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Will of Henry Herdson of London 1555

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The will of Henry Herdson, Alderman of London, who died 17 December 1555. It was written on 9 December 1555, with a codicil added on 16 December 1555. The will was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 10 January 1555/6.


Henry Herdson, Alderman of London, will proved 10 January 1555/6, Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers, class PROB 11, piece 37: More (1554-1556), The National Archives, Kew, England; "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858," database with images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed 20 October 2019), Image 555 of 623 (subscription required).

Transcription Notes:

  • Spelling and grammar as in the original image, except that paragraphs have been added to increase readability
  • Abbreviated words (eg where the common bar mark appears) have been spelt out in full, where the full spelling was obvious


In the name of god Amen. The ninthe daie of December in the yere of owre Lorde God A Thowsande fyve hundred fyftye and fyve And in the seconde and therde yeres of the raignes of Phillippe and Marie by the grace of God kinge and quene of Englande Frannce Naples Jerusalem and Irelande Defenders of the faithe, Princes of Spaine and Cecyll, Archidukes of Austria Dukes of Milloine, Burgundy and Brabante, Counties of Haspurge Flannders and Tyroll.

I Henry Herdson Citezin and Alderman of London beinge sicke of Bodie But hole of minde, And of good and perfitt memorie Laude and praise be to allmightie god make ordeine and declare this my presente testamente and Laste will in maner and forme followinge, that is to witte:

Firste I bequeathe my wretched and sinfull sowle to allmightie god the onely maker and Redemer of hit. And my bodie to be buried in suche place as is used for Cristian People to be buried in, as shalbe thoughte mete by my executrix and overseers. And as for the Residewe of my funeralls, I will it be ordered and donne in suche maner and forme, and withe suche charges as by them shalbe likewise thoughte conveniente and decente. Item I will that Thomas Herdson my sonne and heire apparante accordinge to the Lawe and Statute in this behalfe made and provided shall have to him and his heires forever the full thirde parte of all and singuler my manors Landes tenements and hereditaments in the countie of Kente

And the other two partes and residewe of the same my manors Landes tenements and hereditaments, I geve will and bequeathe to Edwarde Herdson, Henrie Herdson, John Herdson, and Kellam Herdson my sonnes and to the heires males of theire bodies lawfully begotton. And if the saide Edwarde, Henrie, John and Kellam happen all to die without issue male of theire or anie of theire bodies lawfully begotton. Then I will that the saide Two partes of the saide manours messuages landes tenements and hereditaments withe the appertinancs shalbe reverte and remaine and cum to the nexte heires of me the saide Henrie Herdson for ever.

And if Barbara my wife be with childe at the time of my deathe withe Issue male or female and be delivered of hit afore or after my decease. Then I will if it be issue male that he shalbe Coheire withe my saide fowre other sonnes of and in the two partes of my saide manors Landes and tenements by me to them above assigned.

And as concerninge the order and disposicion of my goodes. I will that all my goodes cattells and debtes after my detts paide accordinge to the Laudable custome and use of the Citie of London shalbe devided into thre equall partes wherof I will that the saide Barbara my wyfe shall have one parte to her owne proper use in the name of her Purparte and Reasonable porcion of all my goodes cattells and debtes to her after the use and custome of the citie of London belonginge.

And the seconde equall parte therof I will shall remaine to all my childerne equally amonge them to be devided, And to be deliverid unto them when and as they or any of them shall cum to the Lawfull age of twentie and one yeres orells shalbe maried. And if it fortune any of my saide childerne to die before lawfull age or mariage. Then I will that the parte and partes of my saide goodes Cattell and debtes by me to my saide childe or childerne then survivinge equally amongste them to be devided And to be deliverid to them, when and as they or any of them shall accomplishe there saide full age or ells be maried.

And further I will that the saide childe that my wyfe nowe goithe withe, whether it be issue male or female shall have his or her reasonable parte and porcion of my goodes amongste the residewe of my childern at Lawfull age or mariage in like and as ample maner as any of the same my childerne maie or mighte doo. And in all pointes and formes as thoughe the name of hit were herin perticulerly expressed. And if it fortune all my childerne within age to decease and before that time be not maried That then I will that all my said goodes, Cattells and Debtes by me to my saide Childerne above bequeathed shalbe Disposed in Redemcion of poore prisoners out of captivite and Thraldom and other suche charitable Dedes and workes of mercy, as maie best please god.

And the thirde equall parte of all my saide goodes cattells and Debtes, I Reserve unto my selfe and to my executrix for the performance of my legacies underwritten, that is to saie

First I will that my executrix shall provide and give fortie gownes of good mantell frise to fortie poore men and women that is to saie the one halfe to men, And the other halfe to women.

Item I bequeathe to William Bulley thre poundes in golde to make him a ringe and a gowne of pewke And to his wife An other like gowne. Item I bequeathe to Edwarde Rue other thre poundes, to make him A ringe, And a gowne of pewke.

Item I bequeathe to John Hethe other thre poundes to make him a ringe. Item [new page] I bequeathe to the righte honorable William Garret Maior of the citie of London a gowne of pewke of twentie shillinges the yarde And to master Swerdeberer An other gowne of thirtene shillinges and fowre pence the yarde.

Item I bequeathe to mystres Chaloner a gowne of pewke.

Item I bequeathe to ether of John Dalman and his wife fortie shillinges to make eche of them A ringe.

Item I bequeathe to John Saprotts fortye shillings to make him a ringe.

Item I bequeathe to Roberte Hilliarde fortie shillings to make him A ringe and a gowne of pewke of thirtene shillings and fowre pence the yarde.

Item I bequeathe to Humfrey Wells an other gowne of thirtene shillings and foure pence the yarde.

Item I bequeathe to every of my servants thre poundes sixe shillings and eighte pence.

Item I give to Richarde Howlet for service by him donne thirtie poundes.

Item I bequeathe to Walter Herdson fortie poundes to be deliverid to him when he shall accomplishe and comme to the age of twentie and fowre yeres.

Item I bequeathe to Ellyn Herdson thirtene poundes sixe shillings and eighte pence to be deliverid unto her on the daie of her mariage.

Item I bequeathe to Agnes Herdson tenne poundes to be deliverid to her on the daie of her mariage.

And if it fortune the saide Walter to dye before the age afore lymited, or the saide Ellyne, or Agnes, or either of them to dye before mariage. That then the parte or partes of them so dyeinge to be devided to thother of them survivinge. And if they dye all thre before suche age or mariage then I will theire saide partes shall remaine to my executors.

Item I bequeathe to Barbara Hill fyve poundes.

Item I forgive Martin Meriall of Grenehithe in the countye of Kente all suche debtes as he owithe me excepte the fiftye poundes whiche I laste lente unto him.

And I forgive John Gylman of Weste Thurrock in the countie of Essex all such debtes as he owithe me.

Item I forgive John Burrell all suche debtes as he owithe me savinge twentie poundes, so that he paie the saide twentie poundes to my executrix.

Item I bequethe to Thomas Sexton a gowne of pewke And to Richard Hueson one other gowne.

Item I bequethe to the company of Skinners for a repaste to be made amonge them tenne poundes.

Item I bequeathe to John Hulson thre poundes to make him a ringe, and a gowne of pewke.

Item I forgeve all my tenances of Kingsdon in the countie of Somerset all suche dett as they owe me for fynes or otherwise

Item I bequeathe to John Rooff a gowne of xxiiis iiijd the yarde.

Item I geve to the wife of Rafe Grenewaie a gowne of pewke of thertene shillings and fowre pence a yarde.

The residue of my saide therde parte above reserved after my funerall charges borne And the Legacies in this my Laste will and testament contained fully performed and fullfilled. I geve and bequeathe to and amongste Edwarde, Henrie, John, and Kellam my fowre youngest sonnes to be deliverid to them when they shall comme to theire full age of twentie and one yeres. And if anie of them happen to die, before the accomplishmente of theire saide full age then I will the parte and partes of the saide Surplusage due unto him or them so deceasing to remaine to the other of them Survivinge.

And if it fortune them to die all before any of them cum to his saide full age as god defende. Then I will geve and bequeathe all the same surplusage to Thomas my sonne. And to my cosyn John Herdson of Lincolnshere and his childerne.

And further I will that William Allyn, William Bulley, Thomas Sexton and Edwarde Rue shall have amonge them the use and occupienge of all my goodes cattells and debtes, by me to my saide childerne above bequethed till such time as my childerne cum to Lawfull age or mariage fundinge them at there owne charges in and by all that time So that same William Allen, William Bulley, Thomas Sexton and Edwarde Rue and everie of them cause good able and Sufficient Suerties to be bounde withe them for the repaimente of the same accordinge to the tenor and true meaninge of this my testamente and laste Will.

And I will that the saide Thomas Sexton shall bringe up Edwarde my sonne And I will that William Alyn shall have the custodie and bringinge up of Henry my sonne. And that John Sapcotts shall also have the custodie and bringinge up of John my sonne havinge allowance for the same at the handes of the saide William Bulley.

Morover I will that the saide Barbara my wife shall collecte gather have and kepe to the use of all my saide childerne all the rentes and proffits comminge of my saide Landes And have the ordre settinge and lettinge of the same till they cum to theire full age of twentie and one yeres puttinge in sufficient suerties for the true repaimente of the same to my childerne when they shall accomplishe theire full age.

And of the execution of this my testamente and laste will I make the saide Barbara my wife my sole executrix.

And of the oversight of the execution of the same my testamente and Laste will I make and constitute Ser Andrewe Judde and Ser Richarde Dobbes knightes and aldermen of London and William Allen Letherseller supervisors moste hartely besechinge them as my speciall truste is in them that they will see my childerne be not impeched devianid or minred of the rightfull partes and porcions of my saide goodes But that they thorowe there wisdomes and providence maie truely have so muche as by the tenor of this my will they oughte to have And for there faithfull diligence therin to be shewed accordinglye I geve and bequeathe to the saide Sir Andrewe [new page]

Judde five poundes, and a gowne of pewke of twentie shillinges the yarde. And to the saide Sir Richard Dobbes other five poundes and a like gowne of twentie shillings the yarde. And to the saide William Allyn twentie poundes and a gowne of pewke and to his wife another gowne.

And further I will that the saide Barbara my wife shall have the rule order and kepinge of Kellam my youngeste sonne and Abiga my daughter till they or either of them cum to there full ages or mariages.

Item I bequeathe to Grace Smithe xls

Item I forgive James Hollande all suche debtes as his father owithe me

In witness wherof I the saide Henrie Herdson to everie leafe of this my presente testamente and laste will have put my seale and subscribed my name the daie and yeres above written. Then there beinge also presente William Allen Edwarde Rue Thomas Sexton and John Hulson.


Memorandum The sixtene daie of December Anno A thousande five hundred fiftie and five The above mencioned Henrie Herdson Alderman of London aforesaide, beinge in good minde and memorie havinge bequethed and disposed the fouretene daie of the same monthe by mouthe nuncupatively to Edwarde Rue Citizen and pewterer of London the custodie of Abigall his Daughter to gether withe the occupacion of her porcion duringe her nonage.

The saide Testator this daie and monthe continuyinge in perfit minde and memorie revokinge the saide Disposicion of his saide daughter Abigall and her porcion And also his former bequeste made to the saide Edwarde Rue concerninge the occupacion of the fourthe parte of his childerns porcions then willed disposed and bequeathed for and upon certaine causes and consideracions him movinge that the saide Legacy of the custodie of Abigall Herdson his daughter And the occupacion of her porcion And also the occupacion of the saide fourthe parte of his childernes porcion to him as before disposed shulde cum and be from hence forthe utterlie voide, frustrate and Revoked, bequeathinge to him in Lue and satisfaction of the promiss twentie poundes in money together withe thre poundes to make him a ringe and a gowne of pewke bequeathed to him in the bodie of his will

Whiche saide Revocacion disposition and declaration of this presente Codicill proceded out of the saide Testators proper minde and laste will declared and made in the presence of William Bowlye and John Sapcott witnesss desired by the testator to testifie and recorde the same yeron the xvith daie of December above written

Extract in Inquisition Post Mortem

Note the slight variations from the PCC copy of the will, eg "Kenelme", rather than Kellam

Item I will that Thomas Herdson my sonne & heyre aparant according to the Lawe & statute in this behalf made & providedshall have to him & to his heires for ever the full third parte of all & singular my mannors Landes tenementes And hereditaments in the counte of Kent, And the other two partes & Resydue of the same my mannors Landes tenementes & hereditamentes I geve will & bequeathe to Edwarde Herdson Henry Herdson, John Herdson, And Kenelme Herdson, my sonnes, & to ther heyres males of ther bodyes Lawfully begotten And yf the seid edwarde, Henry, John & Kenelme happen all to dye without yssue male of ther or eny of their bodyes Lawfully begotten Then I will that the seyd two partes of the seid mannors, messuages, Landes, tenementes & hereditamentes with thappertenances shall Reverte Remayne & come to the next heires of me the seid Henry Herdson for ever, And if barbara my wyfe be with childe at the tyme of my Dethe, with yssue male of female & be delivered of yt bifore, or after my Decease, Than I will, yf yt be yssue male that he shalbe coheyre with my seid foure other sonnes, of & in the two partes of my seid mannors Landes & tenementes, by me to them Above assigned. Moreover I will that barbara my wyfe shall collect gather have & kepe, to thuse of all my seid Children, all the renttes & proffyttes comyng of my seid Landes & have the order Letting & settinge of the same tyll they come to their full age of xxj yeres, putting in suffycient suerties, for the trew repayment of the same to my chilldren, when they shal Accomplyssh ther full age

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