Location: Ludlow, Shropshire, England

Surname/tag: Jones
The Will of Isaac Jones of Ludlow, Shropshire This is a transcription of the copy of the will of Isaac Jones entered into the registers of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. [1]
Transcribed as written with original spelling.
Line breaks and bold text are inserted for ease of reading.
This is the last Will and Testament of me Isaac Jones of Ludlow in the county of Salop [2] Tailor and Draper
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as follows I give devise and bequeath unto my Son Thomas Jones All that messuage or tenement shop and premises situate in High Street in Ludlow aforesaid now in my own occupation and of my said son Thomas [underlined with margin signatures Isaac Jones, J Williams, Rich'd Butler] together with all the fixtures of every kind therein to hold the same unto my said Son Thomas his heirs and assigns for ever
I give and devise unto my son Richard Jones all that messuage or tenement buildings hereditaments and premises situate in Raven Lane in Ludlow aforesaid and called or known by the name or sign of The White Door and now in the possession or occupation of Thomas Pierce And also all those my four freehold cottages and gardens situate at Brimfield in the County of Hereford and now in the occupations of Charles Courtney [gap for the forename] Anthony, Mrs Waiters and [gap for full name] to hold the said messuages buildings cottages gardens hereditaments and premises unto my said Son Richard Jones his heirs and assigns forever.
I also give and bequeath unto my said Son Thomas Jones the sum of four hundred and fifty pounds secured to me on mortgage of certain freehold and leasehold dwellinghouses [yards?] stables and premises situate in Upper Gaolford [3] in Ludlow aforesaid And I give devise and bequesth all my estate and interest in the said messuages dwellinghouses and premises subject to such mortgage to my said Son Thomas his heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever [underlined with margin signatures Isaac Jones, J Williams, Rich'd Butler]
And also All my share right and interest of and in the book debts and stock in trade or business now carried on by myself and my said Son To hold to him his executors administrators and assigns for his own absolute use and benefit
I also give and bequeath unto my said Son Richard Jones the sum of four hundred pounds for his own absolute use and benefit
I give and bequeath unto my two Sons the said Thomas Jones and Richard Jones their executors administrators and assigns All that my leasehold messuage or tenement hereditaments and premises situate at the top of Broad Street in the Town of Ludlow aforesaid and now in the occupation of my daughter in law Mary Ann Jones to hold the same unto the said Thomas Jones and Richard Jones their executors administrators and assigns upon and for the trusts intents and purposes hereinafter expressed and contained concerning the same (that is to say)
Upon trust to permit and suffer my said daughter in law the said Mary Ann Jones to occupy hold and enjoy or otherwise to receive the rents and profits of my said leasehold messuage and premises for and during and until such time as the youngest child or such one as shall become the youngest child of my Son Isaac shall attain the age of twenty one the better to enable her to maintain and bring up my said grandchildren and from and immediately after such youngest child or such as shall become the youngest child shall attain the said age of twenty one years Upon trust that they my said trustees or the survivor of them or the executors administrators or assigns of such survivor do and shall make sale and dispose of my said leasehold messuage and premises to any person or persons either together or in lots and either by publication or private contract as they or he shall think fit for the most money that can under all circumstances at the time be got for the same And upon payment of the money arising from such sale or sales shall and do convey and make over the same to the purchaser or purchasers thereof his her or their heirs executors administrators or assigns accordingly And for all and every the purposes aforesaid I do hereby declare that the receipt or receipts of my said Trustees or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators or such survivor shall be good and effectual released and discharges to the purchaser or purchasers of my said leasehold messuage and premises for so much and such parts of the purchase money as in the said receipt or receipt shall be acknowledged or expressed to be accrued and that from and immediately after such receipt or receipts shall be so given and signed by them such purchaser or purchasers or other person or persons his her or their heirs executors administrators or assigns shall not afterwards be bound or obliged to see to the application of such purchase money or be
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answerable or accountable for the misapplication or nonapplication thereof
And is it my will and I do hereby direct that my said trustees to pay and divide the monies to arise from such sale after defraying the expenses of such sale unto and equally amongst the said widow of my said son Isaac and such of the children of my said Son Isaac as shall be then living in equal shares and proportions
I give and bequeath unto the said Thomas Jones and Richard Jones the sum of seven hundred pounds upon trust that they the said Thomas Jones and Richard Jones or the survivor of them his executors administrators or assigns do and shall lay out and invest the same in their or his names or name in government or real securities in England and Wales and from time to time to alter vary and transpose the said trust monies stock funds and securities for into or upon other stocks funds and securities of a like nature at the sole discretion and of the sole authority of the said Thomas Jones and Richard Jones or the survivor of them his executors administrators or assigns and so and shall stand and be possessed of all and singular the said trust monies stocks funds and securities and the interest dividends and annual proceeds thereof Upon trust to pay the same interest dividends and annual proceeds unto the said Mary Ann Jones for an towards the support and maintenance of herself and all my said grandchildren until the youngest of such grandchildren or such as may become a youngest shall attain the age of twenty one years and immediately from and after the youngest of my said grandchildren shall attain the age of twenty one years then the said trust monies stocks funds and securities and the interests dividends and annual produce thereof to be equally divided between the said Mary Ann Jones and all and every my said grandchildren share and share alike in the same manner as I have herein before directed with regard to the monies to arise from the sale of my said leasehold dwellinghouse and premises
And I do hereby direct that if the said Mary Ann Jones shall depart this life before the youngest of my said grandchildren shall attain the said age of twenty one years then the said Thomas Jones and Richard Jones or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor do and shall pay and apply the rents dues and profits of my said leasehold dwellinghouse and also the interest dividends and annual proceeds to arise from the Seven hundred pounds or the stocks funds and securities on which the same shall be invested in their or his discretion unto or for the benefit of my said grandchildren on equal shares and proportions until the youngest of my said grandchildren or such as shall become the youngest shall attain his or her age of twenty one years as aforesaid
And as to all the Rest and Residue of my estate and effects of what nature of kind soever I do hereby give and devise and bequeath the same and every part thereof to my said Son Thomas his heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever
And I do hereby subject and charge my share right and interest of and in the book debts and stock in trade the said sum of four hundred and fifty pounds secured to me on mortgage and also the residue of my estate and effects herein before be me bequeathed to my said Son Thomas with the payment of the said legacy of four hundred pounds to my said Son Richard and also the Seven hundred pounds for the benefit of my said daughter in law and my said grandchildren and also of my just debts testamentary and funeral expenses
And I appoint my aid Son Thomas and Richard joint Executors of this my will And I do hereby declare that they or the survivor of them his executors administrator or assign shall not be answerable the one for the other of them or for the ongoing receipts for the sake of conformity or for any involuntary loss which may happen to the said trust monies or any part thereof And that it shall and may be lawful for them or him out of the monies which shall come to their or his hands to reimburse themselves and himself their and his costs and expences in discharging the trusts hereby in them and him repaced [?]
In Witness whereof
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I have hereunto set my hand and seal this tenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine
Isaac Jones {seal}
Signed sealed acknowledged published and declared by the said Testator Isaac Jones as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto the interlineations appearing between the third and the fourth lines and the seventeenth and eighteenth lines from the top of the first side against which our names and also the name of the said Testator are set being first made
J Williams
Rich'd Butler
A Codicil to be annexed to to and form part of the last will and Testament of me Isaac Jones of Ludlow in the county of Salop Tailor and Draper bearing date the tenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine as follows
Whereas I have in and by my will amongst other devises and bequests given and devised to my on Richard Jones his heirs and assigns four freehold cottages and gardens situate at Brimford in the County of Hereford And also the sum of four hundred pounds And whereas since the date an execution of my said will I have sold and disposed of two of the said Cottages and Gardens at Brimford Now I do hereby give and bequeath to my said Son Richard the sum of Seven hundred and fifty pounds in lieu and instead of the said sum of four hundred pounds so bequeathed to him by my said Will And in all other respects I ratify and confirm my said Will
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventeenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and forty one
Isaac Jones {seal}
Signed sealed acknowledged and declared by the said Isaac Jones as and for a codicil to this last will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses</br/>
Eliz'th Jay<bt/>
John Williams
Proved at London with a Codicil 28th April 1842 before the worshipful Tejre Addams Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oaths of Thomas Jones and Richard Jones the Sons the Executors to who Administration was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.
- ↑ Will of Isaac Jones in: The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 1961: Vol· 6, Quire Numbers 251-300 (1842). Ancestry permalink Accessed 26 January 2021
- ↑ Salop was the old name for Shropshire
- ↑ probably Upper Galdeford ?
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