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Will of James Bateman of City of London (1718) TNA PROB 11/566/196

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: London, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Bateman
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This is a transcript of the last will and testament of James Bateman MP (1660-1718), a successful merchant financier, Governor of the Bank of England, Alderman of London, Minister of Parliament, and Lord Mayor of London, dated 19 January 1716 and proved at the Court of Canterbury on 25 November 1718.[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks as per the original. Bold text for names is for ease of reading. ff has been rendered as F, and abbreviations have been expanded in [square brackets]. Some words in the will were left blank and are rendered as empty spaces.

People Mentioned

People in the will, in the order that they are mentioned.

  • James Bateman
  • William Bateman, eldest son
  • John Hyatt
  • James Batema, son
  • Richard Bateman, son
  • Sir William Gore, deceased knigth and alderman of London
  • Sir Theodore Janssen, knight
  • John Poxon, callender
  • Sampson Coleclough
  • Joas Bateman, father, deceased
  • James Angelas
  • John Shrewsbridge
  • Richard Baker
  •              Dummer
  •              Stiles
  •         Allen
  • Terringham Backwell
  • Barnaby Backwell
  • Thomas Burgh
  • Richard Chancey
  • Sir James Rushout
  • Sir Edward Selwyn
  • James Hoet, clerk
  • Sir Peter Meyer, merchant
  •               Harrison
  • Judith, daughter
  • Elizabeth, daughter
  • Ann, eldest daughter
  • William Western, son-in-law
  • Dame Ann Hedges
  • Thomas Lord Trevor
  • Dame Judith Shorley, sister
  • Mary Tillard, sister
  • William Western, son
  • Richard Hill, Esquire
  • Mr John Edmonds, merchant, Executor
  • Mr. Robert Hedges
  • Mrs Stackhouse
  • Mr. Isaac Stackhouse, deceased
  • Sir Robert Chaplin, Executor
  • Mr John Fellows, merchant, Executor
  • Mr. Samuel Harris, Reverend, sons tutor, Executor
  • Thomas Chaplin, nephew
  • Edmund Clapott, servant
  • Margarett Hermitage, housekeeper
  • Doctor Lilly Butler, Parson of Aldermanbury
  • Sir William Scawen
  • Isaac Tillard, nephew
  • John Barn
  • Joseph Russell Bancroft
  • John Rudge

Property List

Property in the will, in the order that they are mentioned.

  • Capital messuage, land, tenements and manor of Shobdon, Hereford
  • Messuages, lands, tenements and manor in the Parish of Lingen, Hereford
  • Messuages, lands, tenements and manor in the Parish of Aymestree, Hereford
  • Manors of Conope, and Lye Devereux, Hereford
  • Messuages, lands, and tenements in the Parish of Kingsland, Hereford
  • Messuages, lands, and tenements in the Parish Wigmore, Hereford
  • Messuages, lands, and tenements in the Parish of Burrington, Hereford
  • Messuages, lands, and tenements in the Parish of Leminster, Hereford
  • Broom Farm, Ersland, Hereford purchased from John Hyatt
  • All other lands and estate in Hereford
  • Messuage or tenements in Crutched Friars, London
  • Freehold messuages or tenements in Barge Yard, Cheap Ward, London
  • Two freehold messuages or tenements in St Martins Lane, London
  • Two messuages or tenements in St Lawrence Pountney, London
  • Messuages or tenements in or near York Buildings, Westminster, London
  • Messuages or tenements in Poultry, Cheap Ward, London purchased of Allen
  • Messuages or tenements in Exchange Alley, London purchased from Terringham Backwell and Barnaby Backwell
  • Parsonage and Lands at Lisnes, Kent
  • Messuages, lands, tenements and parsonage in the parish of Erith
  • All other lands and tenements in Bexley or elsewhere in Kent
  • Capital messuage, lands, tenements, manor and gardens of Tooting Graveney, London
  • Messuages, lands, and tenements belonging to Nazeing Lodge and Waltham Fishery with the kersies and ozier grounds adjoining in the Parishes of Nazeing and Waltham, purchased from Thomas Burgh
  • Lands and estate of Harold Park purchased from Richard Chancey
  • All other lands and tenements whatsoever and wheresoever in Essex
  • Messuages, lands, and tenements of Holywell Priory, Shoreditch, London purchased from Sir James Rushout and Sir Edward Selwyn
  • Messuage or tenement and farm in Appleby Street, Hertford
  • All other lands and tenements in Hertford
  • Messuage or tenement in Newgate Street, London

Will Transcript

[Page 1]

In the Name of God Amen
I James Bateman knight and Lord Mayor of the City
of London being in good health of Body and of Sound and Disposing
Mind memory and Understanding Do make and Declare this my
Last Will and Testament in manner and form following (viz.) First
I humbly recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God
trusting in him for the pardon of all my Sins through the Merits
and Satisfaction of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ my Body
I commit to the Earth to be decently buried late at night without
any pompous Show pageantry or usual ostentation in the Vault
I lately built in the Church yard of Tooting Graveney in the
County of Surr[e]y where my Late Dearest Wife now lyes interred
and as for such Worldly Estate with which God hath been
pleased to bless me I Give and dispose thereof in manner following
Impri[mi]s / I give Devise and bequeath unto my Eldest Son William
Bateman for the term of his Natural Life without Impeachm[en]t
of or for any manner of Wast other than for Voluntary Wast in
the pulling down destroying and Demolishing of Houses Barnes
and other Buildings All that my Capital Messuage and Mannor
of Shobdon in the County of Hereford And all those my Mannors
of Lingen Aymestree Conope and Lye Devereux with their and
every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances in the said
County of Hereford And also all and every my Messuages Lands
Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever in the Parishes of Shobdon
Aymestree Kingsland Lingen Wigmore Burrington and Leminster

[Page 2]

and every of them in the said County of Hereford and also all
that my Farm called the Broom Farme lying in Ersland near
Shobdon in the said County of Hereford which I purchased of John
Hyatt And also all other my Lands and Estate whatsoever and where
=soever in the said County of Hereford The Remainder to the First
and every other the Son and Sons of the Body of the said William
Bateman lawfully to be begotten and to the Heires Male of the Body
and Bodys of all and every such Son and Sons lawfully Issuing severally
and successively one after another as they shall be in Seniority of Age
and priority of Birth the Eldest of such Son and Sons and the Heires
Male of his and their body and bodyes being always preferred and
to take place before the younger of such Son and Sons and the Heirs
Male of his and their Body and Bodys The Remainder to all and
every the Daughter and Daughters of the Body of the said William
Bateman lawfully to be begotten to take as Tennants in Common and
not as joint Tennants and to the heirs of the Body and Bodys of all
and every such Daughter and Daughters lawfully issuing The Remainder
to my Second Son James Bateman for and during his natural Life
without Impeachment of or for any manner of Wast other than
Voluntary Wast in the pulling down Demolishing and Destroying of
Houses Barnes and other Buildings The Remainder to the First
and every other the Son and Sons of the body of the said James
Bateman lawfully to be begotten and to the Heires Male of the
body and bodys of such first and every other Son and Sons lawfully
issuing severally and successively one after another as they shall
be in priority of Birth and Seniority of Age the Eldest of such Son
and Sons and the Heirs Male of his and their body and bodys
being always preferred and to take place before the younger of
such Son and Sons and the Heirs Male of his and their body and
bodys The Remainder to all and every the Daughter and Daughters
of the Body of the said James Bateman lawfully to be begotten
to take as Tennants in common and not as joint Tennants and to
the Heires of the Body and Bodys of all and every such Daughter
and Daughters lawfully issuing The Remainder to my Third Son
Richard Bateman for and during the Term of his natural Life
without impeachment of or for any manner of Wast other than
voluntary Wast in the pulling down Demolishing and Destroying
of Houses Barnes and other Buildings The Remainder to the
first and every other the Son and Sons of the Body of the said
Richard Bateman lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs Male
of the body and bodys of such first and every other Son and Sons
lawfully issuing severally and successively one after another as
they shall be in priority of Birth and Seniority of Age The Eldest
of such Son and Sons and the Heirs Male of his and their body and
bodys being always preferred and to take place before the younger
of such Son and Sons and the Heirs Male of his and their body and
bodys The Remainder to all and every the Daughter and Daughters
of the body of the said Richard Bateman lawfully to be begotten
to take as Tennants in Common and not as joynt Tennants and to
the heirs of the body and bodys of all and every such Daughter
and Daughters lawfully issuing Remainder to my own right Heires
for ever \ Also I give and bequeath to my said Son William Bateman

[Page 3]

for and during his natural Life all that my Messuage or Tenem[ents]
with the appurtenances in Crutched Fryers in the parish of
                          in London late in the possession of S[ir] William Gore
late knight and alderman of London The Remainder to the first
and every other the Son and Sons of the Body of the said William
Bateman lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs Male of the
Body and Bodys of such first and every other Son and Sons lawfully
issuing severally and Successively one after another as they shall
be in seniority of age and priority of Birth the Eldest of such Son
and Sons and the heirs Male of his body to be always preferred
and to take place before the younger of such Son and Sons and
the heirs Male of his and their body and bodys The Remainder
to my said Son James Bateman for and during his natural Life
The Remainder to the first and every other the Son and Sons of the
said James Bateman lawfully to be begotten and to the heires
Male of the Body and Bodys of such first and every other Son and
Sons lawfully issuing severally and successively and after another
as they shall be in Seniority of Age and priority of Birth the
Eldest of such Son and Sons and the heirs Male of his and their
body and bodys being always preferred and to take place
before the younger of such Son and Sons and the heirs Male of
his and their body and bodys The Remainder to my said Son
Richard Bateman for and during his natural Life The Remainder
to the first and very other the Son and Sons of the body of the
said Richard Bateman lawfully to be begotten and to the heirs
Male of the body and bodys of such first and every other Son and
Sons lawfully issuing severally and Successively one after another
as they shall be in Seniority of Age and priority of birth the Eldest
of such Son and Sons and the Heirs Male of his and their body
and body's beings allways preferred and to take place before
the younger of such Son and Sons and the heirs Male of his and
their Body and Bodys The Remainder to the President and
Governors of Christs Hospitall in London and to their Successors
for ever for the use and benefit of the said hospital Item I
Give Devise and bequeath unto my said Son William Bateman
all those my Freehold Messuages or Tenements with their and
every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances Scituate and
being in Barge Yard in the Parish of                                       in the
Ward of Cheap in London now or late in the several tenures or
Occupations of S[ir] Theodore Jansen knight John Poxon a Callender
and Sampson Coleclough And also all those my two Freehold
Messuages or Tenements with their and every of their appurtenances
Scituate and being in St Martins Lane in the Parish of St Martins
Orgar London the one of them Hereford in the Occupation of my
late dear Father Joas Bateman and the other of them now or
late in the occupation of James Angelas and also all those my
Two Messuages or Tenements with their appurtenances in St
Lawrence Pountney Lane in the Parish of Abchurch London
now or late in the Tenures or Occupations of John Shrewsbridge
and Richard Baker their assignes or under Tennants And also all
those my Messuages or Tenements with their and every of their
appurtenances Scituate and being in or near York Buildings

[Page 4 ]

in the Parish of StMartins in the Fields in the County of Midd[lese]x
now or late in the several tenures or Occupations of         Dummer
and                         Stiles         
And also all those my Messuages or Tenements with their and
every of their appurtenances Scituate and being in the Poultry in the
Parish of St Mary Colechurch in the Ward of Cheap aforesaid London
which I purchased of                     Allen / and also all that or those
my Messuages or Tenements with their appurtenances in Exchange
Alley in the Parish of                                    London which I purchased
of Terringham Backwell and Barnaby Backwell To hold all and
Singular my said Freehold Messuages or Tenements before ment[i]oned
in Barge yard St Martins Lane St Lawrence Pountney Lane Yorke
Buildings the Poultry and Exchange Ally with their and every of
their rights Members and Appurtenances unto my said Son William
Bateman his heirs and assignes for ever Item I give Devise and
bequeath unto my said Son James Bateman for and during his
natural Life without impeachment of Wast other than Voluntary
Wast in pulling down Demolishing and Destroying of Houses Barnes
and other Buildings my Parsonage and Lands at Lisnes near Erith in
the County of Kent and all my Messuages Lands Tenements and
Hereditaments in the said parish of Erith the Parsonage impropriate
of the Parish and Church of Erith aforesaid, and all And all manner
of Tyths both great and Small Tyths growing arising Renewing and
encreasing within the said Parish and the Advowson Donation and
right of presentation of and to the Church of Erith aforesaid and all
other my Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in Erith aforesaid or
Becksly[2] or elsewhere in the said County of Kent, And also all that
my Mannor of Tooting Graveney with all the rights Members
and appurtenances to the same belonging or appertaining and also
my Capitall Messuage with the Gardens Lands and appurtenances
thereto belonging and all the Furniture and household Stuffe (Plate
Excepted) which shall be in the said house at the time of my Decease or
therewith now used in the Parish of Tooting Graveney in the County
of Surr[e]y now in my possession and all other my Lands Tenements and
Hereditaments in the said Parish of Tooting or elsewhere in the said
County of Surr[e]y The Remainder to the First and every other the
Son and Sons of the body of the said James Bateman lawfully to be
begotten and to the Heirs Male of the Body and Bodys of such first
and every other Son and Sons lawfully issuing severally and successively
one after another as they shall be in priority of Birth and Seniority
of age This Eldest of such Son and Sons and the Heires Male of his and
their body and bodys being always preferred and to take place before
the younger of such Son and Sons and the Heires Male of his and their
body and bodys The Remainder to all and every the Daughter and
Daughters of the body of the said James Bateman lawfully to be begotten
to take as Tennants in Common and not as joint Tennants and to the
Heirs of the body and bodys of all and every such Daughter and
Daughters lawfully issuing The Remainder to my said Son William
Bateman for and during his natural Life without impeachment of
Wast other than Voluntary Wast in pulling down demolishing and
Destroying of Houses Barnes and other Buildings The Remainder
to the first and every other the Son and Sons of the Body of the said

[Page 5]

William Bateman Lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs Male
of the body and bodys of such first and every other Son and Sons
Lawfully issuing severally and successively one after another as
they shall be in priority of birth and seniority of age The
Eldest of such Son and Sons and the Heirs Male of his and their
body and bodys being always preferred and to take place
before the younger of such Son and Sons and the heirs Male of
his and their body and bodys The Remainder to all and every
the Daughter and Daughters of the body of the said William
Bateman lawfullly to be begotten to take as Tennants in Common
and not as joint Tennants and to the heirs of the body and bodys
of all and every such Daughter and Daughters lawfully issuing
The Remainder to my said Son Richard Bateman for and
during his natural Life without impeachment of Wast other
than Voluntary Wast in pulling down Demolishing and destroying
of Houses Barnes and other Buildings The Remainder to the first
and every other the Son and Sons of the body of the said Richard
Bateman Lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs Male of the
body and bodys of such first and every other Son and Sons Lawfully
issuing severally and Successively one after another as they shall be
in priority of birth and Seniority of age The Eldest of such Son and
Sons and the Heirs Male of his and their body and bodys being always
preferred and to take place before the younger of such Son and
Sons and the Heirs Male of his and their body and bodys The
Remainder to all and every the Daughter and Daughters of the
body of the said Richard Bateman lawfully to be begotten to take
as Tennants in Common and not as joint Tennants and to the Heirs
of the body and bodys of all and every such Daughter and Daughters
lawfully issuing The Remainder to my own right Heirs for ever
Item I give Devise and bequeath unto my said Son Richard Bateman
for and during his natural Life without impeachment of or for
any manner of Wast other than Voluntary Wast in pulling down
Demolishing and destroying of Houses Barnes and other Buildings
all those my Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments now or
lately belonging to Naz[e]ing Lodge and Waltham Fishery with
the Kersies and Ozier Grounds there next adjoining in the Parishes
of Nazing[3] and Waltham or elsewhere in the County of Essex which
I purchased of Thomas Burgh and also all those my Lands and
Estate called Harold Park which I lately purchased of Richard Chancey
And all other my Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever
and wheresoever in the said County of Essex and also all those my
Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments lately belonging
to the Priory of Holywell in the Parish of St Leonard Shoreditch in
the County of Middlesex which I purchased of S[ir] James Rushout
and S[ir] Edward Selwyn now or late in the possession of James
Hoet Clerk his assignes or under tennants And also all that my
Messuage or Tenement and Farm with the Lands and Appurtenances
thereto belonging in Appleby Street in the Parish of Cheshunt in
the County of Hertford and all other my Lands Tenements and
Hereditaments in the said County of Hertford The Remainder to the
first and every other the Son and Sons of the Body of the said Richard
Bateman lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs Male of the

[Page 6]

Body and bodys of such first and every other Son and Sons lawfully
issuing severally and successively one after another as they shall
be in priority of birth and Seniority of age The Eldest of such Son and
Sons and the Heirs Male of his and their body and bodys being
always preferred and to take place before the younger of such Son
and Sons and the Heirs Male of his and their body and bodys
Remainder to all and every the Daughter or Daughters of the body of
the said Richard Bateman Lawfully to be begotten to take as
Tennants in Common and not as joint Tennants and to the Heires
of the body and bodys of such Daughter and Daughters respectively
lawfully issuing The Remainder to my said Son William Bateman
and his Heires. Item I give and bequeath unto my said Son William
Bateman his Executors and Administrators all Arreares Rent Household
goods Stock upon Land and other personall Estate in the County of
Hereford And all that my Messuage or Tenement with the
Appurtenances in Barge yard aforesaid now or late in the Tenure or
Occupation of S[ir] Peter Meyer Merchant And also all that my
Messuage or Tenement in Newgate Street in the Parish of Christ Church
London now or late in the Occupation of                     Harrison and the
Severall Leases by which I hold the said Messuages or Tenements
and all my Estate Terms of years and interest therein. And my Will
and Mind is That my said Sons or such person or persons to whom
any Estates shall descend or are given for Life or in Tail by this my
Will shall have power to Grant Leases of such Estates or any part
thereof for one and Twenty years so as no Fine or Income be taken
and that the best improved Annuall Rent be reserved thereon and
further my Will and Mind is that in Case any of my said Sons
or other person or persons to whom any Estate or Estates shall
descend or are given for life or in Tail by this my Will shall
happen to Marry such person or persons shall have power to
make jointure or jointures or Settlements out of such Estate or Estates
on such Wife or Wives with Whom they shall respectively Marry
Provided and my Will and Mind is that my Executors here after
named and the Survivors and Survivor of them shall be and I doe
hereby appoint them Guardians to my said Sons James and Richard
untill they shall respectively attain their several Ages of Twenty
and one years and that they shall receive the Rents Issues and
Profitts of all and every the said Mannors Messuages Lands Tenem[ent]s
hereditaments and other the promisses herein particularly and
respectively devised to them and there out pay and provide for the
Maintenance and Education of my said Children during their Minority
in such manner as they shall judge necessary and expedient. And
Whereas I am a Freeman of the City of London I Do direct that my
personal Estate shall be divided and distributed according to the
Custome of the said City Pursuant Whereunto one Moiety or halfe
part there of (by reason I have no Wife) will belong into my Five
Children William James Richard Judith and Elizabeth unto whom
I give the said equally I having already advanced my Eldest Daughter
Ann in Marriage to William Western Esq[quire] and given with her as a
Portion Ten Thousand pounds And out of the other Moiety of my
said personal Estate which is at my own Disposall I give and bequeath
as followeth (viz.) I give and bequeath unto my Daughters Judith

[Page 7]

and Elizabeth (to whom I do also appoint my Executors or the
Survivors of their to be Guardians) in Case their respective
Customary parts and proportions of my said Estate shall not
amount to Ten Thousand pounds so much money to each of them as
will make up their said respective Customary Share and proportions
the full Summe of Ten Thousand pounds to be paid to them severally
when they shall attain their respective Ages of Twenty one years
or be Married which shall first happen and the Interest of their
Portions or so much thereof as my Executors shall think proper to
be applyed to their Maintenance and Education. Item I give and
bequeath unto Dame Ann Hedges Fifty pounds for Mourning
also To the right Honourable Thomas Lord Trevor Twenty pounds
To Dame Judith Shorley my Sister Fifty pounds, To my Sister Mary
Tillard for her self and Children Fifty pounds, To my Son William
Western for his self and Family one hundred pounds, To the Right
Honourable Richard Hill Esq[uire] Fifty pounds, To my Executor Mr John
Edmonds' and his Wife Fifty pounds and To Mr Robert Hedges
now in India Twenty pounds all for Mourning. To
Stackhouse Widow of Mr. Isaac Stackhouse deceased Thirty pounds
To S[ir] Robert Chaplin Mr John Fellows and the Reverend Mr
Samuel Harris three of my Executors here after named and To
Thomas Chaplin Nephew of the said S[ir] Robert to each of them
Twenty pounds for Mourning. Item I give unto my Servant Edmund
Clapott for his good and faith full Service done and performed to
me one annuity or yearly Summe of Fifty pounds during his natural
Life to be paid him Quarterly at the Four usual Feast dayes in
the year the first payment thereof to begin and be made at the
first of the said Feasts which shall happen next after my decease
And I do hereby Forgive and release unto my said Servant Edmund
Clapott all and every Debt Summe or Summes of money as shall be due
and owing from him to me or wherewith he shall be charged or
chargeable in and by my Books of Accompt. Item I give unto
Margarett Hermitage my Housekeeper for and during her natural
Life one Annuity or yearly Summe of Thirty pounds to be paid
Quarterly att the four usuall Feasts or Quarterly payments in the
year The first payment to begin and be made on the first of the
said usuall Feasts happening next after my Decease which said
Annuities of Fifty pounds and Thirty pounds I will shall be
paid by my said Son William or by such person or persons to
whom the Freehold Estate in Houses hereby devised to my said
Son shall Descend or come According to this my Will. Item I give
to the said Edmund Clapott and the said Margarett Hermitage
and to every other Servant who shall be living with me att the
time of my Death the Summe of Five pounds and to every of my
said Servants who shall have lived with me seven years at the
time of my Death the further Summe of Ten pounds. Item I give to
the Church Wardens of the Parish of Tooting Graveney aforesaid
the Summe of One Hundred pounds to be paid to them within Ten
Weeks after my Decease To the intent that the said Church wardens
shall pay and Apply the said Summe of One Hundred pounds in the
putting and placeing forth poor Boys or Girls of the same Parish
to be Apprentices to some usefull Trade or Imployment I also give to

[Page 8]

The poor of the Parish of St Martin Orgar Twenty pounds, and To
the poor of the Parish of Aldermanbury London the life Summe of Twenty
pounds to be paid for the Church wardens of those respective Parishes
Item I give to Doctor Lilly Butler Parson of Aldermanbury afores[ai]d
the Summe of Twenty pounds for the respect I bear to him To S[ir]
William Scawen Twenty pounds for Mourning, To the President and
Governor of Christs Hospitall in London the Summe of One Hundred pounds
To the President and Governors for the Poor of the City of London the
life Summe of One Hundred pounds for the use and benefitt of the said
Poor harboured in the Work house belonging to the said City. To the
Poor of the Parish of St Michael Basssissimo in London the Summe of
Twenty pounds and to the poor of the Parish of St Buttolph without
Bishopsgate the life Summe of Twenty pounds to be paid to the Church
Wardens of the said respective Parises, To my Nephew Isaac Tillard
Twenty pounds for Mourning. Item I give and bequeath unto my
Executors here after named and the Survivors and Survivor of them
and the Executors and Administrators of such Survivor all those my
two Annuitys issuing and payable out of the Exchequer The one of
Fifty pounds per Annum (No. 187) Dated the Seventh day of Novemb[er]
One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seven and the other of them of
Twenty pounds per annum (No. 189) of the same date both of them
purchased in the Name of John Barn and by severall assignments
there of made are now vested in me upon Trust that my said Executors
and the Survivors and Survivor of them and the Executors and
Administrators of such Survivor do and shall out of the same Annuitys
pay weekly to every of the Almswomen who now are and shall be
put and placed in the Alms houses by me lately built at Tooting
Graveney aforesaid while they shall live in the said Almshouses
Two Shillings and Six pence and shall also deliver unto every of
the same Almswomen yearly half a Chaldron of good Coales
and the rest of the said Annuitys shall be laid out in the
purchasing of Lands for the use and benefit of the Almswomen who
shall Live and inhabit in the said Almshouses and for the keeping
the same in Repair. And my Will and Mind is that the person or
persons to whom my aforesaid Mannor and Lands at Tooting shall
Descend and of right belong according to this my Will shall have
the power of putting in or turning out the Women who shall Inhabit
in the same Almshouses and the Sole Management thereof. And I
do hereby declare that the severall Leasehold Messuages and
premisses and likewise the Exchequer Annuitys by me herein parti=
cularly devised shall be accounted as part of my personal Estate and be
taken out of the Testamentary part or that Moiety thereof which I
have a right to dispose of And I do make and appoint my Son
William Bateman S[ir] Robert Chaplin of St Martins in the Fields
in the County of Middlesex Mr John Edmonds of Aldermanbury and
Mr John Fellows both of London Merchants and the Reverend Mr
Samuel Harris my Sons Tutor Executors of this my Will and for their
care and pains in the Execution thereof I give to every of them the
Summe of Two Hundred pounds over and above what I have herein
before given to them and for their greater Ease in discharging the
Trusts hereby in them reposed I give to my said Executors the yearly
Summe of Fifty pounds for the Sallary or Wages of a Bookkeeper or< br />

[Page 9]

Agent to be by them employed in the keeping the Books Accompts
and other matters relating to my Estate so long as they or the
Survivors or Survivor of them shall judge it necessary to employ any
such person all the rest and residue of my Goods Chattles and
personal Estate whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my said Son
William Bateman And I do hereby direct and impower any three
or more of my said Executors or the Major part of the Survivors of
them either to continue such part of my personal Estate in such of
the public Stocks Funds or other Securities as the same shall
remain and be at the time of my Death or to alter Sell or Dispose
thereof or any part thereof and Employ and putt out the produce
thereof or any other Moneys which shall come to their hands in any
other public Stocks Funds or other Securitys in such manner as they
shall judge best and most for the interest of my said Children And
my will is that my said Executors shall not be liable or Chargeable
the acts of them with or for the Acts or Receipts of the other of
them and that every of them shall be answerable only for his
own respective act and Receipt and that they or any of them shall
not be liable to make good any Loss which shall happen to any part
of my personal Estate by the buying or selling of any of the public
Stocks or Funds or the baduess or deficiency of any Security or Securitys
whereon any part of my said personal Estate shall be Lent or placed
unless such loss happen by the Willfull neglect or default of my said
Executors or such of them as shall so Lend or place the same on such
bad or deficient Security or Securitiys And I do hereby revoke annull
and make void all former or other Wills by me at any time hereto
=fore made and do declare this only to be my Last Will and Testam[en]t
In Witness whereof to two parts of this my Will Each part being
contained in three Skins of Parchment to each Skin I have Sett my
hand and to each part as annexed together my Seal this Nineteenth
day of January in the Third year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord
King Defender of the Faith &c Annoq[ue] Domini 1716. ( Ja[me]s Bateman)
Signed Sealed published and Declared by the within named S[ir]
James Bateman as and for his Last Will and Testament in the
presence of us whose Names are Subscribed as Witnesses and attested
by us in the presence of the said S[ir] James Bateman Joseph
Russell Bancroft John Rudge./.

Proving Transcript

Probatum fuit hujus modi Testamentum apud London
coram venerabili viro Humfredo Henchman Legum Doctore Surrogate
venerabilis et egregij viri Johannis Bettesworth Legum etiam Doctoris
Curiae Praerogative Cantuariensis Magistri Custodis sive Commissarij
legitime constituti vicesimo Quinto die Mensis Novembris Anno
Domini Millesimo Septingentesimo decimo octavo Juramentis Gulielmi
Bateman Armigeri filij dicti defuncti Domini Roberti Chaplin Militis
Johannis Edmonds Armigeri Johannis Fellowes arud et Reverendi viri
Samuelis Harris Clerici Executorum in dicto Testamento nominatorum
Quibus commissa fuit Administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum
jurium et credditorum dicti defuncti Devene et fidelitor Administrando
eadem ad Sancta Dei Evengelia Jurat

Translation: A testament of this kind was proved at London before the venerable man Humphrey Henchman, Doctor of Laws, Surrogate, the venerable and excellent man John Bettesworth, also Doctor of Laws, Master, Custodian or Commissioner of the lawfully established Prerogative Court of Canterbury, on the twenty-fifth day of the month of November in the year or our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighteen, the oaths of William Bateman, son of the said deceased, Sir Robert Chaplin, a soldier, John Edmonds, Armiger, John Fellowes, Reverend man, Samuel Harris, Clerk, the Executors named in the said Testament, they having been sworn to administer all and singular the goods, rights, and credits of the said deceased in good and faithful administration of the same by the saints and angels of god.


  1. National Archive
    Reference: PROB 11/566/196
    Description: Will of Sir James Bateman, Lord Mayor of the City of London of Tooting Graveney, Surrey
    Date: 25 November 1718
    Held by: The National Archives, Kew (accessed 23 November 2023)
  2. Bexley
  3. Nazeing

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