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Will of Henry Streete of Worcester, 1560

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This is a transcription of the original will of Henry Streete of Worcester, Worcestershire, England. The top of the page has been damaged and there is loss of the paper at both upper corners. The will was drawn up on 10 April, but the year has been lost. It was proved at the Diocesan Court of Worcester on 17 April 1560. [1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
The image quality was acceptable, and the handwriting legible.
Specifically for this document: text which has been lost due to damage is represented by [words in italics] where the words can be confidently predicted, and [....] where the words cannot be predicted.

Persons named:

  • Henry Streete Testator.
  • To Frances Strete my sone the only child named in this will. Probably still a minor. Probably unmarried.
  • Margarett my wyffe Margaret Streete, died as Henry's widow in 1576. Executrix. Maiden name probably Holder.
  • my cosyne Thomas Strete my brother Nycholas sone Cousin in this context means nephew. Not stated whether Testator's brother Nicholas was still alive.
  • Ryc Holder Richard Holder, probably the brother of Margarett Streete. Overseer of will. See her will for more extensive mentions of the Holder Family.
  • Henry Grene witness to will
  • John Dune witness to will
  • John Cotterell witness to will

[In the na]me of god amen the xth daye of Aprille In the yere or o[u]r lorde [....]
[................]eete of Worcester beinge sycke in bodye but hole & p[er]fect of
[.....] thankes be to god Thus make my last wyll & testment In maner &
[forme follo]wynge. Fyrste I bequethe my sole to Almyghtye god my maker &
redemer & unto the blessed Virgyn marye And to all the holye Companye of Hevyn
It[em] I [give] & bequeth unto the p[ar]sone of my p[ar]ishe churche xijd It[em] I give and
[be]quethe To Frances Strete my sone All my landes and tenements and all my
Takinges After the decesse of Margarett my wyffe. And yf hyt please god That
my sone dye w[i]th oute yssue Then I will all my landes to remayne to my cosyne
Thomas Strete my brother Nycholas sone. Also yf hyt please god to call my
sone owt of thys worlde before Margett my wyffe Then I wyll all my
Takinges to Remayne to the sayd Margett my wyffe and she to do wythe
them as she thynkethe beste. Also I give and bequethe to the sayd Frannces
xxvjli xiijs iiijd of good & lawfull money of Englande

It[em] I geve & bequethe
to the saide Frances halfe of all my plate by weyght. To be deyvered
in co[n]tynent aft[e]r the p[u]b[lic]ac[i]on of thys my laste wyll and testamente

It[em] I geve
to the seyd Frannces Strete my scarlett gowne my morrey in greyne gowene my
puke gowne welted w[i]th velvett & faryd w[i]th foynes [2]. my velvett cote my beste
velvett doublett & ij golde ryngs

It[em] I geve and bequethe to the sayde Frannces
All the vesselles & ympellemts of my brewarie after the decesse of Margett
my wyffe

It[em] I geve and bequethe to the saide Frannces Strete the one
halfe of my howsholde & ympellments bothe smalle & greate what
so ever they be After the decesse of Margett my wyfe

It[em] I geve &
bequethe to the saide Frannces ij kye that ys to saye one cowe called
fynche & one of the younge tagged kye / All the resydue of my goodes
unbequethed I give & bequethe to Margett my wyffe whom I make
my Full execatryxe of thys my laste will & Testament / Also I make
& appoynte Ryc Holder to be my ov[er]seer of thys my laste will & testament
& For hys paynes takinge therin I geve & bequethe hym A blacke
gowne . Thes beinge wittnesses Henry Grene John Dune And
John Cotterell w[i]th dyvers others

Probate [in Latin] This will was proved at Worcester before Master Thomas Powell Doctor of Laws 17 day of April AD 1560


  1. Will and inventory of Henry Streete, 1560 Diocese of Worcester original wills 1560 file 1 folio 25. Worcestershire Record Office, Worcester, Worcestershire, England. Images available to view at a Family History Centre Family Search Film # 008299592 image 127 Accessed 7 June 2022
  2. Furred with foynes (the beech or stone marten)

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