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Will of Henry Longe 1535

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Date: 1535 [unknown]
Location: Whaddon, Wiltshire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Longe Long
This page has been accessed 166 times.

Transcription of the will of Henry Long of Whaddon

The will was written in 1535/6 (no exact date given) and proved on 28 January 1535/6.[1] [2]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

People mentioned in will

  • Robert Longe of Whaddon and his sons William and Antony
  • kinswoman E? Longe (possibly Eme Longe)
  • John Longe the younger my brother (is this the same as litle John Longe mentioned later?)
  • Robert Longe my sonne in London
  • Johanne my wife
  • Thomas Longe my sone
  • Robert Smythe my sonne in lawe
  • my doughter margery
  • William and Henry my sonnes
  • litle John Longe my brother
  • Thomas Longe my brother


  • Witnesses: Richarde Blake of Chippenham, Robert Longe of Whaddon, John Longe the younger, William son of Robert Longe
  • Servants Koke and Russell

In the name of god Amen In the year of our In the year of our Lorde god , mtvxxxv t / I Henry Longe beinge
hole of mynde, and seeke in body, make my testament and Last will in this fourme followinge First I bequeth
my soule to the almightie god, to oure ladye Sainte Marye, and to all tholly companye of hevyn / And my bodye to
be buried in the church of Semyngton / Item I bequeth to the mother churche of Sar[um] xxd. [20d] / Item to the churche
of Semyngton tenne shillinge[s] / It[em] to the churche of Whaddon xxd. [20d] / Item to the churche of melkyshm xxd. [20d] :/ Item to
Robert Longe of Whaddon fourtie shillinge[s] / Item to the same Robert Longes twoo sonnes, willi[a]m and Antony
every of them twenty shillinge[s] / Item to E[?]e Longe my kynneswoman vj£ xiijs iiijd. [£6 13s 4d] / Item to every of my
thre mayden [servants] six shillinge[s] and eight pence / Item to John Longe the younger my brother xl[?] / Item to
Robert Longe my sonne beinge in London a hundred pounde, with liij£vjs viijd [£53 6s 8d] beinge in his hands / Item to Johanne
my wif[e] one hundred marke, and two flocke [bedds?] wt thapparell for our bedd / Item to Thomas Longe my sone
tenne pounde / Item to Robert Smythe my sonne in lawe tenne pounde with that yt in his hands / Item to everye
of my godchildren xijd [12d] / Item to every poure housholder in Whaddon, Litelton and Semyngton xijd [12d] / Item to
my doughter margery iij£ vjs viijd [£3 6s 8d] / Item I woll that a clothe of xxiiijti brode yardes be deyd blacke, and to be
bestowyd uppon my men srv[?]nts and other poure solle[s], by the discrec[i]on of Thomas Longe my sonne / The residue of
my goodes not bequethed I give and bequeth to William and Henry my sonnes whom I make myne executours, to
dispoase at for the wealth of my soule / Item Thomas Longe my sonne to be Overseer of this my last will / Item
to litle John Longe my brother xx£ [£20] / Item to Koke and Russell my se[rva]nnts every of them iijs iiijd [3s 4d] / It[em] to Thomas Longe
my brother fourtye shillings Item I will that Thomas Longe my sonne may see the trewe [devision?] of all
my goodes to myne executours bequethed, egally devided betwyne them / so that there be : no striff betwyne my
executours To this testament bearith in wittnes Richarde Blake of Chippenham, Robert Longe of Whaddon
John Longe the younger William Longe sonne to Robert longe /J[?]


  1. https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D977167 Reference: PROB 11/25/457 Description: Will of Henry Longe Date: 28 January 1536
  2. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 25
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #875048 (accessed 18 October 2021)
    Will of Henrici Longe, granted probate on 28 Jan 1535. Died Abt 1535.

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