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Location: Wrangle, Lincolnshire, England
Surnames/tags: PGM Elderkin
Will of Henry Eldarkyne of Wrangle 1624 [1]
In the name of god Amen the nynteenth daye of
Aprill 1624 I Henry Eldarkyne of Wrangle in the
p[ari[sh of Holland * Countye of Lincoln husbandman doe
ordaine & make this my last will & Testament in maner
& forme followinge
First I bequeath my soule into the
hands of Almighty god hoppinge to be saved by the
bloodshed of Jesus Christ my lovinge Redeemer & my
body I commyte to the ground to be buried in the
Church yard of Wrangle afforesaid
And for my
Worldly goods I here disposse of them
First I doe give
& bequeath to John Elderkyn my eldest sonne five
pounds to be paid to him the said John when he shall
acomplish the full age of one & twenty yeares
I doe give & bequeath to Richard Eldarkyne my second
sonne five pounds to be paid to him the said Richard when
he shall acomplish the age of xxitie yeares
Item I give and
bequeath unto Susan Eldarkyn my eldest daughter
nyne pounds to be paid to unto her the said Susan my
w[ith]in one yeare after the date herof
Item I give and
bequeath unto Mary Eldarkyne my second daughter
five pounds to be paid unto her the said Mary when
she shall acomplish the age of eighteen yeares
Item I give
& bequeath to Margaret Eldarkyne my youngest
daughter five pounds to be paid to her the said
Margaret when she shall acomplish the age ofeighteen
yeares, and if it shall fortune any of my afforesaid children
shall depart this lieffe before they shalol acomplish there sev[er]all
ages above said that then all & anye the said porcon or porcons
shall be equally divided amongst the survivors of them
And for the rest of my goods & chattells unbequeathed I give
& bequeath to Isabell Eldarkyne whome I make the sole
executrix of this my will my funerall expenses pis......
Item my mund & will is that John Kamyard of Wrangle' aforsaid
whom shalbee the sup[er]visor of this my will and I give
him for his paynes xijs intreating him to take bonds of
my executrix for the p[er]formance of this my will In
witness wherof I have putt vmy hand & seale the daye
& yeare above said In the presence of us provided? alwayes and
my mynd is that the sevrall some or somes above given & bequeathed
shall be forthwith putt unto the use & bonds taken for it and the
interest of it to produced to anye of them acordinge to ther
... all porcons given aforesaid In witness hereof I have put
to my hand the day & year aforesaid
Henry Eldarkyn his marke
- ↑ Detail Source
Name: Elderkin, Hy.
Dates: 1624
Place: Wrangle, Lincolnshire, England
Book: Marriages From Transcripts. (Marriage)
Collection: Lincolnshire and Huntingdonshire: - Calendar of Lincolnshire Wills, 1601-1652, Calendars of Huntingdonshire Wills, 1479-1652
Volume: Wills Proved in the Consistory Court of Lincoln.
Chapter: Calendar No. 4. 1601--1652.
Text: Elderkin, Hy., Wrangle 1624 , folio 26 from calendar
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Volume 119 1624 folio 26 Film # 008052507 image 265
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