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Will of Hannah Grimmett of Charlbury

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Date: 1869 [unknown]
Location: Charlbury, Oxfordshiremap
Surname/tag: Grimmet
Profile manager: Trevor Pickup private message [send private message]
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Will of Hannah Grimmett of Charlbury

Will dated 17 Aug 1869 Will Proved 17 Nov 1869 [1]


This will was transcribed by Shirley Power, and the names have been replaced where possible by Wikitree ID to link to the relevant profiles.

The Will

This is the last Will and Testament of me Hannah (Jinks) Grimmett of Charlbury in the County of Oxford Widow I give and bequeath to my Granddaughter Matilda (Grimmett) Williams (London) Daughter of my late son James Grimmett Ten pounds to be paid out of my Estate And the whole of the residue of my personal estate and effects whatsoever & wheresoever & of what kind or quality the same may be (except my wearing apparel Furniture & clock which I give and bequeathe to my Daughters Ann (Grimmett) Paintin, Mary (Grimmett) Judge & my Granddaughter Ann (Grimmett) Fidler I give and bequeathe the whole of the before mentioned residue of my estate to be equally divided into six shares or parts One half share to my son William Grimmett and one half share to his Son James Grimmett for the support of his youngest Brother. One whole share or sixth part of my Estate to my Son George Grimmett. One whole share to my Son Thomas Grimmett. One whole share to my Daughter Ann Paintin. One whole share to my Daughter Mary (Grimmett) Judge And the remaining whole share to my Granddaughter Ann (Grimmett) Fidler. To them severally or their heirs or administrators And I hereby appoint John Marshall Albright of Charlbury, Gentleman Executor of this my last Will & Testament And I hereby revoke any Will by me at any time heretofore made In Witness whereof I have set my hand this Seventeenth day of August One thousand eight hundred & sixty nine - Hannah Grimmett - Signed by the said Hannah Grimmett the Testatrix in the joint presence of us who in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses - August 17th 1869 - Ann Durran, Charlbury - Edith Clifford, Charlbury -

Proved at Oxford the Seventeenth day of November 1869 by the Affirmation of John Marshall Albright the sole Executor to whom Administration was granted.

The Testatrix Hannah Grimmett was late of Charlbury ________________________________________ in the County of Oxford, Widow, and died on the Thirtieth day of October 1869 at Charlbury aforesaid. Under £200. The Executor in person.

It is hereby certified that the foregoing is a correct Copy. Dated this Twenty fifth day of November 1869. ________________________________________ On the Seventeenth day of November 1869 the Will of Hannah Grimmett late of Charlbury in the County of Oxford, Widow, deceased, who died on the Thirtieth day of October 1869, at Charlbury aforesaid, was proved in the District Registry attached to Her Majesty's Court of Probate at Oxford by the Oath of John Marshall Albright of Charlbury in the aforesaid, Gentleman, the sole Executor therein named, he having first made a solemn and sincere declaration or affirmation, according to Act of Parliament, Execut therein named he having been first sworn duly to administer.

It is hereby certified that the above is a correct Copy. Dated this Twenty fifth day of November 1869.

Effects under £200, No Leaseholds. Extracted by the Executor in person.


  1. Transcribed by Shirley Power, accessed from Oxforshire family history society website http://wills.oxfordshirefhs.org.uk/az/wtext/grimmett_009.html on 16 Oct 2018 by Trevor Pickup

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