Location: [unknown]
Will of Henry Loney
This is the last Will and Testament of me Henry Loney of the parish of Bedminster, in the City of Bristol, late of the parish of Brislington in the county of Somerset, yeoman, made whilst being of sound and disposing mind I direct that my executors hereafter named do pay all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses. I will also direct that my body be directly buried by or near the remains of my late beloved wife Mary in the parish churchyard at Brislington in the County of Somerset. I also direct that Mr William James, carpenter of the aforesaid place do make my Coffin and otherwise attend to the management of my funeral.
I give and bequeath the sum of ten pounds lawful money of Great Britain to Sarah Loney of the parish of St Philips in the City of Bristol, widow, late wife of my deceased brother James to be paid to her, her executors, admons or assigns, so soon as convenient after my decease. I give and bequeath the sum of ten pounds lawful money of Great Britain to Henry Fowler, to Ann Fowler his wife and to their children of lawful issue resident at Brislington in the County of Somerset. Nevertheless I direct that my hereafter named Executors any good and comfortable clothing with the aforesaid ten pounds for the abovesaid Henry Fowler, his wife and their children severally and that no part of this my bequest be paid in money.
I give and devise all that my [?] messuage tenement or dwelling house distinguished or known by the name or title of Number Six situate partly in Somerset Street and partly in Somerset place in that part of the parish of Beminster which is in the City of Bristol with the Appurtenants thereto belonging to Elizabeth Loney wife of my late beloved brother William Loney for the term of her natural life and at her decease I give and devise the abovesaid freehold messuage tenement or dwelling house with the Appurtnetnat belonging thereto situate and known by the title of Number Six partly in Somerset Street and partly in Somerset Place to William Loney son of my brother William Loney and of his wife Elizabeth to be enjoyed by him, his executors admons or assigns forever.
Nevertheless to be subject to the payment of the sum of one shilling and sixpence per week as herafter expressed. I give and devise to Harriett Thomas daughter of my late brother William Loney and of Elizabeth his wife at the decease of the aforesaid Elizabeth Loney her mother the sum of one shilling and sixpence per week during the term of her natural life and that the aforesaid one shilling and sixpence to be paid to her the aforesaid Harriett Thomas weekly and every week during the term of her natural life by her brother William Loney his executors admons or assigns from money or monies arising from the rental or value of the aforesaid my freehold messuage tenement or dwelling house distinguished by the title of Number Six situate partly in Somerset Street and partly in Somerset Place in that part of the parish of Bedminster in the City of Bristol.
I give and devise all that my freehold, messauage, tenement or dwelling house with the appurtenants belonging thereto the title of number two situate in Wellington Street in that part of the parish of Bedminster in the City of Bristol to Henry Loney son of my late brother James Loney and of Sarah his wife to be enjoyed by him his heirs executors admons or assigns forever. I give and devise all that my freehold messauge, tenement or dwelling house known by the title of Number Four Tiptons Buildings with the Appurtenants belong theeto situate in the parish of St Paul in the City of Bristol to Mary Mintern my servant wife of Thomas Mintern of the parish of Bedminster to be enjoyed by her her executors, admons or assigns forever.
I give and devise all that my freehold messuage, tenement or dwelling house known by the title of Number Fourteen situate in Somerset Place in that part of the parish of Bedminster which is in the city of Bristol to my beloved brother John Loney and to Elizabeth Loney his wife of the parish of Arundell in the County of Somerset to be enjoyed jointly or otherwise during the term of their natural lives and I will and devise that at the decease of the aforesaid William Loney and Elizabeth his wife that the aforesaid messuage, tenement or dwelling house with the Appurtenants belong thereto known by the tile of Number Fourteen Somerset Place in that part of the parish of Bedminster which is within the City of Bristol be sold and the value or money to the value of the same be wually divided amongst the children of my brother John Loney of lawful issue.
Nevertheless I will direct and empower my hereafter named executors and trusts of this my last will and testament their executors admons or assigns to collect all debts owe to me with all monies at interest or elswehre in whatsoever name or whomsoever owe to my estate. And also that a sufficient sum of money be paid out of my four asaid freehold house by the Legatees before named in this any last will and testament as my hereafter named executors and trusts be sufficient with the assistance of other parts of my Estate to repay all my just debts bequests, funeral and testamentary expenses and I further will and direct my executors trustees their executors admons or assigns shall be at liberty from a out of all or any part of this my Estate to retain their respective costs and expenses in executing this my last will and testament, and neither of them shall be liable for anything except willful neglect or default.
And lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my beloved brother John Loney and my beloved nephew Henry Loney son of my late brother James Loney sole Executors and Trustees of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other will and wills made by me and do declare this only to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I the said testor Henry Loney have to this my last said will written upon these sheet of paper to the first two sheets thereof set my hand and to this [?] and last sheet set my hand and seal this twenty eight day of November in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six. – The mark X of me Henry Loney. Signed sealed published and declared by the testor Henry Loney and as for this last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of eachother have accurate subscribed our names as witnesses- John Grant Baker – Charles Caton Carpenter – William Harding School Master. Proved at London 10th July 1837 before the Judge by the oaths of John Loney the brother and Henry Loney the nephew the Executors to whom Admon was granted having first sworns by Commons only to administer. [1]
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 1881
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #371864 (accessed 5 January 2024)
Will of Henry Loney, granted probate on 10 Jul 1837. Died about 1837 in Bristol, Somerset, England.
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