Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Duckworth Duckforth
Will of Henry Duckworth of Surlingham, 1568
ANF will register Liber 22 (Gottes) fo. 199 - Duckworth, Henry, of Surlingham 1568
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Words or letters that are illegible are marked with asterisks. Li, s and d represent pounds, shillings and pence respectively. Bold text are for ease of reading in the absence of full stops.
Persons mention in the Will:
- Henry Duckworth, testator
- Hellyne Galt, his sister
- Henry Galt, son of Hellyne
- Alis Galt, daughter of Hellyne
- Margaret Galt, daughter of Hellyne
- Elizabeth Galt, daughter of Hellyne
- Joane Galt, daughter of Hellyne
- Joane Swene, his sister
- Joane Swene's five children, unnamed
- Joane Kilroy, his wife's sister
- Blithe Kent, widow
- Elizabeth, his daughter
- Margaret, his wife
- Andrew Howme, witness
- Myles Howme, witness
- Allexander Haken, witness
- John Magnus, witness
In the name of god Amen
the xxle day of December in the yere of our Lord god
a thousand CCCCC lxvij and in the tenth yere of
our most gratcious soveraigne Ladie Quene Elizabeth
by the grace of god of England France and Irland
quene defendres of the faith I Henry Duckworthe of
Surlingham in the countie of Norff[olk] beinge of wholle
mynde and p[er]fight remembrance intendinge the houer
of god and quietnes of my pore wyff and children
revokinge and makinge frustrate all formes willes and
testamentes heretofor by me made or declared doe make
this my p[res]ent testament and last will in maner and forme
followinge First I bequethe my sowle to Allmightie god
the Father and to his most mercifull sonne J[e]hsus Christe
through the merite of whose most blessed passion my verie
bel[i]ef and trust ye to be savid Secondly I comitte my boddy
to [Christ]ian buriall where yt shall please god to call me owt
of this transitorie lyffe Also I give and bequethe unto the
viccar & p[er]sonne of Surlingham for my tythes necligiently
forgotton xld also I give and bequethe towardes the reparac[i]on
of our Ladies church in Surlingham aforsaid ten shillinges
Also I give towards the reparac[i]on of the walles abowt
the churche yardk of Sainte Saviours Churche their
vjs viijd Also I will that my Executrix shall give and
bestowe to and amonge the pore people at my funerall
in meat drinke and money to the valew of three
poundes of lawfull money of England Also I will
that my executrix shall lykwyse yearly bestowe
and give at the feast of E[a]ster duringe
the terme of twentie yeres next after my decesse
to and amongest the pore people w[i]thin Surlingham
afore said by the discresion of thre or fower of the
page 2
Most honestist men of the towne the sume of ten shillinges
of lyke foresaid money Also I give and bequeth to Hellyne
Galt my syster twentie shillinges to be paid her by my
executrix w[i]thin A quarter of a yere after my decesse
also I give to Henry Galt Alis Galt Margaret Galt
Elizabeth Galt and Joane Galt children of my said
syster to ev[er]y on of them thirtene shillinges fowerpence
of lawfull money of England to be paid to only on of them
at thr severall mariage Also I give and bequeth
unto Joane Swene my sister twentie shillinges to be payd her
w[i]thin a quarter of a yere ymediatly after my decese and to ev[er]y
of her fyve children thir ten shillinges fowerpence of
of lyke foresaid money to be payd to everie of them
at their severall mariages Also I give and bequeth
to Joane Kilroy my wyffes sister twentie shillinges
to be paid her w[i]thin a quarter of a yere
imediatly after my decese Also I bequeth to Blithe
Kent widow one ew[e] and one lambe two bushels
of wheat and two bushells of malt be be payd by
myne Executrix w[i]thin on[e] monethe after my decesse
Also I give to Elizabeth my daughter fortie poundes
of good and lawfull money of England to be payd
her in forme followinge viz at the age of two and
twentie yeres twentie markes of like foresaid money
and at such tyme twelve moneth vili xijs iiijd of lawfull
money of England and so forth yearly at and everye
yere six powndes thirten shilling fower pence of
lyke money untill the said sume of fortye powndes
be fully satisfied and payd Also I give and be=
=queth to Margaret my wyff all those my messuages
landes and ten[emen]ts both fre and bond in Surlingham
page 3
Bramerton and Rockland or elswhere w[i]thin the countie
of Norff[olk] to have and to hold to the said Margaret
my wyff and her assignees duringe the terme of her
naturall lyf and after her decesse I will all the premises
to remayne to Elizabeth my daughter and to her
heyres The Residew of all my goodes not bequethed as money plate
howshold stuff corne cattels leasses and implementes of
husbandrey I do wholly give them to myne sole executrix
whome I ordeyne and make the said Margaret my
wyffe she to se[e] my debts paid and to take my debts
and to se[e] this my legacies p[er]formed This beinge
wittneses herafter followinge Andrew Howme Myles
Howme Allexander Haken and John Magnus w[i]th
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