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Will of Henry Lincolne of Watton, 1640

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Gilman Wills

This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Henry Lincolne of Watton, Norfolk, yeoman. It was written on 20 September 1640 and proved at the Archdeaconry Court of Norwich sitting at Norwich on 26 November 1640. [1]

The testator was the brother and executor of William Lincolne whose will was proved in 1631.
Henry also appeared to be unmarried and with no children (like William) as none are mentioned in the will.

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included Struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was faint. The handwriting was a more modern style than usually seen at this time. However, there were many places where words were omitted or repeated, these are referred to in footnotes. Non-standard spellings and arcane words used.

Persons mentioned:

  • my neice Jane Lincolne
  • Bridgett Lincolne my neice
  • John Lincolne my nephew
  • Robert Brett my nephewe
  • my Sister Field
  • my goodsonne William Lincolne
  • George Lincolne my nephew
  • my brother Thomas Lincolne executor of will
  • Henry Fecket neighbouring landower
  • Henry Jarnis neighbouring landowner
  • Thomas Gun witness
  • George Gardener witness
  • Henry Middleton witness

In the name of God Amen
Henry Lincolne of Watton in the county of Norffe
yeoman being weake of body but p[er]fect in rembembrance
Thankes be given to God doe this Twenteth Daie of
September in the yeare of our Lord God 1640 Doe
may and ordaine my last will and Testament in a
written thereby revokeing and and [2] adnullinge both
in Deed and in lawe all other former willes and Testaments

[page 2]
First I Comend my soule to the hands of Allmighty
God my maker and redeemer to Jesus Christ my Lord
mercifull Lord and Saviour hopeing by his Death
bitter passion to have forgiveness of all my Sinnes and my
body to be buried in Xρian [3] buriall where it shall please
God to call mee And as touchinge my temp[or]all goodes
w[hi]ch it hath pleased God to endue [4] mee with all I these
Dispose: First I give & bequeathe twentie shillinges towards
the rep[ar]ac[i]ons of the Church of Watton

Item I doe give
unto my neice Jane Lincolne the bedd wherein I doe
Lye full furnished as it Doe stande with twoe feather
bedds one boulster and one pillowe 2 pillowe beares[5]
twoe Blankett and to Coverletts

Item I give unto
the said Jane Lincolne tenn poundes of lawfull English
money to be paid with in thin [6] one whole yeare next after
my Decease

Item I give unto Bridgett Lincolne my
neice tenn poundes to be paid within one yeare next
after my Decease

Item I give unto John Lincolne
my nephew twentie shillinges to be paid within one
yeare after my Deceased

Item I give Robert Brett my
nephewe twentie shillinges to be paid within one yeare
next after my Decease

Item I give unto my Sister Field
twentie shiilinges to be paid within one yeare next after
my Decease

Item I give unto my goodsonne William[7]
Lincolne twentie shillinges to be paid with in one yeare
next after my Decease

Item I give unto George
Lincolne my nephew five poundes of lawfull english
money to be paid when he shall attaine the age of one
and twentie yeares

Item the messuage wherein I
Doe nowe [8] with five acres of grounde there unto belonginge
with all and singular the purtenances [9] I give & bequeath
unto my brother Thomas Lincolne to him and to his
heires for ever

Item one acre of arable lande that I
doe hold by lease the tenure of the said leace inssueinge[10]

[page 3]
I give unto my brother Thomas Lincolne the said
acre of lande lye in a furlonge Called waylandred
betweene the landes of Henry Fecket on the South parte
and Jarnis on the north parte and abbutt upon the
meare called high meare towards the East and abutt
upon the lands of Henry Jarnis towards the west

to this my last will and Testament I make and
ordaine my brother Thomas Lincolne to be my sole
Executor for to take my Debts and to paie my Debts
and legacies accordinge to the true meaninge of this
my last will and Testament

In wittness whereof
I have here unto sett my hand and Seale the
yeare above written Read Sealed published
and Declared for my last will and Testament in
the pr[e]sents of theise wittnesses Thomas Gun
and George Gardener and Henry Middleton signed
Thomas Gun his marke Signed George Gardner
Henry Lincolne

Probate [abstracted from the Latin] granted at Norwich xxvj day of November 1640 to Thomas Lincolne named in this Testament.


  1. Will of Henry Lincolne of Watton, 1640 Archdeaconry Court of Norwich (ANW), will register, 1640-1643, fo. 99, no. 95. Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, Norfolk, England. Family Search: Regd. copy wills, v. 47 1640-1643 Images on Family Search image 125 onwards Accessed 30 January 2022
  2. "and" repeated in the original
  3. Greek letters Chi and Rho for Christ
  4. endue=endow
  5. pillow cases
  6. assume unintended repetition
  7. "goodsonne" in original, assume godson
  8. "dwell" probably omitted
  9. appuretenances
  10. best guess, something meaning remaining

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