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Will of Hugh Pilkington of Sharples 1663

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 16 May 1663 [unknown]
Location: Sharples, Bolton, Lancashire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Pilkington
Profile manager: David Hartley private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 74 times.


The original is at Lancashire Archives. Preston, Lancashire. Reference Number: WCW/Supra/C160B/12

Familysearch has an image, at https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-624Q-TDY?cat=126866

In the name of god amen The sixteenth daie of maie in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundreth sixtie three I Hugh Pilkington of Sharples in the Countie of Lancaster yeoman beinge somewhat weake and Infirme in bodie but of sound and perfectt memory and understandinge gods holy name have the praise And well knoweinge that all mankinde must returne to the earth but the tyme when uncertaine And therefore beeinge willinge to settle and Dispose of my personall estate of goods Cattells Detts and Creditts doe make ordaine and Constitute this to bee my Last will and Testament Revoaking adnullinge and makeing voyde by these presents all other and former will and will Testament and Testaments at any tyme before the daie of the date heerof by me made in any manner of wyse And first and principally I commend my soule and spiritt into the hands of almightie god my Creator stedfastly beliveinge Throughe the one merritts and mediation of Jesus Christ his onely son my saviour to have my sinns pardoned and lyfe everlastinge And concerninge my personall estate of goods Cattells Detts and Creditts wheerewith it hath pleased almightie god (farr above my deserts) to blesse me withall Itt is my will and mynd that they bee equally Devided into three partes The first parte theerof I reseve to my selfe to bee disposed of as is heerinafter appointed The second parte theerof I freely give and bequeath to my welbeloved wiefe Mary And the third and laste parte I freely give and bequeath unto Rodger Pilkington and Mary Pilkington my sonne and Daughter to be equally devided betwixt them And concerning the first third parte reserved to my selfe it is my will and mynde that out of the same my Detts (if theere bee any) bee first paid and discharged And all my funeruell Costs and Charges deducted and paid And wheeras I have formerly given unto my son James Pilkington Fowertie fyve pownds in full discharge of his Childs part and filiall porcon as may appeere by his acquittance under his hand and seale dated the thirtieth daie of maie Anno Dom. 1641 yett notwithstandinge I give him twelve pence more but desire from him theerwith to bee content And I give him noe more And wheeras I have given to the rest of my Children compitent porcons for thier presentment yett it is my will and mynd And I give unto my Daughter Anne now wief of Lambert Heaton twelve pence Alsoe I give unto my Daughter Margarett now wiefe of Henry Hope twelve pence Alsoe I give to my Daughterinlaw Margarett now wiefe of John Crompton twelve pence And all the rest and residue of my said third parte of goods over and above what is heerin before by mee disposed of I freely give and bequeath unto my said sonn Rodger and my daughter Mary to bee equally devided betwixt them And of this my laste will and Testamente I ordaine and make the said Rodger and Mary my son and daughter executors of this my last will and Testament And I appoint my welbeloved kinsman John Diggle of Prestwich overseer and to see the same performede In wytnesse wheerof I have onto this my laste will and Testament put my hand and seale the daie and yeare first above wrytten

The marke of the Testator H Hughe Pilkington

Sealed signed and delivered in presence and wytnesse of us The marke H of James Pilkington John Stones E Ellis Farneworth

Inventory 15 July 1663 Total £97 8s 5d Apprised by James Pilkington, John Stones, John Crompton, Robert Ratcliffe

Probate 11 August 1663.

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