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Will of Hugh Lincolne of Hingham 1625

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This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Hugh Lincolne of Hingham, Norfolk, England, a wheelwright. The register has been damaged along the top of the spine and some of the text next to the binding has been lost, including the date Hugh made his will. The Will was written on or after the first of September (the month is legible) 1625. Hugh's wife Amy, a legatee of the will, was buried at Hingham on 9 September, so the latest date the will could have been written was the 8 September. Hugh was buried at Hingham on 21 September without having revised his will before his death. The will was proved at the Archdeaconry Court of Norfolk on 23 September 1625. [1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included Struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good, and the handwriting also good for the time. Many non-standard spellings and arcane words used.
The scribe has consistently spelled there as ther, and here as her.
Lost text: where the page has been damaged and the words cannot be predicted, the lost text is indicated thus [....]. Where the words can be predicted, they are indicated in italics in [square brackets].

Persons mentioned:

  • Amy Lincolne my well beloved wife died before 9 September. Maiden name unknown
  • Dorothy Lincolne my daughter residuary legatee and co-executor of the will
  • Judith Lincolne my daughter residuary legatee and co-executor of the will
  • Elizabeth Berley my daughter the wife of John Berley
  • John Berley husband of Elizabeth
    • Anne Berley my grandchild daughter of Elizabeth and John, under the age of 24 years
    • Susan Berley my Grandchild daughter of Elizabeth and John, age not given
  • Anne Lincolne my daughter
  • Elizabeth Steadman lately the tenant of Testator's cottage
  • Richard Lincolne my Nephewe parents not mentioned
  • Henry Lincolne my Nephewe parents not mentioned, appears to be a brother of Richard Lincolne
  • Robert Lincolne my sonne
  • Thomas Lincolne my sonne
  • Henry Lincolne witness
  • William Mallowes witness
  • Thomas Maddis witness
  • Richard Lincolne the younger witness

In the name of God Amen the [....]
day of September Anno d[o]m[i]ni 1625 I Hugh Lincolne [of]
Hingham in the Countie of Norff wheelwrite and w[i]th[in]
the diocese of Norwich whole of minde & of p[er]fect rem[em=]
=brance praised be god Doe ordaine & make this my p[rese]nt
last will & testament in mann[e]r & forme followeinge that
is to say Refuseinge voide & disanullinge all other wills
& testaments in times past by me made Feirst & princi=
=pally I comitt & com[m]end my sowle into the hands of
almightie god my maker & Creator & Jesus Christ my
sweete Savio[u]r & onley redemer & god the holey ghost my
sanctifier & comforter trustinge to inioye the glorious
pr[e]sence of the true & imortall god amongst the saints
in heaven and my body to be buried in the Churchyard
of Hengham aforesaid

Item I give & Bequeath to Amy
Lincolne my well beloved wife & her assignes dureing
the wholl terme of her naturall life the use & occupac[i]on
of all that my Cottage wherin I noew inhabite in Hengham
aforesaid & all the grownds therunto adioyneinge
lyeinge In Hengham aforesaid & after her decease I
give devise & bequeath the howse wherin I nowe
dwell p[ar]cell of my Cottage aforesaid & the twoe pitles [2]
right upp to Dorothy & Judith Lincolne my daught[e]rs
ther heires & assignes to the onley use of them ther heires
& assignes for ever Soe as the said Dorothy &
Judith or one of them ther heires executors administ[rator]s
or assignes or any of them shall pay or cawse to be
payd to Elizabeth Berley my daughter the wife of
John Berley the sume of fortie shillings of lawefull
money of England in forme followeinge that is to
say Within one yeare next after the decease of

[page 2]
the said Amye xxs therof and the other twentie shillings
the next yeare after And to Anne Berley my grand
child three pounds of like lawefull money of Eng=
=land to be payd yearly twentie shillings after
untill the full residue of the said three pounds be
payd All w[hi]ch sev[er]all payments are to be made in
the Church porch of Hengham aforesaid uppon
reasonable demand And if it shall happen the
said Dorothy & Judeth my daughters ther heires
executors administrators or assignes of any of the[m]
to omitt & make defaulte in the payment of any
of the said sev[er]all payment before in this my
testament & last will menc[i]oned contrary to my
true intent in that behalf herein specified Then I
will my full intent purpose & meaninge is That the
p[er]son or p[er]sons to whome the defalte shall chance to be
made shall enter into the same howse & twoe pightells
& the same to have hold & occipy possess & enioye
untill the p[ro]fills therof cominge growinge & ariseinge
hath full satisfied & payd the p[er]son or p[er]sons to whom
the defaulte shalbe made ther sev[er]all legacie or legacies
together w[i]th all such Costs losse & damag[e]s as they
or any of them shall sustaine by the forbeareinge
therof any thinge before menc[i]oned in this my testam[e]nt
and last will to the Contrary then notw[i]thstandinge

And I will my full intent & meaninge is that Eliza=
=beth Berley shall have the [3] of the said three
pownds untill the said Anne shall come to her
full age of Fower & twentie yeares And futher I
will that the saide Dorothy & Judeth or one of
them ther heires or assignes or some of them
in the place aforesaid shall pay or cawse

[page 3]
cawse to be payde to Susan Berley my Grand[child]
three pownds of lawefull money of England [in]
this forme followeinge vizt twentie shillings ther
the next yeare after the saide Anne shall or ough[t]
to be payd her last last pay of xxs : And soe forth
yearly twentie shillings untill the said three pownds
be payd & for defaulte of payment of the said three
pownds or any p[ar]cell therof contrary to the forme
& effect above said I will that the said
shall enter into the said howses & pightells And the
same to have hould occupy possess & enioye untill
the p[ro]fitts therof comeinge groweinge or arisinge
hath fully satisfied and payde to her her legacye
of three pownds together w[i]th all such costs lose &
damag[e]s as she shall sustaine bt the forbearinge
therof any thinge abovesaid to the Contrary not=

Item I give & bequeath to Dorothy
and Judeth my daughters the posted bed wheron
I ley w[i]th the fetherbed & one brasse pott and my wife
to have the use of them dureinge her life

Item I
give & bequeath unto Anne Lincolne my daughter one
borded bedsted w[i]th the fetherbed & bolster as it is
standinge w[i]th an Amery & the stolle that standeth
by and my wife likewise to have the use of them
dureinge her life

Item I give devise & bequeath
unto the said Anne Lincolne my daughter and
to her heires and assignes to the onley use of her
heires & assignes forever after the decease of
the said Amy my wife my little howse p[ar]cell of
my Cottage aforesaid wherin Elizabeth Steadman
late dwelte w[i]th fiftene foote of grownd in the

[page 4]
the yarde south and soe to the Comen west next
the said little howse w[i]th free passage & libertie
to them & to their heires tennants & occupiers of
the said pr[e]misses at all times here afer forever
through the pards given to the said Dorothy and
Judeth & ther heires w[i]th horse Carts Carriadges &
men and otherwise howesoev[er] for Carryeinge and
recarrieinge of any thinge into & from the sev[er]all

Item I will my full intent & meaning
is that Richard Lincolne & Henry Lincolne my
Nephewes shall enter ther sufficient writeinge
obligatory the Michaelmas w[hi]ch shall next happen
after my decese to Anne Lincolne my daughter
in a reasonable penalltie to pay to her or her c[e]rteine
atturney executors or assignes after my wifes
decease ten pownds of lawfull money of England
w[hi]ch tene pownds is nowe in the hands of the said
Richard And my wife dureinge her life is to have
sixtene shillings yearly for the use of the said
ten pownds Further I will my full intent purpose
& plaine meaninge is that the said Richard shall
at the said Michaelmas enter his sufficient writing
oblygatory to Robert Lincolne my sonne in a reasonable
penaltie to pay the said Robert his c[e]rtaine Attorney
executors or assignes the sume of six pownds of
lawefull money of England after my wifes decease
And she all the meane time to have yearly for
the use accordinge to the statute And alsoe I
will my full intent purpose & plaine meaninge is
that the saide Richard at the said Michaelmas shall
enter his sufficient obligation to Thomas

[page 5]
Lincolne my sonne in a reasonable penaltie to pa[y]
to the said Thomas his c[e]rtaine Atturney exec[utors]
or assignes the sume of fower pownds of lawef[ull]
money of England after my wifes decease and
my wife dureinge her life to have use therfore
accordinge to the Statute

Item all & singuler
the rest of my goods Cattells Chattells debts
& utensells of howshold by what title or name
soever they be called not herin given not bequeathed
I give & bequeath to the said Dorothy & Judeth my
daughters whom I make sole executrox of this my
testament & last will to the intent they shall pay
all my debts what whatsoever and se my body
decently brought to the earth the mother of all
flesh In witness whereof hereunto I have
sett my hand & seale the day & yeare feirst above
written Memorand[um] that these words (theirtenth)
Dorothy & Judeth my daughters they) were interlined
before thensealinge & deliv[e]ry of this my p[rese]nte last will
& testament in the pr[e]sence of the witnesses aforesa[i]d
These beinge witnesses Henry Lincolne & William
Mallowes Thomas Maddis Richard Lincolne the

Probate [abstracted from the Latin] administration of this will was granted at Wymondham at the Archdeaconry Court of Norfolk, to the executors named having first been sworn to administer the goods &c 23 September 1625.


  1. Will of Hugh Lincolne 1625 Archdeaconry Court of Norfolk. ANF will register 1625-1626 fo. 114 no. 432 Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, Norfolk, England. Family Search film DGS 008004647 images 441-443 Viewable at an LDS Family History Centre. Transcription made 26 February 2022
  2. pightles, a close of land adjoining a house
  3. the word sum omitted here

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