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Will of Henry Holyoake. 27 March 1731. PROB 11/643/272

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Rugby, Warwickshire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Holyoake Holyoak
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Will of Henry Holyoak. 27 March 1731. [1]

Spelling and pagination as in The National Archive probate document. Line breaks added to separate legacies.

The will names the following people

  • Cousin Elizabeth Holyoake
  • Cousin Ann Story with daughter Elizabeth Story
  • Cousin Susanna Stone
  • Cousin Jane Pinley, with husband Rev Mr Pinley of Stanford
  • Cousin Rev Mr Durnford of Rockbourne, his son Tommy Durnford and daughter Ann Fort of Salisbury, both 'my sister Betty's children'
  • Cousin Judith Holyoake
  • Elizabeth Harris daughter of widow Harris the tripe woman
  • Mary Parker, servant
  • Rev Mr Holled of Barby, executor
  • Mr Sandys, Mr Holled, Mr [Edward??], Mr Davies, Mr Newbold, Mr Pinley and Mr Strong, possible mourners
  • James Calcutt, Knightly Holles. Ursula Hook, witnesses

In the Name of God Amen Feb 11 1730/31. I Henry Holyoak being of sound mind and memory do now make this my last will and testament. First I freely and thankfully resigne my soule into the hands of the almighty who gave it in hopes of mercy through meitd of my Ever Bd save: Xt. 2ly I committ my soule to be very privately interred in the parish Church of St Mary's in Warwick by being carryed directly to the Grave and placed as neare my father and mother as possible. 3ly I do hereby devise what effects God Almighty has pleased to bless me with in manner following

  • First I give and bequeath to my Cousin Elizabeth Holyoake the sume of two hundred pounds the interest of which two hundred pounds I desire may be for her maintenance dureing life and the principall to be placed out to use on good security by the approbation and discretion of the Revd Mr Holles of Barby. And at her death to goe to the poore of the parish of Rugby.
  • Also I give and bequeathto my Cousin Ann Story widow the sume of two hundred pounds for the good of her children
  • Also I give and bequeath to my Cousin Susanna Stone widow the sume of two hundred pounds for the good of her children
  • Also I give and bequeath to my Cousin Jane Pinley wife of th Reverend Mr Pinley of Stanford the sume of two hundred pounds tho' I have severall notes under his hand amounting to the value of 45:12:0 yet in consideration of his service in my schoole I freely forgive.
  • Also I give and bequeath to my Cousin the Revd Mr Durnford of Rockbourn the sume of one hundred pounds for his son my Cousin Tommy Durnford. I also freely give him the board and schooling of six years and the expences in that time which amount to about tenn pounds.
  • I also give and bequeath to his sister my cousin Ann Fort of Salisbury the sume of one hundred pounds as both being my sister Betty's children and both God be thanked in superior circumstances.
  • Also I give and bequeath to my Cousin Judith Holyoake the sum of foure hundred pounds as haveing beene very serviceable in my house and seemingly kind.
  • Also I give and bequeath to my Cousin Elizabeth Story daughter of Ann Story widow as haveing beene serviceable in my house the sume of thirty pounds.
  • Also I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Harris daughter of the widow Harris the tripe woman the sume of thirty pounds.
  • Also I give and bequeath to my servant Mary Parker the sume of thirty pounds as haveing lived with me severall yeares.
  • Lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint the Reverend Mr Holled of Barby the sole Executor of this my last will and testament in trust notwithstanding and with full power and authority to call in and collect gather and receive all debts dues and demands relateing or any waise belonging to me by whatever methods he shall thinke fitt In order equally to divide the overplus amongst my brother Fosher's children.

The funerall charges and other necessary expenses being first defrayed (which the dues being paid to the Clerke of Rugby and fifty shillings to the poore there as alsoe the Clerke and officers dues at Warwick with fifty shillings to the poore of St Mary's parish and fifty shillings to the poore of Bilton and fifty shillings to the poore of Harborow together with the coffin which I desire may be barely decent and plaine. And also the charge of the herse together with a small marble table as usuall to be affixed to the pillar thats next the grave for which I have left an inscription as a bare register of the family) I suppose will nott amount to so little as one hundred pounds. I desire the funerall may be very private without invitation and yt attend the corps to Warwick but my Cousin Pinley and the undertaker of the herse. And that Mr Sandys Mr Holled Mr [Edward??] Mr Davies Mr Newbold Mr Pinley and Mr Strong if they chance to appeare may have hatbands gloves scarfes and rings butt that they attend the corps no farther than the end of the towne of Rugby the minister who performs the ceremony of the funerall service must have the same hatband gloves scarfe and ring.

  • I do also leave to the schoole of Rugby all my books and the two pictures of my Grandfather and father if the honourable the trustees shall thinke all or any of them worth their acceptance. If nott to be sold with the rest of my goods by my Executor.

If I have omitted any thing that may seeme to my Executor to be either necessary decent or convenient I leave it entirely to his discretion to act as he shall think fitt without being accountable to any, for which his great fatigue and trouble I do hereby give him and beg his acceptance of the sume of sixty guineas which I desire he would pay himselfe out of the effects before any of the overplus be divided nay even before the legacies are paid if do be by any unforeseene accidente the effects should fall short to this my last will and testament I have here sett my hand this eleaventh day of February 1730 31 Henry Holyoak signed sealed published and declared in the presence of we who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses at the request of the testator and in his sight and presence James Calcutt, Knightly Holled. Ursula Hook


  1. Will of Henry Holyoak. 27 March 1731. PROB 11/643/272

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