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This is a transcription of a register copy of the Will of Humphrey Street 1626 of St Christopher le Stocks dated 19 July 1626 and proved 21st January 1628. (England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858) and available at the National Archives, Kew, London.[1]
The condition of this copy Will was good with only a small amount of ink loss.
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Words or letters that are illegible are marked with asterisks. L, s and d represent pounds, shillings and pence respectively. Bold text are for ease of reading in the absence of full stops.
Persons mentioned in Humphrey's Will:
- Leah Street, his wife
- Humphrey Street, his son
- his wife's three sisters, Wayneman, Marshall and Moulsworth
- his cousin, Flackett of Staffordshire
- Humphrey Street, cousin
- Humphrey, son of his cousin Humphrey and godson
- Robert Street, cousin
- Robert and Humphreys' sister in Derbyshire, cousin
- Richard Street, cousin
- Thomas, his manservant
- Mr Blackwell, minister of St Christopher le Stocks
- Stephen Clerk
- Moulsworth's children, Lea and Elizabeth
- Marshall's son William and daughter Anne
- Edward Taylor, citizen and girdler, friend and witness
- Offley, son-in-law
- daughter Wadeson
- Rebecca Briggs, daughter
- Atkinson, son-in-law
- Elizabeth Offley, daughter
- Rachel Porter, daughter
- Leah Atkinson, daughter
- Atkinson's children, Moses, Richard and Leah
- Robert Delver, tenant
- Humphrey Sackington, tenant
- William Catlyn, tenant
- Charles Duboe, tenant
- Michael Len, witness
- William Denman, witness
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In the name of God amen The Nineteenth
daie of July anno dmi 1626 and in the second yeare of ye raigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles by the
grace of god king of England Scotland defender of the faith I Humfrey Streete cittizen and
Marchann taylor of London beinge at this p[re]sent in perfect health and memory thankes be given to
God therefore, and knowinge the certainetie of death and the uncertainetie of the hower thereof doe make
ordaine and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to saie
first and principallie I commend and committ my sowle into the handes of allmightie god my creator
and of Jesus Christ my redeemer steadfastlie beleeveinge through his merritts and deathe & righteousnes
to have free remission of all my sinnes and to be made a Coheire of that heavenlie kingdom which he
hath p[re]pared from the beginninge of the world, for all those that love and feare him and as for my bodie
beinge but earth I committ the same to the earth to be decentlie interred in the parishe church of St Christopher
in London at ye discretionn of my lovinge wife Lea Streete whom I doe nominate ordaine and appoint
Executrix of this my last will and testament And as for such temporall goodes and substance wherew[i]th
it hath pleased god in his greate merrit to endowe me, knowing that I brought nothing into this world
nor shall carrie aniething out of the same, I doe dispose thereof as followeth, vizt. First my will & mind is
that all and everie such debttes and somes of money which I shall trulie and iustlie and truelie owe unto anie p[er]son or
persons at ye time of my decease shalbe trulie paid by mine executrix within as shortetime after my decease
as convenientlie may be, Item my will and minde is, and I doe devise and appoint, that my said loving
wife Lea Streete, shall in tenor and satisfaction aswell of all such dower and right of dower w[hi]ch she cann
or may claime or ought to have out of and in all my landes and tenementes, as also of all such part & porcion
of my goodes chattells and creditts, which shall acrue or ought to come unto her by ye custome of ye
Cittie of London, have and enioy for and duringe her naturall life the messuage or tenement wherein
I dwell, scittuate in the parishe of St Christopher neere the Royall exchange in London And also ye
messuage or tenement wherein I latelie dwelt scittuate in Lewesham in the Countie of Kent and all
other my messuages landes and tenem[en]ts whatsoever, wherein I have either an estate of inheritance, or
for anie terme of yeares together with all my howshold stuffe and furniture remaineinge and beinge in or about my
dwelling howse in London, or my late dwelling howse in Lewesham or either of them or to them or either of them
belonginge, makeinge no manner of waste nor sellinge anie part or p[ar]cell thereof And uppon condition also ye my
said wife Lea Streete shall every yeare yearlie, from and after my decease, for and duringe her naturall
life well and trulie paie, or cawse to be paid unto my sonne Humfrey Streete and his now wife for their
maintenance the sume of one hundred an twentie poundes of lawfull money of England at fower feastes or
termes in the yeare that is to saie, at ye feast of the birth of our lord god Th'annuntiation of ye blessed ladie St
Mary the virgin, the nativitie of St John Baptist and St Michaell th'archangell or within thirtie daies
next after everie of the same feast daies, by even and equall porcions The first paiement to begin and to be made
on such of the said fower feast daies, as shall first and next happen next after my decease, or within thirtie
daies next after the same feast daie And uppon condicion also that my said wife doe everie yeare yearlie next after my
decease, for and duringe her naturall life well and truly paie or cawse to be paid unto her three sisters Wayneman
Marshall and Moulsworth and to my cosen Flackett of ______in the Countie of Stafford to everie
one of them fower poundes of lawfull money of England at two termes in the yeare, that is to saie at the
feasts of St Phillipp and Jacob and all Saintes, or within twentie daies next after either of the same feast daies by
equall porcions The first paiement to begin and to be made on such of the said two feast daies as shall first & nexte
happen after my decease or within twentie daies next after the same feast daie Item I doe give and bequeath unto
my cosen Humfrey Streete, and to his sonne Humfrey Street my godsonne and to my cosen Robert Streete
and to my cosen their sister in Darbisheire to everyone of those fower, five pounds of lawfull money of England
Item I doe give unto my cosen Richard Streete tenn poundes of lawfull money of England Item I doe give
unto everie one of my maid servants that shall dwell with me at ye time of my decease three pounds of lawfull money
of England Item I doe give unto Thomas my man, five poundes of lawfull money of England, Item I doe give and
bequeath toward the repaieringe of the chuch of Ashborne in the countie of Darby, where I was borne tenn
poundes of lawfull money of England, Item I doe give to the poore of the said towne of Ashborne, tenn poundes
of lawfull money of lawfull money of England Item I doe give to Mr Blackwell minister of ye parish church of St
Christopher where I am an inhabitant, fortie shillinges of lawfull englishe money Item I doe give unto Stephen
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Clerk of the said parishe church twentie shillinges of lawfull english money Item I give to the poore
of the said parishe of St Christopher five poundes of lawfull money of England Item I doe give to ye poore
of ye parishe of St Mary Woolnoth in Lumbard Streete, five poundes of lawfull money of England Item
I doe give un to the poore of the parishe of St Andrewe neere Philpott Lane in London fower poundes
of lawfull money of England Item I doe give to the poore of the parishe of St Swithen neere London Stone
fower poundes of lawfull money of England Item I doe give unto my brother Moulsworth his two daughters
Lea and Elizabeth tenn poundes a peece of lawfull money of England Item I doe give unto my sister Marshall
her sonne William and to her daughter Anne tenn poundes a peece of lawfull money of England Item I
doe give unto my loving freinds Edward Taylor Cittizen and Girdler[2] of London five markes of lawfull
English money All which said severall legacies my will is, shalbe paid within one yeare next after ye first
of the fower quarter daies first before mencioned which shall first and next happen next after my decease
by my lovinge wife Lea Streete And my will is that if my said wife shall depart this mortall life before the
end of the said one yeare and that the said legacies or anie of them shall then remaine unpaid that those
the said severall legacies or so manie of them as shalbe unsatisfied and unpaid at ye death of my said
wife, shalbe satisfied and paid within the tyme lymitted before in this my will for paiement thereof by my sonne
Humphrie Streete and his heires, out of the issues and p[ro]fitts of the landes and tenements hereafter in this
my will devised unto him Item I doe give and bequeath unto my sonne William Offley my daughter Wadeson
and to my daughter Briggs to everie one of them one bigg silver beere bowle, and to my sonne John Atkinson one
of my silver stoapes graven Item I give to my daughter Offley my best silke quilt and to my daughter
Wadeson my grene velvett stooles, and to my daughter Briggs my silke curtaines and velvett vallance
and to my daughter Atkinson my best carpett and my six short and three large cushions sutable to
that carpett as tokens of my love towards them, and to be delivered unto them imediatelie after the
departure out of this mortall life of my said wife And my will is that after such time as they shall have
them, they shall lend them one to another as lovinge sisters, whensoever they or anie of them shall have such
occasion to use them requiring them not to faile in the performance of this point of my will Item I doe
give unto my sonne Humfrey Streete my best seale ring of gold and a small ring of gold with a red stone in it
my seale ring with the picture of death ingraven on it, and my three jewwells of gold also my best Calliver [3]
with all the furniture to it Item I doe give unto my said sonne Humfrey Streete my best tapestrie
coveringe and my fower short and my two long cushions of cloth of gold, and also all the rest of my
howshold stuffe, armour plate, lumen, pewter apparrell and gloves not given nor otherwise
bequeathed in this my last will and testament the said coveringe, cushions howshold stuffe plate linnen
and pewter to be delivered unto him imediatelie after ye decease of the said Lea my now wife and not before
Item I doe give unto everie one of my daughter Porters children five pounds of lawfull english money
Item I doe give and bequeath unto my daughter Atkinsons three children Moyses, Richard and Lea fiftie
poundes a peece of lawfull money of England to be paid unto them by my sonne Humfrey Streete and his
heires out of and with the rents and profitts of ye landes and tenements which I have given unto him in &
by this my last will when they shall attaine unto their severall ages of twentie and one yeares or be
married which shall first and next happen And my will is that the said landes shalbe lyable unto and
chargeable with the paiement of the said three legacies of fiftie poundes, and that if anie of the said
children die or depart this mortall life, before they doe attaine to their full age of twentie and one yeares
or be married, that then the porcion of him or her so dyinge shall surcease and determine Item I doe freely
forgive my brother Moulsworth and my sister Marshall all such somes of money as they doe owe unto
me. And whereas there is due unto me the some of six poundes and tenn shillinges which I paid for and
towards the provision of Corne for one Companie, my will is that my executrix shall add the[s]e unto the
some of five pounds and tenn shillinges, which twelve pounds my will is shalbe disposed as followeth, vizt to
the Clarke and Beadle of ye liverie of the company of Marchan'taylors whereof I am a member fortie shillinges
a peece, and to the Clarke and Beadle of ye yeomanry of the said Companie and to six of the poorest of the
officers of the said Companie twenty shillinges a peece Item I doe give for a dinner for the livery of the said
companie if they shall goe with my bodie to the Church the daie of my buriall thirtie pounds our Churchman
to be the Steward for the p[ro]viding of the said dynner Item I doe give unto fower score pooremen for pooregownes
page 3 folio 31 recto
at my funerall tenn shillinges a peece And my will is that all such poore as shall crave Almes at my
funerall shall have six pence a peece given unto them And touchinge the disposition of all my landes and
tenements after the decease of Lea my now wife , I give will dispose lymitt and appointe the same, to be,
discend and remaine in such manner and sorte as is hereafter mentioned And I hereby give dispose and
lymitt all that my messuage or tenement with the backside and garden thereunto belongine scittuate
and being in the parishe of Lewsham in the countie of Kent which Robert Delver lately held of me by lease
for ye yearlie rent of fortie shillinges, together with one annuitie or yearlie rent of twenty shillinges
of lawfull money of England to be yearlie and everie yeare forever from and after ye decease of my
wife, issueinge and going out of all that my messuage or tenement called the George in Lewesham
aforesaid To the p[ar]son and churchwardens of the parishe church of Lewesham aforesaid and to their
successors forever, to and for the use and behoofe of the poore of the said parishe forever and to be yerely
distributed, to and amongst ye poore of ye said parishe accordinge to the discretion of the minister church=
=wardens, and overseers for the poore of the said parishe, and fower or six more of ye best minded men
of that parishe and of my sonne Humphrie duringe his life, if he cann convenientlie be at the sayd
distribution Item I doe hereby give, dispose, and lymitt all those my two messuages or tenements w[i]th
th'appurtenances scittuate lyinge and beinge in the parishe of the holie Trinitie in the Minories without
Aldgate London, now in the occupacion of Humfrey Sackington and William Catlyn from
and imediatelie after the decease of Lea my now wife, To the p[a]rson and churchwardens of the said
parishe of the holy Trinitie, and to their successors forever to and for the use of the poore of ye said
parishe forever, and to be yearlie distributed to and amongst the said poore accordinge to ye discretion
of the minister Churchwardens and overseers for the poore of the said parishe, and five or six of ye
cheefest parishoners of the said parishe, and of my said sonne Humphrie Streete during his life
if he cann convenientlie bee at the said distribucion, Item I doe hereby give devise dispose and lymitt all
that my messuage or tenem[en]t with th'appurtennces scittuate and being in Lewesham aforesaid
wherein I latelie dwelt, and all other my landes and tenements whatsoever scittuate lyinge and
being in the parishes of Lewesham and Lee in the countie of Kent or in either of them, except the
messuage or tenement and yearlie annuitie before in and by this my will given and lymitted to and
for the use of the poore of the said parishe of Lewesham And also all those my two messuages or tenements
scittuate in Crooked Lane in London, commonlie called or knowne by the names or signes of ye Boars head
and the Horseshooe And also all those my messuages landes and tenements scittuate lyinge and being
in the parishe of the holy Trinitie aforesaid except the two messuages or tenements before in and by
this my will given and lymitted to and for the use of the poore of the said parishe And also all those my
messuages landes and tenements with th'appurtennces, scittuate, lyinge and being in or neere Helmett court
within Bishopsgate in London And also all those my two messuages or tenements scittuate & being in
Fridaie Streete in London, commonlie called or known by the names or signes of ye Kings heade and ye
Still, from and imediatelie after ye death or departure out of this mortall life of Lea my now wife unto
the said Humphry Streete my sonne duringe his naturall life And after his decease to the first sonne
of ye bodie of the said Humfrey Streete lawfullie to be begotten, and to the heires of ye bodie of the
said first sonne lawfully to be begotten And for default of such issue to the second sonne of the bodie of ye
said Humfry lawfully to be begotten, and to the heires of the bodie of the said second sonne lawfully
to be begotten And for default of such issue, to the third sonne of ye bodie of the said Humphrey lawfully to be begotten,
and to the heires of the bodie of the said third sonne lawfullie to be begotten And for default of such issue to the
fourth sonne of the bodie of the said Humphrie lawfullie to be begotten, and to the heires of the
bodie of the said fourth sonne lawfully to be begotten And for default of such issue to the fift sonne
of the bodie of the said Humphrey Streete lawfullie to be begotten, and too the heires of ye bodie of
the said fift sonne lawfully to be begotten And for the default of such issue to the sixt sonne of ye bodie
of the said Humphrey lawfully to be begotten and to the heires of ye bodie of the said sixt sonne lawfully
to be begotten and for default of such issue to the seaventh sonne of the bodie of the said Humfrey to be
begotten lawfully and to the heires of the bodie of the said seventh sonne lawfully to be begotten And for
default of such issue to the eight sonne of the bodie of the said Humphrey lawfully to be begotten and to
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the heires of the bodie of the said eight sonne lawfully to be begotten And for default of such issue then to my fower
daughters Elizabeth, Rachell, Rebecca and Lea and the issue female of the bodie of my said sonne Humphrey Streete
lawfully to be begotten and to their heires forever equally amongst them to be devided part and part like: that
is to saie one fift part to my daughter Elizabeth and her heires, another fift part to my daughter Rachell and her
heires, another fift part to my daughter Rebecca and her heires another fift part to my daughter Lea
and her heires, and the other fift part to the issue female of ye bodie of my said sonne Humphrey Streete
lawfully to be begotten and her or their heires. Provided and my will and minde is that if my said sonne
Humphrey Streete shall not have anie issue female of his bodie lawfully to be begotten liveinge at the
time of his decease That then all and everie the said messuages landes tenements and hereditaments
whatsoever so willed and devised to the said issue female of he bodie of my said sonne Humphrey Streete
lawfully begotten, shall remayne and bee to my said fower daughters, Elizabeth, Rachell Rebecca and
Lea and their heires forever, equally amongst them to be devided part and part like, As if no such
devise of lymitation had been to the said issue female of the said sonne Humphrey And my will is that my
said sonne Humphrie Streete and his heires shall yeerlie forever out of ye rents and profitts of the landes
and tenements whatsoever Item I doe hereby give dispose lymitt and devise all that my messuage or tenem[en]ts with th'appurtennces
scittuate and beinge in Fridaie Streete in London commonlie called or knowne by the name or signe of the Gun with
th'appurtennces from and imediatelie after ye decease of Lea my now wife unto my daughter Elizabeth Offley
and to her heires and assignes forever Item I doe hereby give dispose lymitt and devise all that my messuage or
tenement with th'appurtenances scittuate and being in Fridaie Street, and beinge the Cornerhowse of Distaffe
Lane and commonlie called or knowne by the name or signe of the George, from and imediatelie after the
decease of Lea my now wife unto Humphrey Offley sonne of my said daughter Elizabeth Offley, and to
the heires male of his bodie lawfully to be begotten uppon condition that he the said Humphrey Offley his
heires and assignes doe well and trulie paie or cawse to be paid out of and with the rents and profitts of the said
messuage or tenement the some of fiftie poundes of lawfull money of England, unto everie one of his brothers &
sisters towardes their advancement in manner and forme followinge that is to saie, to the eldest of them twentie
and five poundes at the end of the second yeare next after it shall discend and come unto him by force of this my
will and so forthwards everie yeare yearelie to everie one of them twentie and five poundes untill everie one of
his brothers and sisters shall have received twentie and give poundes the same to be paid unto them in order
one after an other, accordinge to their precedencie in age, and when everie one of his brothers and sisters shall
have received twentie and five poundes in manner aforesaid, Then the said Humphrey Offley and his heires
male to receive one whole yeares profitts of the said messuage or tenement, and after the end of the said yeare
to begin to paie everie yeare yearelie, from thenceforth the other twentie and give poundes, unto everie one of
his brothers and sisters in order one after another, according to their p[re]cedencie in age as aforesaid And for default
of such issue male of the bodie of the said Humphrey Offley, lawfully to be begotten, I doe hereby give and bequeath
the said messuage or tenem[en]t with the appurtennces unto the eldest sonne which shalbe then liveinge of the bodie of my
said daughter Elizabeth Offley lawfully begotten, or to be begotten, and to his heires forever, uppon condition yt
he and his heires doe well and trulie paie all the severall fiftie poundes before in and by this my well lymitted to be paid
unto his brothers and sisters out of and with the rentes and profitts of the said message or tenement in manner and
forme before declared And my will is that the said messuage or tenement with th'appurttennce shalbe lyable unto
and chargeable with the payment of the said severall legacies of fiftie poundes, unto all and everie the children of
my said daughter Elizabeth Offley Item I doe hereby give dispose, lymitt and devise all that my messuage or tenem[en]t
with th'appurtennces scittuate in the Corner of greate E[a]st Cheape, London, commonlie called or knowne by the name or
signe of the Golden Lyon And also all that my messuage or tenement with th'appurtennce scittuate in Gracechurch
Streete in London commonlie called or known by the name or signe of the Whitehowse, from and imediatelie after
ye death or departure out of this mortall life of Lea my now wife unto my daughter Rachell Porter and to her
heires and assignes forever Item I doe hereby give devise lymitt and dispose all that my messuage or tenement with
th'appurtennces called or knowne by the name or signe of the Bores heade Taverne in greate E[a]st Cheape in London from
and imediatelie after ye decease of Lea my now wife, unto my daughter Rebecca Briggs and to her heires and assignes
forever Item I doe hereby give dispose lymitt and devise all that my message or tenement with th'appurtennces
scittuate in Bread Streete hill in London commonlie called or knowne by the name of the Bluebell and also all
that my messuage or tenement scittuate in Distaffe Lane with th'appurtennces neere adioyning to the howse
of Humfrey Ambler commonlie called or knowne by the name or signe of ________And also all that my
page 5 folio 32 recto
messuage or tenement with th'appurtennces scittuate in new Fish Streete in London commonlie called or knowne
by the name of signe of the Harrowe now in the tenure of one Charles Duboe or his assignes imediately from
and after the decease of Lea my now wife unto my daughter Lea Atkinson and to her heires and assignes forever
Item I doe give unto my sonne Humfrey Streete, my lease, estate and terme of yeares which I have of and in my
now dwelling howse scittuate in the parishe of St Christopher in London, and also my lease estate and terme of
yeares whivh I hold of the Wor.[shipful] companie of the clothworkers of London of a messuage or tenement in Bell Allie
in London, to hold the said two severall leases to the said Humphrey Streete his executors and assignes, from
and imediatelie after the decease of Lea my now wife for and during the severall termes which shalbe then to
come of and in the said two severall leases respectivelie Item I doe nominat and appointe my said sonne Humfrey
Streete and my said loving friend Edward Taylor overseers of this my will, requestinge the said Edward Taylor
that he wilbe assistant unto my said wife in the execucion of this my will Lastly I doe revoke and disannull all
formes and other will and wills whatsoever, and doe declare this to be my last will and testament, In witnes whereof
I have to everie sheete of this my last will and testament beinge in nomber twelve whole sheetes and halfe of an
other sheete or thereabouts subscribed my name and sette my seale the day and yeare firstabovewritten Homfrey
Memorandum that the name Wadeson putt forth in two severall places of this my will and ye name
Porter enterlined in two severall places of this my will instead thereof were so putt forth and interlined
before the 'nsealeinge hereof and afterwardes signed sealed and delivered and declared to be the last
will and testament of the said Humfrey Streate in the p[re]sence of Edward Taylor Michaell Len William
- ↑ England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
PROB 11: Will Registers > 1624-1643 > Piece 155: Ridley, Quire Numbers 1-59 (1629)
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 31 May 2022)
Humfridi Streete - ↑ maker of leather belts & girdles, mainly for the army
- ↑ an early handgun like a harquebus
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