeleye knight scituate, lyinge & being within the Boroughe of Yevell aforesaide and also all that my Tenement or Burgage, and Gardyne thereto belonging with thappuurten~nces scituate and beinge in Quedam Street Qudin Streete next colde Harborowe in Yeavell aforesaide which I purchased of Mr Leonard Carant forever. And also one Burgage and Orcharde in the tenure of Gyles Hacker, sometyme the Lord Sturtons Lande, And also I give will and devise unto the saide Giles my Sonne, and to his heyres forever, one Burgage newlie built by John Coorte withe an Orcharde thearetoo belonginge in Quedam Street Quedin Streete, and also Fower acres of Earable lande sometyme in the Tenure of John Locke, and nowe in my owne handes, and heretofore this usuallie letten togeather withe the saide Burgage and orchard percell of the late Channterie of the Trinitie founded within the prishe Churche of Yeavell foresaide, To have and to houlde the same to him and to his heires forever.
- Item I geve, will and devise by this my last will and Testamente to George my sonne and to his heires and assignes forever, all that my Burgage, Tenemente or Cottag, Orcharde, and Backesyde thereto, belonginge, scituate, lyinge and beinge in Southstreete within the Borowghe of yeavell aforesaid in the saide Countie of Som~sett, commonlie called Stylles, with all Edifices, Landes, medows and pastures therto belonginge or appteigninge, of heretofore withe the same demised or letten, and nowe in the Tenure use or occupation of my Mother Agnes Hayne, or of her Assignes. Also I give, will and devise in my saide sonne George and his heires and assignes forever all that my Barne and Curtelage withein the Boroughe of Yeavell foresaide, scituate, lyinge and beinge in a streete there called Southe streete, and Twelve acres of Lande, medowe and pasture, and one Peterstyche usuallie letten withe the same lying in the Feildes of Kingestone within the saide prishe of Yevell, now in the occupation of John Crocker in [uire] vx [sue] And also I give, will and devise unto the saide George my Sonne, All that my Cottage & Orcharde in Recleford within the prishe of Yevell foresaide, and sixe acres of Lande, meadowe and pasture thereto belonginge nowe in the Tenure of John Boll. And also all that my Burgage withe his app~tenucs scituate and beinge wthin the Boroughe of Yevell foresaide neere the Brode Churche stile, now in the Tenure of Walter Witcombe, to have and to houlde all the premisses before to hym the saide George geven willed, and devised to thonelie use and behofe of him the saide George his heires and assignees forever.
- Item I geve, will and devise by this my laste will and Testamente to William my Sonne All that my Burgage Tenemente and Backeside thereto belonginge scituate and beinge within the Boroughe of Yevell foresaide next to the Allmeshouse now in the Tenure of Thomas Gregorye. And also I give, will and devise to the saide William all that my Tenemente or Burgage in Grope Lane within the Boroughhe of Yevell foresaide with a gardeine thereto belonginge, And also Twelve acres of Lande, meadowe and pasture withe the appurten~nce lyinge in the feilde of kingestone within the saide prishe of Yeavell which heretofore have beene letten withe the saide Burgage or Tenemente sometyme in the Tenure of John Delagrise, and late in the Tenure of Thomas Pytman or of his Assignes and now in the Tenure of John Bowden. Also I give, will and devise to the saide William All that my Tenemente or Cottage, orcharde and Backeside in Recleforde withe eighte acres one Rod and one Peterstiche with Thappurten~nure belonginge to the same in the prishe of Yeavel aforesaide or elswheare in the countie of Somers~, nowe in the Tenure of Thomas Pynne, To have and to houlde all the saide premisses to the said William before given, willed, and devised to the onelie use and behooffe of hym the saide William and to the heyres of his Bodye lawfullie begotten, And for the lacke of suche issue The saide premisses before to him the saide William, given, willed and devised , shall wholie remayne to Gyles my Sonne, and to his heires forever.
- Item I geve will and Devise by this my laste will and Testamente to John my Sonne, all that my half Tenemente withe his Appurten~nure in Recleforde in the parrishe of Yeavell foresaide, and xvij acres and iij yarde, withe one Peterstiche of Lande Meadows, and pasture belonginge to the same, late in the Tenure of Richard Hacker, and now in the Tenure of John Hacker, and of his Assignes, uppon percell whereof I have builded a new Barne, and a Stawle.
- Item I geve will and Devise likewise unto the same John my Sonne one Messuage withe a Curtilage in Southstreete within the Boroughe of Yeavell foresaide, and one close of pasture conteigninge iiij acres, be it more or lesse nexte golde Crofte in the saide prishe of Yeavell now in the Tenure of Thomas Bere or of his Assignes.
- Item I likewise geve will and Devise to the saide John my Sonne one Cottage withe a Curtilage with iij acres [Di] of errable Lande in the Feildes of Kingestone in the Prishe of Yeavell, foresaide, or els wheare withe [thapp~tennce] late in the Tenure of Jone Lie wydowe, and now in the Tenure of Robert Higdons or of his Assignes.
- Item I likewise geve will and Devise to the saide John my Sonne twoe Burgages scituate and beinge in Gropelane wthin…
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- …the Borowe of yeavell foresaide withe the appurtenannces now in the Tenure of Edward Clarke or of his Assignes To have and to houlde all the premisses to the saide John my Sonne before to him geven, willed and devised to thonlie use and behooffe of him the saide John my Sonne and to the heyres of his bodye lawfullye begottenne And for lacke of suche issue to George my sonne and to his heires for ever.
- Item I geve will and Devyse by this my laste will and Testamente to Beniamyne my Sonne, all that my Tenemente, Gardeyne, Orcharde, and Backeside withe the appurtenannces in Kingestone within the partishe of Yeavell aforesaide, and Fortie Fower acres [Di] of Lande, Meadowe and Pasture to the same belonginge, And also one Burgage or Tenement in Pytlane, And also one Gardeyne in Quedin streete within the Boroughe of Yeavell foresaide, All wch premisses, late weare in the Tenure of Lionell Carter or of his Assignes and nowe in the Tenure of John Bowden or of his Assignes.
- Item I likewise geve will and Devise to the saide Beniamyne my Sonne, One Burgage or Gardeine in Pytlane, within the saide Boroughe of Yeavell, next Maister Penys Orch~de called Gades Gardeine now in my owne possession and use, To have and to houlde all the premisses to the saide Beniamyne my Sonne before geven willed and devised to thonlie use and behoofe of him the said Beniamyne and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten , And for the lacke of suche issue [Inserted: to Joseph my sone & to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten and for the lack of such issue] to theires of me the saide Gyles Hayne for ever.
- Item I geve will and Devise by this my laste will and Testamente to Joseph my youngest Sonne, all that my Burgage or Inne called the Bell withe his App~tenamites Scituate and being in the highe streete within the Borowe of Yeavell aforesaid now in the Tenure of Henrie Welfare or of his Assignes. Also I geve will and devise unto my saide Sonne Joseph One Tenemente or Burgage wth his Appurtenannces over againste Nunwell within Borowe of Yeavell foresaid and Fower acres [Di] of errable Lande lyinge within the Feildes of Kingestone in the sayde parrisshe of Yeavell, And all other lands what soever to the same belonginge, nowe in the Tenure of John Clare the Sonne of Thomas Clare, or either of theime or of theire Assignes. To have and to houlde all the premisses to the said Joseph my Sonne, before gevenne, willed and Devised, to thonlie use and behoofe of him the said Joseph, and to the heires of his bodye lawfully begotten And for the lacke of suche yssue to Beniamyne my Sonne and to the heires of his bodye lawfully begotten. And for the lacke of suche issue to me the saide Gyles Hayne forever.
- Item I geve will and Devise by this my laste will and Testamente to Agnes my Daughter, All that my Tenement withe A Curtelage in Southstreete within the Boroughe of Yeavell foresaide and three acres [Di] of arrable Lande lyinge within the Mannor of Hyndeforde in the said Parrishe of Yeavell to the same Tenement belonging late in the Tenure of John Styckelinch and now in the Tenure of Walter Phellppes or of his Assignes with Thapp~tenannces To have and to houlde all the premisses to the said Agnes given willed & devised to thonlie use and behoofe of her the said Agnes, to the heires of her bodye lawfullie begotten. And for lacke of such issue to the righte heires of me the saide Gyles Hayne for ever,
- Item I geve will and Devise to Cicill my Daughter by this my laste will and Testamente, All that my Burgage or Tenemente , and Gardeyne to the same belonginge scituate and beinge in Pitlane next the Harte within the Boroughe of Yeavell foresayde, late in the Tenure of Jone Marshe. Also my Plotte or Burgage in Pitlane late in the Tenure of Lynell Woodell. To have and to houlde the saide Burgage and Gardeine to the saide Cicill and to the heires of her bodye lawfullie begotten and to her onlie use and behoofe, And for lacke of such issue to the righte heires of me the saide Gyles Hayne for ever.
- Item I geve will and devise by this my laste will and Testamente, to Elizabeth my Daughter, all that my Burgage or Tenemente , withe a Gardeine and Orcharde thereto belonginge scituate and beinge in Pitlane wthin the burroughe of Yeavell aforesaide, in the Northe side of the same streete, late in the Tenure of Thomas Morryce als Thomas Gromes, To have and to houlde the saide Burgage or Tenemente, Gardeine and Orchard to thonlie use and behoofe the said Elizabeth, and to the heires of her bodye lawfullye begotten. And for lacke of such issue to the righte heires of me the saide Gyles Hayne for ever.
- And so I conclude for the Disposing of my Landes perticularlie to my saide Children, willing and requesting myne Executoures and Overseers That if anye insufficiencie be for theire assurance in the penninge or devisinge thereof that for the better assurance and sure makinge hereof according to my trewe meaninge theie assure yt accordinglie by learned Councell, within three monnethes nexte after my deceasse at the costes and chardges of myne Executors, and so to prove the will perfected.The Reste of [of] all my gooddes movable and unmovable not before bequeathed (my debtes and Funeralle paide and discharged I geve and bequeathe wholie to Alice my Wieff and to George my sonne ioinctlie whom I make & ordeigne my trewe and lawfull Executors quietlie in the love of god to agree togeather and to use the same to gods glory…
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- …to whom be all honnor and prayse Amen. And for the better performance and observacion of this my laste will and Testament I hartelie requeaste my trustie freendes John Hacker thelder, Maister Walter Barker, William Jenynge and John Dier to be my Overseers of this my will and Testament, that it be executed accordinglie, and as my especiall truste is in theyme for that purpose. And partlie to consder theire paines in this behalf I give unto theyme fortie shillinges, Besechinge Allmightie god to bringe this my purpose to good effecte, To governe and protecte my Children and to make theyme his Servantes, whiche God grannte for his Deare mercye, Amen per me Egidud Hayne.
- Witnesses John Hacker, Walter Baker, William Jenynge, John Dyer, Thomas Greenefeilde, Gyles Hacker and Lionell Harrison.
- Probatum fuit suprascriptum Testamentum apud London. Coram Venerabili viro magro willmo Drusit legum Doctore Curie Prerogative Cantuariiy Commissario etc. Vitesimo primo die menses Novembris Anno Domini Millesimo Quingentesimo octoegsimo. Juramento Willmi Banham Notarii publici procuratoris Alicie Relicte, er Georgii Hayne Executorio etc. Quibus Commissa fuit Administracio etc De been etc Jurat
- Rough ‘google translation’
- Proved The above-mentioned Testament was at London. To the venerable man William Drusit, Doctor of Laws, Curia Prerogative of Canterbury, Commissary, etc. On the twenty-first day of the month of November in the year of the Lord one thousand five hundred and eighty. Oath of William Banham, Notary Public Procurator to Alicia Relicte, George Hayne Executor, etc. To whom he was committed to the Administration, etc. He swears that he has been, etc
- ↑ National Archives PROB 11/62/503 D964554 Will of Gyles Hayne, Wollen Draper of Yeovil, Somerset
- ↑ Wikipedia contributors, "Giles (given name)," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Giles_(given_name)&oldid=1133727650 (accessed March 11, 2023).
- ↑ 'Hospitals: Almshouse of Yeovil', in A History of the County of Somerset: Volume 2, ed. William Page (London, 1911), p. 161. British History Online http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/som/vol2/p161 [accessed 12 March 2023].
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