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Will of Henry Goring Bart of Highden

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The Will

In the name of God amen. I
Henry Goring of Sullington in the county of
Sussex esquire being sick of body but of sound
heart (and) memory thank God his son onto
Almighty God therefore doo make ordayne
This to be my last will and Testament in
(manor) and form following first i give (and)
bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty
God my maker hoping through the merits (and)
moderations of Jesus Christ my only savior
(and) redeemer to obtayne pardon(and) forgiveness
of all my sins (and) to enjoy everlasting bliss (and)
happiness in his heavenly Kingdom and my body
to the grave where of it was made to be
( ) but privately buried at the ( )
of my ( ) here after named (
give to the poor of the parish of Sullington
afore sayd (monthly) shillings who so of five
shillings my will is ( ) pays to William
Panfold the butcher the fifteen shillings

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