Location: Crudwell, Wiltshire, England

Surname/tag: Earle, Erle
Will of Isobel (Bostock) Earle of Crudwell, Wiltshire 1596
Transcription of the the Will of Isobel (Bostock) Earle (abt.1506-abt.1596) of Crudwell, 1596
In Dei Nomine Amen the two and twentieth daie of October in the yeare of our Lorde God 1596
I Isabell Earle of Escott in the countye of Wiltes widow doe ordeyne and make this my laste will and testament in manner and forme following that ys to saie, ffirste I comende my soule to Almightie God, my Creator and maker, trusting that my the merrittes of his deere sonne Jhesus Christe, I shall be made partaker of his everlastinge kingdome of heaven; And I will my bodye to by bured in the parrishe churche of Crudwell.
Imprimis I geve and bequeath to the poore of the saide parrishe of Crudwell twentye shillings.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto my sonne Thomas, all my ploughe harness saving and excepting that that was geven and bequeathed by my late husbandes last will and testament.
Item I geve and bequeath unto Thomas Erle and Margarett Partridge sonne and daughter of my said sonne Thomas and unto my godsonne Thomas Partridge sonne of the foresaide Margarett, to eche of them an ewe and a lambe a peece.
Item my requeste unto myne executours is that they will suffer my saide sonne Thomas quietlie to hold and enioye my coppyholde att Bradenbrooke in as large and ample manner as they should have don according to the custome of the mannor of Crudwell.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Elizabeth Earle and Isabell Earle beinge my goddaughters and daughters of my sonne Roberte Earle six poundes thirtene shillings ffoure pence a peece.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Margarett Marye Robert and William sonnes and daughters of my saide sonne Roberte an ewe and a lambe a peece.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto my sonne John Earle a beaste of twoe years of age. Also I geve and bequeathe unto John Earle the sonne of the foresaide John Earle a beaste of two years of age.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Thomas Earle sonne of my saide sonne John a yerelinge calfe and an ewe and a lambe.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Margarett Earle daughter of my saide sonne John, and beinge my goddaughter six powndes thirteene shillings ffouwre pence.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Susanna daughter of my saide sonne John an ewe and lambe.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto my sonne William tenne powndes.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Isabell Earle the eldest daughter of my saide sonne William and beinge my goddaughter six powndes thirteen shillings ffowre pence.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Isabell the younger daughter of my saide sonne William and beinge my goddaughter thirtye shillings remaynynge in the hands of her saide father.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto William Thomas and Alice sonnes and daughter of the saide William an ewe and a lambe a peece.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto my sonne Gyles Earle my best brasse panne.
Item whereas my sonne Gyles dothe owe unto me five pownded ffiftene shillings, my will and bequest is that the saide money shalbe equally devyded amoungest his ffyve children. Moreover I geve and bequeathe unto eche of them an ewe and a lambe a peece.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto John Earle and Isabell Earle sonne and daughter of my sonne Nicholas deceased sixe powndes thirteen shillings fowre pence a peece yf so be that myne executours maie recover of Margarett Earle late wiefe of my saide sonne Nicholas twentye powndes which I lente unto my saide sonne Nicholas before his deathe.
Item my will and bequest is that yf my saide daughter in lawe Margarett Earle will paye unto myne executours the some of twentye markes quietlie without trouble of law within one yeare after my decease that then the other twentie nobles parcel of the saide twentye poundes I doe freelie forgeve her.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto my daughter Joane Pearce tenne powndes.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Agnes Dolman my daughter tenne powndes, one cowe, one coverlet, one blanckett, and one paire of sheetes. But my will meanynge and bequest is that my sonne Thomas shall have the use of the saide tenne powndes and cowe afore bequeathed unto the use of the saide Agnes during the liefe of her husbande William Dolman. And yf yt shall happen the saide Agnes Dolman shall dye and decease before her saide husbande that then the tenne powndes and cowe before bequeathed shalbe equallye devyded amoungest her children that that shalbe then living.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto John Dolman sonne of the saide William and Agnes six powndes thirteen shillings ffowre pence.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Nicholas Dolman sonne of the saide William Dolman three powndes sixe shillings eighte pence, and one beaste of a yeare olde.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto William Bridgett Alice Agnes Elizabeth and Thomas sonnes and daughters of the saide William and Agnes an ewe and a lambe a peece.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto my daughter Alice Browne tenne powndes, and unto her three children Thomas Isabell and Bridgett beinge my godchildren sixe poundes thirteen shillings foure pence a peece.
Item I geve and bueath unto ffrannces John and William sonnes of my saide daughter Alice an ewe and a lambe a peece.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto my daughter Anne Greene tenne powndes my little coffer att my beddes foote with all that is in yt, one greate cheste, and one of my lesser brasse pannes.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto John and Isabell sonne and daughter of my saide daughter Anne beinge my godchildren sixe powndes thirteen shillings foure pence a peece.
Item I geve unto William and Richarde sonnes of my saide daughter Anne an ewe and a lambe a peece.
Item my will and bequest is that yf any of my childrens children doe happen to dye or decease before they attaine to the age eighteen years. That then the money to them bequeathed with the increase thereof shalbe equallye devyded amoungest his or her brothers and sisters then survyvinge.
Item I geve and bequeathe all my lynnen not before geven nor bequeathed unto all my daughters equallie to be devyded amoungest them.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto my maide Thomazyne one heyffer of two years of age.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Alice Dyke my best gowne, a bushell of wheate and a bushell of barley. The rest of all my goodes and chattels as well moveable as unmoveable. I doe geve and bequeathe unto my two sonnes Roberte Erle and Gyles Earle, whom I make myne executours. Also I doe institute and appointe my welbeloved in Christe Roberte Hibbarde of Haselden and my sonne Thomas Earle to bee my overseers of this my last will and testament to whom I geve for their paines sixe shillings eighte pence a peece.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Richarde Davies the wryter hereof three shillings foure pence.
Item I geve and bequeathe unto Willm Samuell and Joane the sonnes and daughter of my sonne John Earle, to eche of them a sheepe.
Witnes to this my last will and testament Rich: Davies script Thomas Earle, Nicholas White, Johannis ffreeman, Agnetes Greene.
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