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Will of Howell ab Adda of Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog, Denbighshire, Wales, 1573

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog, Denbighshire, Walesmap
Surname/tag: Adda
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This is a transcript of the will of Howell ab Adda of the parish of Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog, Denbighshire, Wales. His will was dated on 29 March 1573 and probate was granted at Wrexham on 14 May 1573.


[Left margin]
Howell ap
Adda de llan
sanfraide in glin

In the name of god amen, The xxix Daie of
March in the yere of oure lorde god a thowsand five hundrethe
Sevventie and three I Adda Howell ap Adda of the parishe
of llansanfraide in glin keirioc sicke in bodie am whole of mynde
and memorie laude and praise be to allmightie god, Do make
my laste will and testamente in maner and forme folowinge
Firste I comende my soule unto allmightie god my maker and
to Jesus christe my redemer, and my bodie to be buriede in
xpian buriall, Item I geve and bequeathe towardes the repcon
of the saide churche iijs iiijd, Item I geve and bequeathe to
Thomas ap Howell my sonne and heire by my firste wiefe all
my landes and Tenementes wche I have or oughte to have
wthin the Lordshippe of Oswestrie; and in the Lordeshippe
of Whittinghton in the Cou’ of Saloppe to him and to his heires
for ever, Item I geve and bequeathe to John ap Ho[we]ll my sonne yongest
sonne and heire by my laste wiefe Jane Wen all my landes and
Tenementes wche I have or oughte to have in Chirkland
the Cou’ of Denbighe to him and to his heires for ever, Itm
I geve and bequeathe to the sayde John my sonne the greate panne
greate potte the greate spitte a paire of gobbardes a pair
of Andennes the greate cheste the greate kneading Tabb
the beste bedde and the beste peece of all man’ of houshould stuf
Item I bequeathe to Marie v[ch] Howell my daughter threscore

[page 2]
Two oxon, fowre rine, fowre yonge beste, three poundes in
money, two pannes, two pottes, a yellowe basen a pewter potte
three pewter platters, a candelsticke and a fetherbedde, Item I
bequeathe to my daughter Katherin v[ch] Howell one oxe wch
is in her possession, Item I bequeathe to Elen v[ch] Jo[h]n one Cowe
and sixe sheepe, Item I bequeathe to the childrne of Katherin my
daughter v sheepe, Item I bequeathe to Angharade v[ch] Ho[we]ll my
daughter fowre sheepe and fowre nobles in money, Item I bequeathe
to Elen v[ch] Ho[we]ll my daughter one oxe, one cowe and a yerlinge
bullocke, Item I bequeathe to Margarette v[ch] Richarde a sheepe
To Marie v[ch] Thomas a sheepe, To Marie v[ch] Hugh a sheepe
To David ap Joh[n] a sheepe, To Howell ap Jo[h]n a sheepe, Item
I bequeathe to John ap Thomas two sheepe and xvjs viijd in money
Item I bequeathe to Lowrie v[ch] Thomas two sheepe, Item I bequeathe
to John ap Howell my base sonne the mare wche is wth D Rees ap
David ap Thomas and fowre goattes, Item I bequeathe to his childrne
sixe sheepe, Item I bequeathe to Edwarde ap Ho[we]ll my base sonne
the mare and the felie and a sheepe wche is in his possession
and my will is that the saide Edwarde ap Howell have the
house wherin he nowe dwellethe duringe his lief Item I bequeathe
to the childrne of Thomas ap Adda my brother to everie of them
a sheepe, Item I bequeathe to Gwen v[ch] Adda my sister and to
her childrne xxs in money, Also if anie of my childrne two
sonnes namlie Thomas and John happen to die wthowte
childrne of theire bodies lawfullie begotten wche god forbids my
will is that his parte so deceasinge to descende and remaine to
thother of them then survivinge And if my two sonnes happen
to die wthowte lawfull issue of theire bodies lawfullie
begotten wche god defende, my will is that all my foresaide
landes as well all my landes beinge in the Countie of Saloppe
as all my landes beinge in the Countie of Denbighe wth theire
appurtennces to descende and wholie to remaine to my daughters
to be devidede amongste them, And if that all my saide
childrne happen to die wthowt lawfull issue wche god defende
my will is that all aforesaide landes and Tenementes wth
theire appurtennces wthin the Shires aforesaide to descende and
remaine to the nexte of my bloude, The residue of all my
goodes cattalles houshould stuf corne in the barne, bare corne
in the house and the corne nowe growinge in and upon the
grownde my funeralles expences dischardgede and all theise
my legacies contaignede in this my presente laste will and
Testamente fulfillede, I wholie geve and bequeathe to the
beforesaide Thomas and John my sonnes whome I make and ordaine
my true and lawfull executors of this my presente Testamente
So they havinge god before theire eies allwaies, to execute and
Pforme the same to the honor of god and to my soules healthe
Theise beinge witnesses callede and requirede Richarde ap Adda
John ap Ho[we]ll ap Adda, Thomas ap Adda, David ap Jo[h]n ap
Ieu[an] go[ch] and John Portman clerke wth others
to the Testator as here folowethe Inp’mis upon Gwen v[ch] David
pledg David Vichan xxs Item upon David ap Gr ap Ieu[an] ap
Hughe xxs Item upon John ap Ieu[an] ap Llm[?]

[page 3]
Item John ap David ap Edwarde xxs Item Roger ap David ap Gruffithe
go[ch] xxs, Item Roberte ap David pledge Robte ap Edwarde xxs Item
Ieu[an] ap John and Anne verche Edwarde xxs Item John Win ap Meredith
xxiijs iiijd Item John ap William ap Gruffithe Rhiwerthe xxs Item
John ap Ieu[an] ap David ap Hughe xxs Item Ieu[an] ap Llm[?] Rutcher[?] xviijs
Item John go[ch] Rannor[?] xviijs Item David ap John ap Ieu[an] goche xvs
Item Morris ap David ap Ieu[an] ap Madocke xiijs iiild Item Thomas
ap Ieu[an] ap David ap Hughe viijs Item Ieu[an] ap David ap Edwarde
vijs Item Thomas ap Edwarde go[ch] vs Item Adda ap Rees iiijs iiijd
Item upon Ieu[an] ap David ap Meredd iijs iiijd Item Hughe ap
Howell Ijs Item Ieu[an] ap Howell goch iijli Corne soulde owte of the
house to paie for the same, at the feaste of St Michell tharchangell
nexte, as folowethe Itm Thomas go[ch] iij busshels of rye price iijs
the busshell, in all ixs Item David ap Mathewe or […] for iij
busshells of rye price iijs the busshell, ixs, Item Hughe ap […]
ap Llm[?] for a busshell of rye iijs, Item Lewis ap Ho[we]l lap Meredd iiijs
Item John ap Edeneved ijs iiijd Item Mathewe o Nanter xiiijd

Wrexham coram […] mro Jones xiiij die Maij ao Dni
1573 et Commisa fuit administraco bonor dci Def
Executoribus xc; pro inventario citra testam Sci
Johannis Baptiste prov


  • National Library of Wales. Howell ap Adda : will, 1573. Adda, Howell ap, Llansanffraid Glynceiriog, Denbigh; Adda, Howell ap, Llansanffraid Glyndyfrdwy Mr. Catalogue entry.

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