Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Foe
Will of James Foe ("Jacobi Foe" in the will register margin), merchant of London. [1]
The will was written 20 March 1705/6, and was proved 25 February 1706/7.
Written in English with few abbreviations. Where abbreviations occur, they have been [expanded] The opening phrase of the will is made in a non-conformist style.
Spelling and punctuation as per the original text, line breaks are my own for ease of reading.
James Foe is the father of Daniel Defoe the author. He refers to his son as "Daniel Foe".
Also mentioned:
Granddaughter Elizabeth Robarts (married)
Her sister Anne Davies (unmarried and under 21 years)
Cousin John Richards
Grandson Benjamin Foe (a watch in possession of his mother)
Grandson Francis Bartham
Grandson Daniel Foe (under 21 years)
His five sisters
All children of son Daniel Foe and his wife (not named but still living)
The Last Will and Testam[en]t of James Foe of London Merchant being in perfect mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God therefore to whom first of all I commit my Soul trusting through the only merritts of Jesus Christ to find mercy with him at the great Day
I commit my body to the earth from whence it came to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named not exceeding the charge of twenty pounds sterling
Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my Grand daughter Elizabeth Robarts twenty pounds to be paid to her after my decease
Item I give unto John Marsh twenty pound to be paid to him within six months after my decease
Item I give unto my cousin John Richards what money soever was owing to me from him
(next page)
Before the first day of November last provided nevertheless and on condition that he give a fair and true account of a parcell of Goods committed to his Trust to sell for me on or about the sixth day of November last and pay the Ballance
Item I give unto my Grandson Benjamin ffoe my gold watch now in the possession of his mother
Item I give unto my Grandson ffrancis Bartham my Silver Watch now in the possession of himself
Item I give unto my Grand daughter Anne Davies a Bedd ffurniture and Drawers now in the possession of her sister Elizabeth Robarts to be delivered to her at the day or marriage or age of one and twenty
Item I give unto my Grandson Daniell ffoe one hundred pounds sterling money to be paid to him at the age of one and twenty yeares the Remaining part of my Estate I give unto his five sisters to be divided among them by their father my Sonn Daniell ffoe hereby makeing constituteing and appointing my said Sonn Daniell ffoe my full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament
and my will is now therefore that in case my said Sonn Daniell ffoe or his wife shall by any accident be at any time distressed as to stand in need of any part of the Legacy hereby given unto their Children for the subsistance education or cloathing of their said Children it shall be lawfull for the said Daniell ffoe my said Executor or his wife to make use of it for those purposes and it shall be allowed by the said Children as soe much money paid to them on account of the said Legacyes
And my will is that first my just debts shall be paid satisfied and discharged And this I publish and declare to be my last will and Testament and all former Wills and Testaments to be void and of none Effect.
Sealed with my Seale this twentieth day of March one Thousand seaven hundred and five
James Foe
Signed sealed published and declared after interlining the words for the Subsistance Education and Cloathing of their said Children in the presence of us
Tho: Stevenson & Tho: Tomlinson Robert Knight
Probatum fuit ... Testatamentum apud London... vicesimo quinto die mensis ffebruary Anno Domini (Stilo anglia) millimo Septingemisso Sexto Inramento Danielis ffoe filii dicti defuncti et Executoris in dicto Testamento nominat Cui commissa fuit Adminstraco ominumet Singulorum bonorum jurium et creditorum dicti defunctif de bene et fidelitor Adminstrando eadem ad Sancta Dei Evangelia vigore commissionio Errat
Probate at London twenty fifth of February the year of Our Lord (English Style) one thousand seven hundred and six to Daniel Foe son of the deceased and Executor nominated in this Testament ...
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