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Will of Henry Soame (1813)

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Will of Henry Soame (1734-1813)
This is a transcription of the register copy of the Will of Henry Soame of Little Thurlow, Suffolk, England. It was written on 29 September 1812, with codicil added on 5 January 1813, and proved at London on 29 April 1813.[1][2]

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing mostly legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned
  • Henry Soame Esquire, Testator
  • Rev. Carey Robert Barnard, Executor
  • Rev. Thomas Crick, Executor
  • Susanna Soame, Wife
  • Martha Hurry, Servant
  • Hannah Rutter, Servant
  • Molly Free, Servant
  • Major General Charles Stevenson, Nephew (though not specified in the will) *see notes
  • Caroline Cope, Common–law Wife of Charles Stevenson
  • Children of Charles Stevenson not with Caroline Cope
  • Twin children (son and daughter) of Caroline Cope
  • Stephen Jennens Soame, Grandson of (unnamed) Soame
  • Miss Munro, Carer of Henry's wife Susanna
  • Rev. John Wheeler, friend
  • Richard Goodchild
  • Thos Bridgman, Witness
  • Ezek. Sparke, Witness
  • Chas Hennirell?, Witness

[Page one]
Henry Soame Esq.

I Henry Soame of Little Thurlow in the
County of Suffolk Esquire do make this my last Will and Testament as follows
that is to say first I give and devise all my manors advowsons messuages
Cottages Farms Lands Woodgrounds Tenements and Heredit[ament]s & real Estate
whatsoever which I have power to dispose of situate and being in
Little Thurlow aforesaid & in Wratting in the said County & Carlton in
the County of Cambridge or in any other parish or place within the
said Counties or either of them and all my Estate & interest ^therein in reversion
or remainder or otherwise with their appurt[enance]s unto the Rev[eren]d Carey
Robert Barnard of Wetherfield in the said County of Suffolk and the rev[eren]d
Thomas Crick of Little Thurlow aforesaid Clerks and their Heirs upon
the trusts & for the intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned viz upon
trust that they or the survivor of them or his heirs shall and do
present such one of the sons of the said Thomas Crick as ^he the said
Thomas Crick shall nominate to the rectory and Parish Church of
Little Thurlow aforesaid when the same shall become vacant by the
death of the said Thomas Crick or otherwise in case he shall have a
son of proper age and capable ^.... of holding the same and in case he
shall not have a son of proper age and capable of holding the
same then that they my said Trustees or the survivor of them
& his heirs shall and do present some proper person to the said
rectory and Parish Church to hold until the said son of the
said Thomas Crick whom he shall nominate shall be of proper
age and capable of taking of taking the same and subject to
such nomination and presentation upon trust that they my said
Trustees and their heirs shall and do by sale or mortgage of such
part of my said manors heredits & premises as they or he shall
think necessary and proper ..se such sum and sums of money as
together with my personal Estate ..... will discharge all my Debts &
the legacies hereinafter mentioned and shall and do apply the money
to be raised thereby in the payment of the same and my will is
that the said Carey Robert Barnard & Thomas Crick or the survivor
of them or his heirs shall stand and be seized of the same manors
heredit[tament]s & premises or so much thereof as shall not be sold or
disposed of for the purposes aforesaid upon the trusts & for the intents
& purposes hereinafter mentioned vis upon trust to pay the annuity
charged upon the said Estates & premises by the settlement made
on my marriage with Susanna my wife and upon further trust
to pay to Martha Hurry Hannah Rutter & Molly Free or
such of them as shall be in my service at the time of my
decease for the term of their respective lives one annuity or
yearly sum of ten pounds apiece by equal half yearly uuu
payments viz on the fifth day of April and the tenth day of
October in every year the first payment thereof to begin and be
made on such of the said days as shall first happen after
my decease and in case any of the said annuities or any
part thereof shall be unpaid at the times appointed for that
purpose then and so often it shall & be lawful to & for the said
annuitants or such of them whose annuity shall be in arrear to
take and use such and the like remedies for recovery by entry? on
the premises and by distress? and sale of the Goods & Chattels

[Page two]

which shall be found thereon as are ususally insated? in deeds
for compelling the payment of rent Charges and upon further
trust to pay and apply such part & so much of the residue
of the rents and profits of the said premises in such manner
as my said Trustees or the survivor of them his Ex[ecuto]rs or
adm[inistrat]ors shall in their or his discretion think proper for and
towards the support maintenance and comfort of my said
wife during her life and upon further trust to pay the
overplus if any to Major General Charles Stevenson his
Ex[ecut]ors & adm[inistrat]ors & from and after the decease of my said
wife then that my said Trustees & the survivor of them
and his heirs shall stand and be seized of the said heredit[ament]s &
premises or such part thereof as shall not be sold or disposed
of for the purposes aforesaid In trust for the said Charles
Stevenson and his assigns for and during the term of his life
& from and after the determination of that Estate by forfeeture?
or otherwise in his life time to the use of the said Cary
Robert Barnard and Thomas Crick and their heirs during the
life time of the said Charles Stevenson in trust to support
contingent remainders hereinafter limited from being destroyed & for
that purpose to make entries and bring actions as occasion may
require and from and after the decease of the said Charles
Stevenson in trust for such one or more Child or Children of the body
of the said Charles Stevenson to be begotten on the body of any
woman or women he may happen to marry save except Caroline
Cope who now cohabits with him for such Estate & Estates & in such
parts shares & proportions and under & subject to such powers provisoes
restrictions and conditions and with ^such remainders and limitations over such
remainders and limitations over to be for the benefit of some or
one of such Children as the said Charles Stevenson by any deed or
words writing or writings to be sealed and delivered by him in the
presence of and attested by two or more credible Witnesses or by
his last Will and Testament to in writing to be signed sealed
published and declared by him in the presence of & attested by three
or more Witnesses shall direct limit appoint give or dispose of &
in default of such direction Limitation Gift or appointment In trust
for all & every the Children or Child of the body of the said
Charles Stevenson on the body of such Woman or Women except
as aforesaid lawfully to be begotten to be eaually divided between
them if more than one share and share alike as Tenants in
Common and of the several heirs of the body and respective bodies
of all and every such Child and Children lawfully issuing and
failing issue of the body or bodies of any such Child or Children
then as to the share or shares of such of them whose issue
shall so fail In trust for all and every other such Child and
Children equally to be divided between them and they to take as
Tenants in Common & the heirs of their respective bodies lawfully
issuing and if there shall be a failure of issue of the bodies of all
such Children but one or if there shall be only one such Child In
Trust for such one remaining or only Child and the heirs of his
or her body lawfully issuing and for default of all such issue in
trust for Stephen Jennens Soame of the Island of Tobago the
Grandson of [empty space] Soame formerly of Little Thurlow aforesaid
and his assigns for his life and from and after his decease In
trust for his present son a youth residing in England his heirs &
assigns for ever and I recommend it to the said Charles Stevenson
and his issue when and as he & they shall come into the

[Page three]

possession of the said Estates and Premises to take and use
the Surname of Soame with or without the Surname of
Stevenson as he and they shall think proper and I declare and
direct that the receipt or receipts of the said Carey Robert Barnard
and Thomas Crick or the survivor of them or his heirs or such
of them as shall sign the same shall be a good discharge to
any person or persons purchasing or lending money or any
mortgage of my said real estate or any part thereof for the
purposes aforesaid and that he or they shall not afterwards be
bound to see to the applicationt hereof or be obliged to enquire
whether the same be wanted for the purpose of this my will
provided and my mind and will is and I do hereby declare
that in case the said Charles Stevenson shall at any time
marry the said Caroline Cope then from & immediately after
such marriage the limitations to him & his issue hereinbefore
mentioned of my said real Estates shall be absolutely void &
the person next immediately intitled shall enter into possession
of the said premises in the same manner as if the said Charles
Stevenson was actually dead without issue provided that it shall
and may be lawful for the respective Tenants for life under
this my will when in possession of my said Estates to grant leases
thereof or of any part ^thereof in possession and not in reversion at
.... rents for any term or number of years not exceeding min..?
years and so as in every such lease there be .....d a Clause
of r...try for nonpayment of the rent reserved and so as the
lessee shall not by any Clause be dispunishable of waste and
so as such lessee do execute? Counterpars of such leases and I
give to Miss Munro who has the care of my wife the sum
of Fifty pounds as an acknowledgement to her for her care &
attention to my said wife and I give to my friend The rev[eren]d
John Wheeler rector of Marcham in the County of Lincoln
Clerk the sum of one hundred pounds & I give to my said wife
such of my household furniture plate China & linen as she shall
choose to keep for her own use and benefit and I give to each of
my said servants the said Martha Hurry & Hannah Rutter
Molly Free and to Richard Goodchild or such of them as shall
be living with me at the time of my Death a years Wages
over and above what shall be due to them at my Decease and I
give to the said Richard Goodchild the living in & the occupation
of the Cottage or Tenement wherein he now resides in Little
Thurlow aforesaid with the appurt[enance]s and of the Close of Land called
Hubbards Field containing eight acres so long as he shall choose
to reside in and occupy the same at & under the yearly rent
of six pounds payable on the eleventh day of October yearly
unto the person or persons intitled to the rents & profits of the
residue of my Estates under the limitations of this my will &
I direct the rest of my Furniture and all other my goods and
Chattels to ...old and the money arising thereby and all the rest
of my monies and personal Estate to be applied towards the
payment of my Debts and the legacies hereby given & bequeathed
and I nominate and appoint the s[ai]<usp>d</sup> Cary Robert Barnard and Thomas
Crick Ex[ecut]ors of this my will and I give the sum of fifty pounds
apiece to such of them as shall undertake & act in the trusts &
Ex[ecut]orship hereof and I declare and direct that they my said Ex[ecut]ors
their heirs Ex[ecut]ors or Adm[inistrat]ors shall not be chargeable with any more
of my monies or of the rents of my real Estates than they
respectively shall actually receive nor with or for any involuntary

[Page four]

loss or misapplication thereof nor with or for the acts receipts
neglects or defaults of each other and also that they my said
Ex[ecut]ors their heirs & adm[inistrat]ors shall and may deduct & retain
to their own use out of the rents & profits of the Estates hereby
vested in them all Costs Charges and Expenses which shall be
incident to or occasioned by the execution of the aforesaid
trusts and also a reasonable allowance and compensation for
for their trouble in the application of the rents of my said
real Estates for the support of my said wife and for their
Care of & attention to her In Witness whereof I have to
this my last Will and Testament written and contained in five
sheets of paper set my hand and seal viz my hand to the
four first sheets and my hand and seal to this fifth & last
sheet thereof this twenty ninth day of september in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve — Henry
Soame ? Signed sealed published and declared by the said
Henry Soame as & for his last Will & Testament in the presence
of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence
of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses
Thos BridgmanEzek. SparkeChas Hennirell?


I Henry Soame of Little Thurlow in the County of Suffolk Esq
do make this as a Codicil to my last Will and Testament and
desire it may be taken as part thereof I give to the son and
daughter the twin Children now living of Caroline Cope the
sum of one hundred pounds apiece to be paid them on their
attaining their age of twenty one years and in Case either of
them shall happen to die under that age then I give the legacy
of him or her so dying to the survivor to be paid to him or her
at the same time as his or her original legacy shall become
payable and I ratify and confirm my said Will in all other
respects In witness whereof I have to this Codicil to my last
Will and Testament set my hand and seal this fifth day of
January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & thirteen
Mary Soame ? Signed sealed published and declared by the
said Henry Soame as & for a Codicil to his last Will & Testament
in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the
presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as
witnesses Ezek. SparkeThos BridgmanChas Hinnell

Proved at London with a Codicil 29th April 1813 before the Judge
proved at London on 29 April 1813 by the oaths of The Revd Robert Cary Barnard in the will written
Cary Robert Barnard & Thomas Crick Clerks the Ex[ecut]ors to whom
adm[inistrati]on was granted being sworn by Com[....]on to adm[iniste]r

Research Notes

  • Charles Stevenson was the illegitimate son of Henry's younger brother Stephen Soame, born before Stephen married Frances Wynn in 1771. Stephen died about three months after his marriage, in August 1771, and provided for his wife and for Charles Stevenson, a boy at the time in boarding school. The boy's last name Stevenson suggests his father's first name was Stephen.
    Henry's will provides for Charles and his lawful children (it would be interesting to find the reason for Henry's animosity against Caroline Cope). He also suggests that Charles takes on the surname Soame, thus legitimizing his heritage.
    In addition to Henry, his sister Anna Maria Charlotte also left a will in which she provided for Charles, calling him her nephew, and hoped he would change his surname to Soame.
  • Stephen Jenyns Soame, named Stephen Jennens Soame in the will, lived in the island of Tobago for over twenty years and died on 11 October 1828, aged 58. His remains were interred in the Minster Beverley Yorkshire and a memorial plaque placed at Little Thurlow, Suffolk.


  1. Will of Henry Soame of Little Thurlow, Suffolk
    Reference: PROB 11/1544/107
    Description: Will of Henry Soame of Little Thurlow, Suffolk
    Date: 29 April 1813
    Held by: The National Archives, Kew
  2. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858", database with images, The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 1544, Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #541903 (accessed 4 September 2023), Will of Henry Soame Esq, granted probate on 29 Apr 1813. Died about 1813 in Little Thurlow, Suffolk, England.

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